Lips of Deceit

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Meanwhile in the very same neighborhood.

Adam's POV
I know this is so wrong and I shouldn't even have come to Ohio. I have developed feelings for a patient. Honestly more than just feelings, I can't stop thinking about her. Biggest problem is that she's not just any patient, she's married to a younger famous guitarist. Brian and I have developed a definite tension and I just can't seem to hold back from antagonizing him. I could tell he wanted to hurt me when I told her I didn't share Dr. Callahan's opinion on her progress.

Truth is, I lied. I am confident she'll be okay to travel within the next month. I was very ashamed of myself for thinking about the fact that I could keep her from going, by not giving her the all clear medically. To do that would be the most unethical thing I could do.

When she is better it will be a dual edged sword, on one side she wouldn't be my patient anymore so my ethical conundrum would be over (I'm sure Brian would make sure her follow ups were in Ohio). On the other side, she wouldn't be my patient anymore and I would not see her. It should have just excused myself from her care months ago, but I didn't. Instead, I have taken special care of her, going to her house on multiple occasions.

I also have no idea what Gwyn's motives are. One minute, she wants to see me again and then for almost 2 months I don't exist. Then I get a call out of the blue that she is back in the states, asking me if I wanted to come to Ohio for a few days. I admit, I just accepted to get to see Penny. I was so angry with her for her comment to Penny tonight. That was one thing I am sure Brian and I both agreed on. I was contemplating telling her how I felt about it while having the nightcap she insisted on. I sat in her driveway, attempting to gather the courage. I was afraid it would be too obvious that I was in love with Penny.

I just don't get how she and Brian are right for each other. I know he's handsome, rich and famous. Penny's told me how much she admires and loves his talent, but does he really appreciate her? Is he screwing around on her? He's a Rock star, they screw around with groupies all the time. Although I tried to convince myself that was the case, I seriously doubted it was. Maybe I was just hoping that he was doing something wrong, so I felt better about wanting his wife. With him getting ready to go on tour for four months, I had an opportunity. An opportunity that would be wrong to take, but one I wanted to take so badly.

Gwyn's POV
So after a delightful evening of watching Brian and Adam jabbing at each other, I knew Adam was just the man I was looking for. Now I just had to convince him to join me. I was surprised when he accepted my invitation to Ohio, but it gave me hope that he was desperate for Penny. Tonight at dinner confirmed it and proved that he was just the wedge I needed to drive between Brian and Penny.

Adam insisted on getting a hotel room instead of staying at my house, but I was able to talk him into coming over for a nightcap. I had to play this right, the first thing I had to do was get him to admit how he felt about her. After that, I could use that and his pathetic lust for Penny to make him my puppet.

We were relaxing, listening to jazz and just making idle boring chit chat. Once I was sure he was comfortable and sufficiently buzzed, I went in for the kill.

Step One – Confession.

After hitting voice record on my phone and turning the screen off. I sat down next to him on the sofa. I decided the direct approach was the best.

"So Adam, how long have you been in love with Penny?" He practically choked on his drink.
Coughing he said. "What are you talking about, Penny is a patient."
"Oh come on, I'm not blind. You can talk to me; I'm not going to tell your secret. So how long?"
He looked at me and I knew he was about to cave. "Since March, I guess."
"That fast, huh?" I knew that was all I needed on tape and I could always edit later if there was anything else useful. "I understand. I too have a forbidden desire."
"Let me guess, Brian." He said.
"Yes, I think he belongs with me and she belongs with you."
"Thing is; I don't think they would agree. I don't think we should try to break up a marriage." He whined, but he wasn't very convincing.

Step Two - Save the Princess and win her heart or Blackmail, whichever one works.

"Really Adam? Why are you here? Why did you accept my invitation? Truth is, you have already crossed the line as a Doctor because of your feelings for her."
"You're right, I have and I need to back off and walk away. I'm going to tell Penny and Brian tomorrow that I can no longer be her Doctor." He said.
"How do you plan to explain this sudden action? Especially after he already tried to get rid of you? Are you going to tell Brian you're in love with his wife? After you were in his home alone with her? Even took her home once and gave her a shot that knocked her out? I'm pretty sure even Penny wouldn't take that too well. She's all about trust." I knew I scared him.
"I did not touch her or do anything to her! Speaking of trust, doesn't she consider you one of her most trusted friends?" He glared at me.
"I can't help it that her husband belongs with me, a woman of the world. If I had met him before they got married, he'd be mine now." He started laughing at me.
"Has Mr. Haner told you that he shares that opinion?"
"No, only because Penny has him wrapped around her finger so tight he can't see."
"So you think if you loosen that hold he'll see that you are the perfect woman for him? As much as I wish the guy wasn't her husband, he loves her. I've seen it, I don't think he would leave her for you. I don't think a worldly trophy wife is what he's looking for or feels he's been missing."
"He just needs a glimpse of what he can have and that's where I need you."
"Let me guess, you want me to keep Penny from traveling while he's on tour."
"I could tell that was why you shot her down about being better in July! So you've already thought about it." I smiled.
"I have and I decided it would be the most despicable thing I could do as a Doctor and as a person." His words said one thing, his eyes said another.

"Do you care about Penny?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
"Do you want her?"
"Yes, but I also don't want to see her get hurt."
"Adam, you'll be there to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. She will fall into your arms. Look how much closer the two of you became just from taking care of her when she was so ill in California. You two are just like Brian and me, you just need more time with her away from him. A couple of days wasn't enough, it needs to be an extended time. She can't be sick the whole time either. It just makes him worry and keeps you from spending 'quality' time with her. I can't do it all by myself, I need your help this time."
"What do you mean 'this time'?" He just wasn't getting it.
"Why do you think I was in California? I didn't have any meetings or anything and normally I would much rather get a suite than stay in someone else's house."
"So you stayed at her house and tried to seduce her husband? It must have really ticked you off when she was sick and there with you most of the time."
"She was sick, but she was out of the way. It was the only way she wouldn't be hovering around."
"The only way?" Adam suddenly had an epiphany. "Oh my God!! You're the reason she was sick! What did you give her? Do you realize that the wrong thing could have killed her!"
"I'm a writer, we love to research. I was very careful on how much at first, but after you showed up that second day I knew you'd save the fair Princess." I made a gag motion after I said it.
"The pitcher of water next to her bed, that wasn't just water. Thank God, I poured it out and gave her fresh water."
"It was the only way to make sure she didn't end up feeling better and meet us at the studio."
"The brunch was a set up too, wasn't it? You knew she wouldn't want to interrupt Brian. So you slipped it to her and invited me, knowing I would take care of her. I'm guessing it was in her water. You even handed her the glass of water again so she could drink more!"
"I know Penny, she's so predictable. She's so unselfish and trusting that it was easy. You getting there late almost ruined it. It worked though, you took her home and from what I heard you and Brian almost got violent. Nothing weakens a relationship better than jealousy."

You are fucking crazy! What do you think stops me from going to the police right now?" He was freaking out.
"Well, you have no proof. It's all been out of her system for months and it's practically undetectable anyway. I also have you on tape admitting you have unprofessional feelings for a patient. I'm pretty sure I could take the rest of this conversation and edit it to make sure you lose your license to practice medicine. Or that you are the one who really poisoned her."
"You FUCKING BITCH!" He picked up my phone as if to smash it.
"Go ahead, it has all been automatically uploaded to a cloud drive."
"I'll take the phone to the police." It was so fun as he grasped for straws.
"Go ahead, I may end up in jail but you won't be a rich Doctor anymore. Do you think Penny will want you then? Brian already has more money than you and she is used to being pampered." He threw my phone against the wall anyway, but he knew he was beaten. I'm pretty sure part of him wanted her so much that he was willing also.

"So, Dr. Gabriel are you in?" I asked in triumph.
"I don't have a choice, but I am not going to try to take her from Brian. I'll leave the home wrecking to you. BUT you ABSOLUTELY must promise no more endangering Penny's life. If I so much as get suspicious that you sneeze on her when you have a cold, I will make sure this ends. I don't care if I ever practice medicine again or go to prison for killing you, do you understand?" He had his finger pointed in my face.
"I promise that from this point forward as long as you follow my direction, I will not do anything that could physically harm her. What is the deal with Penny that men are willing to risk their lives for her? I don't get it."
"I don't know, maybe it's because she's not bat crap crazy like you." He said angrily. "Wait a minute, what do you mean from this point forward?"
"Let's just say, I'm pretty sure Penny needs your services right now." His face turned white.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Brian is not going to call me to help her. You are a sick person; you enjoy doing that to her!" He was yelling.
"Yes I do and what makes it even better is even if they do suspect something, it could be you or me. Who do you think Brian is going to suspect? Do you think Penny would think it was her Dear Friend?"
"You are fucking evil." He said.
I just ignored him and walked away. "You can see yourself out Adam, I'll be getting in touch with you." I loved the sound of the door slamming as he left and the rental car burning rubber as he drove off.

Step Three - Knock Princess Penelope off the throne.
Make way for the Queen.

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