Past, Present and Future.

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Penny's POV
Brian had to go back to California that Wednesday. He was stressed about leaving.
"Make sure to keep the alarm set. Close the garage door as soon as the car is inside. Don't answer the door if you don't know who it is. If you hear someone in the house, call the police."
"Brian, I will be okay and I will do all of that."
"I will be back on Sunday. I love you."
"I love you too. My knight in shining armor."
I watched him head into the airport, I was much more upset about him leaving than I let on. I was scared about being alone again in the house. I knew if he knew I was worried about it, he would stress more.
Brian wasn't able to make it back on Sunday. "Beautiful Ohio" decided to take part in a "near blizzard event.". All the flights were cancelled.
Stuck in the house with no Brian and not much else to do was disappointing and not ideal after the last couple of weeks. I kept wishing he'd find a way and he would come walking through the door.
My doorbell rang, I admit at first I was panicked until l looked at the monitor of the front door, it was Jay. I opened the door.
"Hi Jay"
"Hi Penny. Can I come in?"
"Sure" and I motioned for him to come in. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, do you need anything?"
"Nope, I'm good. But thanks."
"You're welcome." He said, which was followed by awkward silence.
He looked around, "What's with the high tech security system?"
"You know, never can be too careful." He looked at me quizzically.
"So how's Chloe? Is she still with Max?"
"Yes and she's going to graduate in the spring." More awkward silence.
"How's your kids and Bimbette?" I said I forgave him, not her.
"The girls are good, they are coming out for Christmas. You know her name is Bridget."
"Bimbette, Bridget they sound so close, sorry I get confused."
He laughed and shook his head "Penny" he looked around, "You already have your decorations up? Are you feeling okay?"
"I just felt like putting them up early this year."
"Really? I want to see all you've done." I knew he was entering the snoop zone.
"Just the same old stuff, you know." I tried to dissuade him then I followed him as he started touring the house. Then I realized right before he walked into the family room that I was screwed.
He saw Brian's guitar first off, "Holy Shit! When did you get this? WHY did you get this?"
"Well you know, I love purple and I like guitars and I thought it would look nice in the room. Since yours aren't here anymore."
"The amp too?" Shit! He noticed that too.
"I got a good deal, it was a package" I was crashing and burning.
"Penny, this is a Custom Synyster Gates guitar, one that is probably hard to find too. How much did you pay for it?"
I had no idea how much it cost and if I said too much he would know I hadn't spent that and if I said too little he would know. But I had to take a shot. "Oh, around $500"
"Penny, the guitar alone is probably at least a thousand and that's without the amp!"
"I told you I got a good deal."
"Where did you get this deal? "
"A friend of a friend. I was actually thinking about selling it, I mean it just sits here with no one to play it. Thanks for letting me know how much it's worth." He took the guitar off the stand. I really didn't want him to do that.
"May I check it out, I can tune it for you. It must need it after sitting unused for so long" I didn't know how to counter that.
"You don't have to do that, you probably have other stuff to do." I tried.
He was plugging it into the amp when he said "No, I'm good." He started to try to tune it and said, This is perfectly in tune and you say no one else has played it?" Then he started playing.
"Nope, just good craftsmanship, I guess." I don't think Brian is going to like this.
"Penny, you seem nervous. Is something going on? You know you can tell me if you're dating someone or something."
"Nope, Not really dating anyone. I see someone every few weeks, but nothing to talk about." It wasn't totally a lie!
"You know what Jay, Bianca will be here soon and I have to make some snacks for us."
By this time, I am practically pushing him out the door.
"Bianca is coming over in this weather?"
"Oh yeah, I meant Allen. He's coming over to shovel my driveway."
I pushed him out the door. "Tell Bimbette I said Hi!"

Matt's POV
We were all hanging out drinking beers at Brian's when his phone rings. "Hi Babe" we all made kissy face noises until he went in the other room.
We were shooting the shit when we heard Brian getting loud in the other room.
"He went where?"
"He saw it?"
"What did you tell him?"
"A package deal?"
"How much did you say?"
"$500! Jesus Penny!"
"You told him you were going to sell it?"
"What if he wanted to buy it?"
"Did he touch it?"
By this time we were all very interested in this conversation and stood outside the door listening.
"He fucking picked it up to tune it? Why the fuck would it need tuned?"
"Yeah, I know he didn't know that. Please tell me he didn't play it."
"He fucking played it!"
"Thankful for the snow storm, why the hell should I be thankful for the snow storm?"
"I wish I had been there, because I would have slammed the door in his fucking face right off the bat! Why does he keep calling you and coming over?"
"He worries about you? He fucking hurt you! He just wants to make himself feel less guilty or he wants you back and I am not ok with either one of those!"
"I am not worried about the guitar, yea it bugs me. But what I am really pissed about is that you keep letting this guy into your life, into our house."
"Really? What happened to my house is your house?"
"He doesn't know you're seeing anyone. Well, whose fault is that?"
We were all standing in the doorway at this point and then we heard Penny on other end of the line
"Penny! Penny?"
He looked at us, "She fucking hung up on me."
"Gee Brian, I don't know why." I said with great sarcasm.
Zacky piled on "It's not like you were a huge dick to her or anything."
"Or a giant fucking asshole." Johnny had to chime in.
"Was I?"
"You know the answer to that, dude."
We all took off so he could reflect on what an ass he was.

Brian's POV
I really fucked up this time, I tried to call and text her but she wouldn't answer.
I tried to send her flowers but they were all closed because of the snow. I even thought about flying as close as I could to there and renting a 4x4, then driving the rest of the way. But any flights that weren't cancelled were booked up.
All I could do was keep calling and leaving her voicemail.
"Penz, I'm sorry. I know I was a total jerk. I didn't mean to say what I did. I don't care about the guitar, I can have that replaced again, I care about you and you are irreplaceable. Please talk to me."
I called Chloe. "I haven't talked to Mom, I texted her and she texted me back that she's ok. What did you do?"
"I was a total fucking ass."
"I am sure she'll get over it. Mom is like Grandma, she won't talk to you for awhile if she is mad at you. The most important thing for you to do is to not give up trying."
I thanked Chloe and decided to try texting her again. I decided to try another approach.
"Please just let me know you're okay Penelope." It wasn't much, but it was worth a shot.
About five minutes later I had a text back. "I'm fine, Junior."
Then I knew, it wasn't going to be easy but I was back in. Now I just had to careful not to piss her off again.
"I've been worried about you and I miss you."
Another five minutes later, I get "I'm fine, Junior." Well that didn't help too much, but at least she replied.
I had to think of something that would make her smile. I needed a memory.
It was risky, but I had to try. I could blow it all or win back the girl.
"This is not the end, Penelope. It's just the beginning."
I waited patiently for a reply, but no text came. I was really starting to think I blew it when 15 minutes later she called.
"Hi Brian"
"Penny, please just hear me out."
"It's ok, Brian. I understand and I am the one who should be sorry."
"Why are you sorry, I acted like a complete jerk."
"Yes you did, but I broke a promise." She said.
"A promise?"
"I promised I wouldn't run away when we had trouble, but I did. I shut you out. Can you forgive me?"
"If you can forgive me for how I acted."
"It's a deal, Haner. Do you know what really upset me? When you made the comment about him trying to get back with me. He could try all he wants, I am now with the sexiest man alive. His leaving was the best thing that ever happened."
"I miss my sexy woman. I hope the weather clears up soon., this is driving me nuts."
"Are you horny, Syn?"
"Aren't you?"
"More than you can imagine, Brian."
It was a week before I was able to get back to Ohio.
Penny was working from home, so I told her I was going to hang out with Chloe since she was on Winter break.
That was my excuse because the Piece of Shit that hurt Penny was indicted and appearing in court. I went to the courthouse again, this time I was in a black suit with a black shirt. I had sunglasses on, I was doing my best to look intimidating.
I saw the creeps girlfriend outside the courtroom. I walked up to her. "Did you share our conversation with your boyfriend?"
"Yes. Asshole"
"I hope he makes the right decision." I said and started to turn away.
"Wait!" She grabbed my arm. I looked at her hand and she removed it quickly. "Seriously, who are you?"
"Let's just say I'm your fucking nightmare."
Lucky for them they took my advice, he pled guilty. It was over.
There was only my Birthday-Valentine surprises to work on. One I had all set up, but the house was going to take a little work.
Chloe, Bianca and I had looked at almost a dozen houses. None were what I wanted and needed. Wane, the realtor Bianca found was a great guy. He was very patient with me and my specific wants, but it seemed I would never find the right house. Then, on my last day there, I got a call from Wane.
"I just got a new listing, I think you have to see." He said.
"Okay, let me see what I can do. Penny's working so I just have to find a way to get out without making her suspect something."
"Have you tried Christmas shopping? It makes sense this time of year. You could call Bianca, maybe she could meet us there on her lunch."
"Great idea." Wane seemed to like when Bianca looked at houses with me. "I'll get with her and give you a call."
"That works."
Bianca went with me to see the house and Wane was right, it was the one. Secluded with an electronic gate. Four car garage, five bedrooms, big eat in kitchen, a living room, formal dining room, a perfect family/entertainment room. There was a deck outside the family room. The living room french doors led out to the yard. It would be perfect for a gazebo and flowers just like in California. But the rest of the was perfect already, very homey. It was chalet style, I knew she would love it.
"So when can the current owners move out?" I asked Wane.
"They would like 30 days after closing."
"That doesn't work for me. I will give them full asking price, but I need possession by New Year's Day."
"I'll write up an offer, but they may say no."
"Wane, I know you can make this happen."
"I'll do my best Brian.
"I also need the house to be in Penny's name, even if I have to put it in my name and then transfer it to her."
I was able to stay with Penny until 4 days before Christmas, but she was coming to California on Christmas Eve. I just hoped it wouldn't snow again and flights would be cancelled.

Dance As The Sun Slips Away (Synyster Gates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora