Come Fly With Me

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T the next two weeks seemed to go by at snail speed. I was working at home one day and the doorbell rang. It was a Fed Ex delivery man.
"I have a special delivery for Penny Jenkins."
"I'm Penny Jenkins" I held my hands out for him to hand me a package.
"I have four boxes. Two of the boxes are very heavy and the other is listed as fragile. I have been instructed to bring them inside for you and put them in your living room. I'll be right back."
"Ohh-Kay." I was now very curious. Since when does Fed Ex do special deliveries?
He brought in 4 boxes. "One was very large, the other was smaller but very heavy, and there was a small one that wasn't really heavy. They were all from Schecter Guitar Research. The fourth box was long and thin, it was the one labeled fragile. It was from BEHJ, I had to smile. There was also an envelope attached to the box, it said: "Read first, Penelope." I had to smile and laugh out loud.
"Huh, hmm." I forgot about the Fed Ex guy. "I just need you to sign here, to show that I have delivered everything ."
"Of course, I'm sorry." After signing it I told him "Wait here, let me give you a tip for all your trouble."
"That's not necessary, Ma'am, I have already been tipped generously. As a matter of fact, I was told not to let you give me a tip."
"Well, thank you again."
"It was my pleasure, Ms. Jenkins. Looks like someone thinks a lot of you."
He left and I couldn't wait to open the envelope.

Dearest Penelope,
This is for us when I am there. You are only allowed to open this box right now.
Love, Junior

I carefully opened the box, inside was a Schecter guitar case. I took the case over and laid it on the couch. I opened it slowly. It was a Purple and Green limited edition Synyster Gates guitar! There was a small note tucked in the case.

I can't wait to play this for you.
I Love You

Brian's POV
I sent her a surprise, making sure that it all arrived at the same time. I was hoping that she was working at home and I had a small fear that she wouldn't accept it. I kept checking the delivery status. Finally, it was listed as delivered.
My phone rang and I was a little nervous, but I tried to act normal.
"Hi, Beautiful. I thought you were supposed to be working right now. Slacker." I had to grin.
"You know exactly why I am calling, Haner!"
"Were you surprised?"
"Hell yes! I couldn't imagine what it was, I opened the guitar and couldn't help jumping up and down. I can't wait to hear you play!!" She squealed "I assume that the other boxes are an amp and gear?"
"A private show with Synyster Gates, you are a lucky woman!!"
"Yes I am, the luckiest woman in the world."

The days, until I went back to Penny's, seemed to go at a snail's pace.
Finally, the day was here and the plane landed Columbus. I hated waiting for my luggage, but at least this time I didn't have to waste time getting a rental car. We had decided it would be safe for Penny to meet me as long as I just met her in the parking lot.
I jumped in the car and kissed her right away.
"I'm glad to finally be here, I've missed you."
"I missed you too, now let's go home." I could tell she was nervous about being there in public.
"We need to get you a car with tinted windows"
"No, WE don't need to. I need to. Maybe I could get the windows tinted on this."
"Why can't I buy things for you?" This was new to me.
"Because you don't have to buy my love, it's free." And she grinned and turned her face toward me and winked.
"Eyes on the road Penelope!"
This discussion was not over.

It was a perfect week, she had to work part of the time so I used that time to work on new material for the next album. Chloe came over for dinner and I met Max, her fiancé. I liked him, he seemed to have a really good head on his shoulders. He had graduated college last spring and already had a good job. We all laughed and even played Monopoly, I hadn't done that in years. I felt at home there and it was only my second visit.
My private concerts for Penny went even better than I imagined. She would sit on the sofa and listen with just total admiration on her face. She was my best audience ever.
Of course the first time it started out with, "Synyster Gates!", "OMG, you are so hot!", "Party with us" she is such a smart ass.
I just shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I have other plans." She smiled.
The great thing about the private shows was that we always ended up on the couch or the floor, naked and sweaty. Bravo Gates, Bravo.

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