The Devil Dances With the Scorned

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Two Days Later

Adam's POV
Penny and I went out to lunch and to one of her favorite art galleries. It was amazing to see the art through her eyes. I had a new appreciation and a new perspective of art. We were now under Brian's restrictions, so I would pick her up and drop her off at home. But this time there was a car at the front of the house when we pulled up.
"Whose car is that?" I asked.
"I have no idea, no one is in it either." She said.
"I'm going inside with you, until I know you're safe."
"Thank you, I appreciate that."

We walked into the house. A few moments later a man walked towards us.
"Mrs. Haner, it's about time you were home!"
"Jay!!" Penny ran over and hugged her ex-husband. "What are you doing here?"
"I had some time to take off work and thought I'd come see my favorite ex-wife."
"I'm so honored!" Penny suddenly remembered me standing there. "I'm sorry, I am so rude. Adam, this is Jay Benton my former husband and now good friend and Jay, this is Dr. Adam Gabriel my Doctor and now good friend." Penny smiled and looked at me when she said that and I smiled back holding our gaze with each other for a moment. I could see her exes face; he didn't look happy.
"So, where have you been Penny?" He probed.
"We went to lunch and to several galleries."
"I'm sure you enjoyed that." He said, raising an eyebrow at me.
"She did, it's good for her recovery to get out of the house occasionally." I said, I could already tell this guy was on a mission.
"It's fortunate she has a Doctor willing to go above and beyond for his patients."
"Somebody has to be here for her and as she just said, we're good friends." The tension between us was increasing rapidly. Penny intervened.
"So Jay, how long are you staying?"
"I've got a week off, although I might have to login and do some work."
"I'm so happy you're here!" Penny was very excited.
"I thought I'd take you out to dinner, if you feel like it and it's okay with your good friend and Doctor." He looked at me and I was then sure that he was sent by Brian. Then he looked back at Penny. "We can catch up."
"That sounds great." Penny said with enthusiasm.

I took that as my cue to leave. "Jay, it was nice meeting you again. Penny, I'm going to head home. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I hugged her and we said goodbye. I didn't bother looking at Benton, I could feel the daggers from his stare.

Penny's POV
Jay's visit was great, although I had to wonder if it was spontaneous or if Brian was behind it.
"It is so great that you're here, but did Brian send you?" I asked.
"Why would Brian send me?"
"You really don't know why Brian would send you?"
"I haven't talked to him since right before he left on tour. Of course, after seeing you with the good Doctor, I have a hunch."
"Oh my God, don't you start in on me too!"
"So Brian is upset about you and Adam Gabriel?" He seemed genuinely surprised.
"Yes, he's been a little jealous. He doesn't understand we're just friends. Let's not talk about this right now. Let's go out and have a nice meal and catch up." I didn't feel like hearing another lecture about Adam.

We went to a small little restaurant that Adam had introduced me to. He talked about Stephanie, their new house and fur babies (2 cats and a dog). He said that she wanted to come with him, but couldn't get away from work right now.
"That's too bad, it would have been nice to have some girl talk."
"You can talk to me. So, what have you been up to?"
I told him about the last couple of months, even telling him about my low point and the wine incident. Then he pointed out something I hadn't realized.
"You know that everything you've told me has included your friend Adam."
"I never really thought about that, I guess you're right. He's really all I have right now."
"I can see why Brian is uncomfortable. If you were still my wife, I would be."
"You didn't go out of the country for 4 months while I had to stay."
"Penny, you know that's not his fault. You have other friends too, where's Val and the other wives?"
"They have all gone on the tour at some point and when they're not they are busy with kids."
"Have you even tried to reach out to them?" He asked. His question made me realize something else.
"Well no, I just don't want to make them feel like they have to entertain the sick lady."
"They are your friends and I am sure that wouldn't feel that way."
"I guess I have sort of shut them out because I'm jealous that the got to be with the guys."
"If you're jealous of that, why is it wrong for Brian to be jealous of Adam?"
"I see your point, but Adam is just a friend. I think if you got to know him, you'd understand."
"Okay then, I'll get to know him. Why don't you invite him over for dinner tomorrow night? I've missed your delicious food."
"That is a great idea and You'll be there so it won't violate my agreement with Brian." I agreed.
I hoped Jay would be the one person that could help Brian see he had nothing to worry about. Jay was right about one thing; I did need to try to spend some time with my other friends who weren't on tour.

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