Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

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Brian's POV

The next three and a half weeks were pretty packed, but I still missed Penny. I guess we were lucky we didn't have kids and she could be with me as much as she was.

The twins were better, but now Penny was helping Bianca with wedding planning. I thought about our wedding and our wedding night. I missed her even more. One night, I couldn't wait to call her until I got to my room. I called as I was walking through the hotel.
"Hello?" She said in a sleepy voice.
"Hi Penz, were you asleep?"
"Yea, I was just SO tired that I decided to crash early."
"I'm surprised you didn't text me. I wouldn't have called and woke you up."
"You know, I didn't think about you calling." She said nonchalantly.
That was a little hurtful, but I wasn't going to let her hear it. "Okay, well I'll let you get back to sleep. I love you."
"I love you." She said while yawning.
I guess she wasn't missing me like I was missing her.

I got to my suite and walked in. The room was dark, I usually left a light on. I flipped the switch and nothing happened. "Perfect!" I walked around the room and none of the lights would come on. I used the flash on my phone to see.
"What the fuck!" The bedroom door was closed, I opened it and flipped the switch again only darkness. Talking to myself I said "Okay, this is starting to piss me off!" I started over to the phone next to the bed to call the front desk and rip someone a new one. Then I heard the shower start running and the shower door close, "Who the hell?" I figured it was a groupie who somehow got in my room and was trying to get me in bed. I opened the door and there were candles lit. Just enough that I could see the outline of the woman's body in the shower. I knew that body and I knew the delightful scent of her perfume that met my nose and immediately aroused me.
I opened the shower door "Breaking and entering is a crime, you know."
She turned around "I guess you'll have to call the police."
"I was thinking of a citizens arrest."
She pouted "Are you going to frisk me?"
I ran my hands down the sides of her naked wet body. She grabbed me and kissed me ravenously. She pulled me into the shower, clothes and all. Our kiss was only halted long enough for her to pull my wet shirt over my head and for her to assist in the removal of my shoes, jeans and underwear. We kissed and explored each other letting the hot water caress our bodies.
She put her arms around my neck, jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist as I lifted her cute butt. She let out the most sexy wicked laugh I have ever heard as I carried her to the bed in the dark bedroom. I didn't need light, I knew every curve every nuance of her body and I knew how to take us both to new heights.
Instead of putting her down on the bed, I sat on the side of it. It was a swift movement as I entered her, still kissing as she started to grind her hips while sitting on my lap. She arched her back, she was taking me to the edge as I could feel every movement of her body. I bent my head forward and kissed her nipples, then sucking and biting them gently. Her hips started to grind faster and I leaned back onto my elbows thrusting my hips to meet her rhythm.
"Yes Baby!" I screamed through my moaning. "Oh God, that's incredible!""
Right on cue her grinding increased. I could feel every inch of her tightening around me like a vice. I arched my back in pure pleasure. I could feel one good grind and I was pumping her full of my love. She let out a scream of delight and collapsed on top of me. She was breathing heavy, I held her stroking her hair as I could feel her heart pounding.
"Are you okay, my love?" I asked.
She answered, still slightly out of breath. "I guess I'm out of shape, that was quite a workout."
"You did pretty well for someone that was SO tired."
"Fast thinking, huh? What was I supposed to do when you called me before you got here? I could tell it bothered you too!" She was very pleased with herself.
"It did, but having you here makes it all better. The lights were a nice touch, we should probably go screw all the lightbulbs back in." I kissed her. "I am so happy you're here."
"I missed you so much, I had to come. I needed to be where I belong, with you." She said.
"But who met you at the airport?" It hit me that someone had to know she was coming.
"No one, I made it through the airport and got here all by myself." She smiled proudly.
"You did?" I was proud of her too, although it scared me a little.
"Nothing was going to keep me from being with you. I Love You Bri."
"I Love You, it's so good to have you back.
I slept well that night better than I had since she left, until I had that dream again. It was so real, I had to make sure she was there when it woke me up.
I was surprised to see she was awake too. She saw I was awake and hugged me so tight. "Why are you awake Penelope?"
"I had a bad dream. Why are you awake?"
"Same here." I kissed her softly. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"Not really, it was just a stupid dream. Do you want to talk about yours?"
"No, let's try to go back to sleep." I knew from experience that wasn't going to be easy, but at least this time I could hold on to her.

Penny's POV
Facing that fear and going to meet Brian was the last piece to the puzzle. I was now whole, maybe more than I had been for over 20 years. The dream was still the one thing that haunted me, it was so dark and I felt so helpless. I kept yelling for Brian, but he never came.
The week before Thanksgiving finally came and we decided we wanted to spend four days in Ohio before heading to California. Brian hadn't seen the twins since July and I missed them too. We had a nice pre-Thanksgiving at our house. We had so much to be thankful for.
Wane asked Bri to be a groomsman in the wedding. Jay had proposed to Stephanie and she said yes. Of course, what I had to be most thankful for was being alive and the two beautiful little girls that someday would call me Nana.

Brian finally met Gwyn and they got along well. I could see them look each other up and down when they met and it didn't exactly feel like a "sizing someone up" look. I have to admit, I felt a pang of jealousy. They both are gorgeous and in their thirties. I had to shake that thought out of my head.

Thanksgiving was just as great with our family and friends in California too. Our lives were back to normal, we didn't hide from the world anymore. We had no secrets and everyone was healthy and happy. We enjoy the sights and spent time enjoying traveling with our friends. Soon, it was time to head back out for a couple of weeks and then finally be back home to celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

Even after nearly 4 and a half years together, I was still amazed that this handsome, incredibly sexy and talented man loved me. I know a lot of fans still couldn't believe it. I dealt with a lot of jealousy and hate and a struggle to have a private life. A lot of what I feared in the beginning, but he was definitely worth all that. Not because of wealth or fame, but because he gave me what was most important. He made me feel loved everyday.

Christmas was a special one for our family, the twins did not lack for attention. It was hard to believe they were already 5 months old. They both had very distinctive personalities apart from the other. They brought new life into our Christmas.

We celebrated the New Year in California, but this year we decided on a very low-key evening. Just wine and dinner together at home. We even went out to the Gazebo and sat together on a lounge chair together with a blanket over us.

Brian's POV
It had been a crazy year. I was glad to tell 2019 goodbye. Ten years had passed since Jimmy left and I still missed him like it was yesterday. Almost losing Penny, made that even more painful.

I was happy to just spend a quiet New Year's Eve with Penny. It was time to start looking toward the future. We sat outside and shared what we hope for in the coming year and made plans.
"So Penelope, tell me about your bucket list."
"Well, first off my name is Penny, Penny Haner."
"Excuse me, Mrs. Haner." I gave her a squeeze. She laughed. "Back to the list."
"I've never really made a bucket list. Anything I would have had on it, you've made happen."
"Come on Penz, there has to be something you've wanted to do that you haven't done."
"There is one thing. For years I have wanted to see Wicked on Broadway."
"Why don't we go to New York for our Wedding Anniversary and your Birthday?" I should have left out the birthday part.
"No more birthdays, I don't want anymore. Especially after this one."
"Okay, just our anniversary." I didn't want to get into the whole age thing again, it was over a year before she turned 50, and it was already getting to her. "What do you say?"
"I say let's do it, bet we have to come back on the 5th, because Bianca and Wane's wedding is on Valentine's Day and there is going to be a lot to do."
"Why don't we go on Saturday and come back on Wednesday, the day after your birth...I mean our anniversary?"
She started to scold me for my near mistake, then smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. It's almost midnight, you know. Ready for your kiss?" I grabbed her and kissed her. She stopped me and said "Your supposed to wait until midnight."
"I don't want to wait." I said, as I resumed the kiss. We made love under the stars, not sure really when midnight was. It was the perfect beginning to new year.

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