When I'm Much Too Far Away

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Penny's POV
I really didn't know how to tell Brian that I wasn't better, I wouldn't be joining him and I had to go back to California for treatment. I knew he would be upset, I thought he would be worried and I knew he wouldn't like that I would be continuing treatment with Adam. I didn't expect Adam to be his main concern.

"Hi Bri."
"Hey there Penelope! You have good news, right?"
"I have news. The test results are back." I paused, I didn't know how to bring him down.
"Are you packed and ready?"
"I do have to pack, but not to meet you."
"I'm confused. Where are you going?"
"I have to fly home to California and will probably be there for a couple of months."
"What do you mean you have to be in California for a couple of months?"
"I've had a relapse of sorts. Adam wants me to undergo a new treatment. He said its best thing to do to get past it."
"I thought Dr. Callahan said you were almost done." Brian was clearly agitated. His reaction was different than what I expected.
"She was wrong. She is not an expert treating this illness."
"So that makes it okay that she got our hopes up? She's not an expert!"
"She didn't do it on purpose, it was really looking that way. Adam said this happens."
"Well, if the great Dr. Gabriel says so!" Brian said sarcastically.
"Adam is the best, you are the one that found him." I said. Brian's face turned red.
"First thing, Penny. Don't call him Adam, he is Dr. Gabriel. Do you understand?"
"First thing, Brian. I don't like how you are speaking to me. Is your ridiculous jealousy of DR. GABRIEL, more important than my health and being able to come be with you?" I was stunned by his reaction and I was now getting angry.
"Of course not. I just want you to open your eyes about this guy." He said, trying soften his tone. It was too late, I was pissed. I couldn't believe that he didn't seem to be worried about my health.
"Why? Because you two don't get along? Maybe I'm just a gullible, unfaithful wife that will cheat with any guy that comes on to me? I hope you aren't like that, or you would be one busy man!"
"Penny, that's not fair."
"You know, what's not fair? I have always supported your career and all of the temptation that came with it, because I TRUST you. If I didn't, the sheer volume of women throwing themselves at you should force me to lock you up. You are discouraging me from getting needed treatment because of ONE MAN!" I knew I was now yelling, but I really didn't need this from him.
"I'm not trying to discourage you. I just" I cut him off.
"That's good, because you can't! There's this thing I am really fond of and that is living and not dying. So I am getting on a plane to California."
"Just don't be blind Penny." He said.
I couldn't go on with the conversation. "Goodnight Brian" I disconnected the call.

Before I lost my nerve and started crying too much, I had to make a phone call. I got Adam's voicemail. So I left a message.

"Dr. Gabriel, this is Penny Haner. I will be in California in a few days."

I'm sure he would be able to tell from my voice that I was angry and crying.

Brian's POV
After she disconnected so quickly and I calmed down, I realized how terrible I acted. She's scared and I focused on my dislike of this man and not on her.
I called her back, I doubted she would answer. I was surprised when she did.

"Yes?" That's her official I'm pissed off greeting, I could also see that she had been crying.
"I'm sorry Penz, I was totally out of line. I trust you and I know you're scared, I'm scared too."
"Brian, I would never cheat on you. I know this isn't ideal, you're out of the country, I have to be in California all by myself and I hate it. Right now I need your love and support, not unfounded jealousy. We have no other choice; I have to go."
"I know you wouldn't be unfaithful. I'm sorry, it's just I thought you were coming and this all would be over. Instead of being with me, you're going to be with him."
"I'm not going to be with him."
"I know; I just wasn't expecting this."
"That's my fault. I shouldn't have told you what Dr. Callahan said."
"You were right to tell me; we are going through this together."
"I'm sorry I yelled at you. It felt like you were worried about Adam and not me."
"I know; I didn't mean to do that. I'm worried about you more than anything. You need me and I'm coming home; they will just have to cancel or something. I don't care."
"No, I don't want you to do that. I've caused enough delays and cancellations for the band. Doing so again would just make me feel worse." I could tell by her voice and the look on her face that she really wanted me to come home. "There are already all kinds of rumors about us that have built up since Merlin, the accident, my not going out hardly at all and now not being there with you. I don't want to bring more down on us and the band. This treatment is supposed to have less side effects, at worst I'll be lonely."
"I don't want you to go through this alone. I should be with you."
"I'm not alone, we're connected remember?" Her voice started to crack and the tears were welling up in her eyes. "I want you here, but I don't want to take you away from the band. Please Brian. I know it would be very hard for you too."
"Do you swear to me that if the tiniest thing isn't going right with the treatments or your health, you will tell me?"
"I swear."
"You will call me right away?" I asked.
"I promise, Junior."
"I love you Penny, I didn't mean to be such a jerk."
"I love you Brian. I'm sorry I got so mad too." She said.
"It's okay, it's going to be tough for both of us. But we are going to make it through, right?"
"Right." She said.
"Get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow."

I was terrified and I knew she was too. We were both thinking the same thing but didn't want to say it. What if there was no way to stop the vision from Jimmy? I knew one thing, I needed to call Adam Gabriel. It was very late in the states, so I decided to call him in the morning.

I couldn't stop thinking about what that year I "lived" through was like while I was in the coma. Watching her waste away, saying goodbye to everyone and holding her in my arms as she took her last breath. I never let myself think about the fact that could still happen. My fear was growing as each hour passed and I wasn't sure what to do. Should I go home? What if she doesn't get better and I've spent all this time away from her?
I must have dozed off because I had the dream again. Penny and I were dancing in a gazebo, but it was on a beach. There was instrumental music, we were dancing holding each other close. Then the melody became obviously Acid Rain. I held Penny even tighter, we kissed and there with the backdrop of a beautiful sunset the song ended and Penny was still there in my arms. I knew it was a good sign. I called Penny and she had just had the same dream. I could hear some of the fear ease off in her voice and I wasn't as afraid either. It had to be Jimmy.

Dance As The Sun Slips Away (Synyster Gates)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt