The Love Boat

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Penny's POV

Finally we were together and on this incredible cruise ship. The first day Brian says the most beautiful things about being with me and about home. There was no way I could tell him about my work then. Then it was my birthday and I didn't want to tell him that day.
He woke me up with a kiss.
"Wake up Princess Penelope. It's your special day!"
"You make me feel special every day, Junior." Then I yawned and got up and brushed my teeth. Brian stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"So, I thought maybe we could go fishing today." I put my toothbrush away and turned around
"No way, I'm not falling for..."
He kissed me before I could finish and lifted my up and sat me on the bathroom vanity.
"Ooh, that's cold!" I said.
"Don't worry, I'll warm you up."
He pulled my panties to the side and explored with his hand while we kissed. Soon, it was hard to maintain the kiss because I was about to climax. I pushed his shoulders closer to me as and he wrapped his free arm around me. I came with my head on his shoulder.
After I finally came back down from my ecstasy he kissed my forehead and whispered "Happy Birthday, Soulmate."
The rest of the day was absolutely wonderful. Before we went to dinner, Brian gave my birthday present to me. It was a beautiful Amethyst and Diamond necklace that matched my ring. It also went perfectly with the dress I had on that evening.
"I really don't deserve all of this. You really got to stop spoiling me." I said.
"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, that is not going to happen."
After dinner we went to the bar for drinks. "This reminds of another night that seems like a long time ago, but really wasn't." I said
"We've had a lot happen in that time."
"Do you think we have moved too fast?"
"Are you kidding?" He said "If I had it my way, we'd be married by now and you wouldn't be working so we didn't have to be apart so much. Do you think we have?"
"No, I regret that I have held us back. Life is short and I wasted part of ours together."
"Then marry me." When he said that, I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped.
"Brian, I didn't say I was ready for that, yet."
"Ah ha! You said yet!" He flashed that gorgeous smile at me and I almost said yes right then.
"I am definitely getting closer to that."
"What about your job?"
Here was my opening. "I've been meaning to talk to you about my job."
"I was wondering when you were going to tell me what is going on." He said
"The reason I have had to be at the office so much is that the division of the company that I work in has been sold. The acquisition was official at the end of January and the transition is expected to take 6 months."
"What does this mean for you?"
"Well, the new owners want to streamline things. The meetings I have been in for months have basically been to analyze my department and see where the same or more work could been done with less people. Different software that would automate tasks etc. I am an analyst, so basically I am potentially analyzing ways to put my co-workers and even myself out of a job."
"So you're telling me you could be laid off?"
"I would have two choices, leave the company with a severance package or accept a different position within the company. The latter would likely mean that I will not have the opportunity to work from home anymore."
He thought for a moment. "I don't like the second option."
"I not real fond of it either. There's one other thing, in the meantime I will have to go into the office until these cuts are made. Even if my position isn't cut, I may potentially not be able to work remotely anymore."
"Then quit." He said very quickly and decisively.
"It's not that easy, Brian. I have worked there a long time, it would be crazy to just up and quit. Financially I could lose some benefits that I have been building all these years."
"But you don't need to worry about that..." I cut him off.
"I do worry about it, plus I don't want to just cut and run because I am lucky enough be in a relationship that I can do that. I am vested in this project and honestly, I am trying to show how crucial these positions are. I am trying to save jobs for people who don't have the choices that I am lucky enough to have because of you."
"Part of what I love about you is that you think about others. You really care about your co-workers and I certainly can't fault or hold you back from that." He smiled. "There is one thing I do ask you to consider. If you are offered the severance or if when this is all done you will not be able to work remotely I would like you to leave the company."
"I promise I will do that. And even though I will have to go into the office during this transition, I will be able to take time off more now that the actual sale has been finalized."
He looked a little like how I felt, but you can tell he was thinking very carefully when he said. "We will make the best of this. I will stay at home in Ohio as much as I can and you can take time off and come home to California. I support and understand why you want to see this through."
I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and I was reminded how much he truly was my soulmate. "Thank you for understanding, Brian. If you insisted that I quit now, I would."
" I would never do that. But, maybe after all this is resolved we can talk about marriage?"
"I would like that."
"Let's take this Birthday celebration to our room..." He said.
"That sounds wonderful to me!"

The rest of the cruise was amazing, I saw places I never thought I'd ever be. Beautiful places with white sand beaches and crystal blue water. Lots of very beautiful people, many of whom recognized Brian. I felt very out of place several times. I usually tried to stand back away when fans wanted pictures with him. One time we were in Aruba at a bar and some people wanted pictures with Brian. I slipped away from the table and went up to the bar and ordered another glass of wine. A handsome man probably in his late forties came and sat next to me.
"Looks like your date is pretty popular. Why?" He asked.
"He's a successful musician."
"That was my guess. Do you end up by yourself often?"
"It happens sometimes." I answered.
"You're too beautiful to hide away. If I were him, I would be proud to show you off."
Now this guy was starting to piss me off. "I choose to step away, he has NO problem with me staying."
"I didn't mean to hit a nerve. Maybe you need to find someone more mature and less consumed by fame."
"You didn't hit a nerve and you are out of line. Please leave me alone." I was clearly agitated with this man.

Brian's POV
We were having a glass of wine together and I was approached by some fans who wanted pictures. I gave Penny the "Are you okay with it." look. She gave me the go for it smile. Of course she disappeared as usual. I look over at the bar little later and there was a guy sitting next to Penny. I couldn't get away from the fans without being totally rude. I kept a close eye on the bar, then Penny turned toward the man. I clearly see her pissed off face. I could tell she said "NO" to him, but he didn't leave. That's when I decided, I needed to go. I asked the fans to excuse me, but I had to go.
I walked up right as Penny was saying. "You are out of line. Please leave me alone."
I put my arm around her. "Hey Babe." Then I looked at him. "You heard her, beat it."
"I was just keeping the lady company." The creep said.
"Well, I am here now. So leave."
He finally left and we went back to our table.
"What did that guy say to you?" I asked Penny.
"Nothing worth talking about. He was just a fucking jerk."
"Penz, I could tell he was hitting on you, you were pissed off and now I can tell something is bothering you."
"He just made some bullshit comments about leaving a beautiful woman all alone, I told him that I chose to walk away. Then he said something about me finding someone more mature and less famous. That's when I got really pissed and told him to leave."
"I'm sorry Penny. He was just an idiot and I hope you don't agree with what he said."
"Absolutely not, you are the only one for me." She smiled.
"That makes me very happy. That guy was right about one thing, you are beautiful."
"Whatever." She said.
"Honey, you are the worst person at accepting compliments."
She stuck her tongue out at me. I had to tease her. "Now who's not mature!"
We laughed, drank more wine and enjoyed the rest of the evening in peace.

Penny's POV
Two days before the cruise was over was Valentine's Day. Brian and I were going to dine and dance the night away on the ship. I bought a special dress for the evening and actually managed to keep Bri from seeing it until that night. It was very sleek and elegant, long black silk with a purple lace one shoulder bodice leaving my "So Far Away" tattoo visible. My new necklace also went perfectly with it.
He got dressed and ready first, I told him to stay out of the bathroom until I was done.
I got dressed, made sure my dress was perfect, my make up and my hair was perfect. I left my hair down, Bri really liked it that way.
"Are you ready?" I called out.
"Yes Penelope!"
I walked out of the bathroom, trying to do my best model walk. Brian was standing watching me, walked up and grabbed my hand and twirled me around.
"You are stunning, my dear." He pulled me close. Then stepped away and looked very serious. "Something doesn't look right, something is missing."
I looked up and down and at myself. "Oh my God, what?"
He handed me a jewelry box with a purple bow around it, inside was earrings and a bracelet to match my necklace and ring.
"You had me again! I have the whole set now!" I gave him a kiss. "Thank you!"

Brian's POV
Penny looked incredible, I helped her put the bracelet on and she switched out her earrings.
She looked at me. "Am I missing anything now?"
I took her into my arms "Yes, this." I kissed her.
"Wait! I haven't given your present to you." She went and pulled a box out of a drawer. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
I opened the box, inside was a framed picture of a painted portrait of the two of us.
"I love it! It must have been rough to paint it this small."
"Smart Ass!" She said. "The real full size one is in Ohio, I couldn't quite bring it with me."
"I love it, Penz."
"I know that you loved the concert painting, but I knew you wanted something of both of us that you could see my face. Do you know how hard it is to do a self portrait? I had planned to give it to you at Christmas, but with work and trying to get it right it just wasn't done. I hope it looks ok."
"Are you kidding? It's perfect!!"
The rest of the night was perfect also.  

Dance As The Sun Slips Away (Synyster Gates)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang