Synyster's Island

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Penny's POV
Finally, we were together!
We met in Florida and took the boat out to the island together. It was incredibly exciting. It was truly just us on a very small island with a house and a boat. Everything was there that we needed.
A few days after we arrived was my Birthday, I actually have always been like a kid when it came to my Birthday. I reminded everyone, I wanted cake and I wanted to be the special person on MY day. But last year after Jay and I split up, I didn't feel that way anymore. Birthdays just made me feel old and honestly this year being with Brian kind of made it worse. It made the gap in our ages even more obvious. I was really glad he hadn't mentioned my birthday and I wasn't about to bring it up.

The day before my birthday we spent the day on the beach, it was hot (at least it was to an Ohio girl in February). We lounged, swam and ran around chasing each other on the beach. That night after dinner we sat together in the double hammock, looking at the stars.
"So what do think so far, Penelope?"
"I think it's going to be hard to get me to leave here after two weeks!"
"About that, I know we had planned on spending the night on the mainland together before we both fly out, but I have to take an earlier flight. So I will have leave a day earlier." Brian said
"Maybe I can get my flight changed too."
"I already checked, there wasn't any. You can just stay over and relax and fly back to Ohio Monday afternoon. Chloe is already set to pick you up then, anyway."
"Okay, I guess I don't have anywhere I have to be until Wednesday. I am going to miss you being with me."
He gave me a squeeze, "It will be okay Penz."
"So what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" I asked, I hoped nothing elaborate for my birthday.
"Tomorrow? Oh, I don't know. I didn't have anything specific in mind. What do you want to do?"
"Just being together works for me." He was playing it cool, he's up to something.
"Maybe we could go out on the boat, maybe fish." He said.
"Fish? Yea, sure that sounds ok."

Brian's POV
Penny has been very quiet about her birthday the last few weeks, I have actually used it to my advantage. I can't give her birthday present to her until we are back in Ohio and I don't want to tell her what it is ahead of time. I decided to have some fun with her tomorrow and make her think I forgot it. She says she doesn't want a big deal made of the day, but I know deep down she wants something done. This is going to be great!
"So fishing it is! Wear something you don't mind getting dirty or stained."
"Stained?" The look on her face was hilarious!
"You know, fish guts and stuff. I know! Wear your black bikini, you can get a tan at the same time!" I knew it was starting to bother her already.
The rest of the night, I never brought anything else up about the next day. We stayed up until the early morning hours just talking and drinking.
We didn't get up until 2 in the afternoon, I woke up first and I didn't say a word about her Birthday. "Good Morning Beautiful!"
One blue eye opened and looked at me. "Is it morning?"
"Nope, not at all! It's after two!" I was being as over excited as I could to drive her crazy.
"You sure are a bundle of energy today. Is there a particular reason?"
"I can't wait to go out on the boat and fish with my sexy lady!"
"Ugh!" She groaned
"Come on, you are going to love it! Why don't you go whip us up some lunch and I'll get the boat and all the gear ready?"
"Okay" She said with no enthusiasm. My plan was working so far.

Penny's POV
I drank way too much last night, I guess I'm lucky Brian didn't have anything special planned this morning for my birthday. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it anyway. I have to admit I am hoping this fishing thing is just a joke. I didn't want a big deal made about my birthday, but I don't want to just go fishing on it either.
I put on my black bikini with a black cover up and flip flops. Made some sandwiches for lunch and took it all out to the deck to eat.
I yelled out to Brian at the dock, "Lunch is ready!"
Soon Brian came running and said, "Honey, that looks delicious!"
"It's sandwiches." I pointed out.
"Are you Okay? You seem upset?" He asked.
"Nope, just can't wait to go fishing." Accompanied by a sarcastic smile.
"Aww, come on. You are going to love it and I have a surprise for you on the boat."
"A surprise? What is it?" I screwed up and sounded eager.
"You'll see." He winked at me. I knew he was up to something!
We got in the boat and there was a new fishing rod sitting there. "Ta Da!" Brian used his best game show pose.
"A fishing rod?"
"Yep, your very own." He seemed so proud of his gift.
"Thank you Honey" I tried my hardest to sound sincere and gave him a kiss.

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