Can't Heal the Wound Before We Bleed

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Brian's POV

The Mustang wasn't there when I got to the house. I decided to go in and wait for Penny, Adam said she would come to me, but where?

I heard crashing and breaking sounds coming from our bedroom, the door was open and there was Gwyn smashing, breaking and ripping everything in the room.

"What are you doing! Why are you in my house again?"

"I was just getting rid of Penny for you, so we can be together and it will look like she was upset and destroyed your room." Gwyn had obviously gone over the edge. "I was hoping she would be here already."

"Gwyn, I told you I have no interest in you. We are never going to be together, I love Penny whether she ever forgives me or not. If you don't stop destroying our things and leave, I will call the police." I pulled out my phone.

"PENNY! I am so fucking tired of hearing about Penny! Even that night, it was all about her! You were so desperate for her you couldn't see me!" She yelled.

"What do you mean I couldn't see you?"

"You thought I was her; it was practically nauseating. But I knew she was on her way and I had to get you in bed." She continued. "I tried so hard to get you to notice me. Do you know how much I went through? Watching you pathetically worry about her in California? I got her out of our way those days, but you couldn't just open your eyes!"

"You got her out of the way? How did you do that?"

"A little poison, goes a long way." She said with an evil grin on her face.

"You fucking bitch!" I started to go towards her and she pulled a small gun out of her pocket.

"I wouldn't do that." She said. I backed up, she motioned for me to sit down. "Get out of that chair and I will shoot you. Give me your phone so you don't try to call 911 without me knowing or somehow warn Penny." I did as she asked.

"How did you get Dr. Gabriel to lie and keep her here?"

"That was a stroke of luck. After he took care of her when she got 'sick' while I was there, I realized he was in love with her. I threatened to have him banned from medicine if he didn't cooperate or even worse."

"What was even worse?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Let's just say I promised not to hurt Penny."

"Is that why you are here Gwyn, to hurt Penny?"

"It's the only way to get her out of your head. She's like a tumor and I am going to remove her. I will be doing so many people a favor, whether you all realize it or not."

"Who else would it be a favor to?" It was becoming clear that this wasn't just about wanting me. She had a grudge against Penny, I wanted to know why.

"All of the men blinded by a pathetic need to protect her. Although, with Adam and Jay it was to my advantage this time."

"What did Jay have to do with this?"

"He was so worried about protecting her and keeping your friendship that he cut and ran even when you had asked him to check on her."

"You were the reason he left so suddenly?"

"By way of Adam, yes. Adam was a good puppet, I'm going to miss him." She said dramatically.

"What did you have over Jay?"

Just then my phone rang, it was Penny's ringtone. Then there was a voice mail notification followed by two texts.

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