Sometimes Life is Altered

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  Brian's POV
I could hear Penny cry and her talking to me, but not what she said. I wanted so much to open my eyes and tell her it was okay, but I couldn't.
I saw a white light ahead of me and I was drawn to it. Jimmy was there and he told me to fight to go back.
"It's not your time yet."
"But..." I said.
"Penny is going to need you more than ever. Don't worry, I'll be waiting here."

I ran away from the light for what seemed like hours, then I woke up and Penny was there.
I heard Penny singing, I squeezed her hand and I opened my eyes.
"I think you should leave the music career to me Penelope." I whispered.
I looked up and there were those blue eyes looking at me. You could tell she had been crying, but still the most beautiful sight ever.
"Brian! Thank God!"
"What happened?"
"We were in a car accident, but that doesn't matter now. I love you!" She kissed my forehead.
"I love you Penz."
The doctor came and examined me and said that I was now in stable condition, but I needed to stay in the hospital a couple more days. The next day I was moved to a regular room and everyone came to visit.

When I was released from the hospital, we stayed in Ohio. The house was a little easier to move around in while I got used to the crutches and I really didn't feel up to flying right away. Penny was determined to take care of my every need. She was wearing herself out. She had lost some weight while I was in the hospital, so I was trying to make sure she ate. I guess we took care of each other. But she needed to take better care of herself.
We were in bed one night and I knew I had to talk to her.
"Penz, you have been incredible. You have taken such great care of me."
"I almost lost you, I am never going to take you for granted again."
"I will never take you for granted either. That's why I am worried about you." She lifted her head off my chest and looked at me.
"I'm not sure why you are worried about me."
"Because you are so busy taking care of me, that you aren't taking care of yourself."
"I have you back, that's all I am worried about." She said.
I didn't argue with her then, I knew I needed to find another way to get her to take better care of herself.

By the end of April, I was ready to go home to California, now that the cast was off and I had almost completed Physical Therapy. I needed to get back to work and Penny needed a break. She had been so tired lately, she needed a recharge to get her energy back. As much as she loved being in Ohio and close to the twins, she said she was ready for some sun and sand.
She was getting the house ready for us to be gone for a couple of months and packing one morning. I had gone to my last PT appointment. I had flowers delivered while I was out. They were identical to the ones in February. The card was the same also;

My Dearest Penelope,
When I met you, my life had new meaning and new purpose. When I almost lost you, I felt that meaning and purpose start to slip away. We now have our whole lives ahead of us, together as one, growing old but never growing apart.
Please do me the honor of joining me this evening for a post Valentine's Day celebration. Dinner and dancing at our special place.

Also, inside the envelope was an appointment card for a massage that afternoon. I had to get her out of the house so I could get everything set. Even after almost five years, I still loved to do these little surprises for her. When I thought about the fact that I almost died, I was even more grateful for every day.
Everything was set, it was perfect. Penny texted me before she left for her appointment and asked what she should wear. I suggested the dress she wore to Wicked. She ended up wearing a new dress. I met her at the doors when she walked out and I kissed her.
"You look beautiful." I told her.
"You look beautiful too" she smiled and winked at me.
We held hands, walked to the gazebo and I pulled out her chair for her. "I like your new dress."
"Thank you. The one from Wicked is too big now." She said. That was even more proof she had lost weight.
We had a nice dinner, talking and laughing. We exchanged the gifts we never got to give each other in February.
We danced and I held her tight, we almost lost it all. She suddenly walked over to the sound system and changed the music. She had selected Crimson Day and queued Acid Rain next.
"Acid Rain, that's kind of sad to dance to." I said.
"I know, but it makes me think of love that transcends death." She had one tear fall down her cheek. Suddenly, the dream that had continually haunted me for nearly a year flashed before my eyes.
"Penny, let's go upstairs and make love. I need you."
"Don't you want to finish this dance? It's almost finished." She asked, puzzled.
"No, I don't want to finish dancing to this song." With that, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the house. I hit the off button on the sound system as we passed.

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