Coming Home

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Penny's POV
After staying overnight in the hotel, I was ready to get home. My flight was on time and I am always happy when I get off a plane, but I am getting more used to flying. Chloe was waiting for me when I came out of the gate.
"Hi Momma!" We hugged "Did you have a good time?"
"Yes, the best time!"
We picked up my luggage, loaded it into her car and headed home. I told her all about the trip, Even Brian's birthday trick and the Valentine's sketchbook.
"So what did he get you for your Birthday and Valentine's Day?"
"He said he didn't bring the Valentine's gift and I assume the trip itself was the Birthday gift."
"Oh, Okay. I forgot to ask Mom, I have something I need to drop off at a friend's house, do you mind if we stop off there on our way?"
"No, I don't mind."
She drove to the wealthiest neighborhood in town, she pulled into a wooded driveway. There was a gate with a camera, but you couldn't even see the house. "Wow Chloe! I didn't know you were hanging out with the rich and famous!!" I laughed. She rolled her eyes at me.
She pushed the buzzer at the gate, a man's voice said "Can I help you?"
"I'm Chloe Cantrell, I believe you're expecting me."
"Yes Miss Cantrell." The man answered and the gate opened.
We went down a wooded lane the driveway then split two ways, one went in front of a huge fairytale like house and the other went to back of the house.
"Damn! Isn't that beautiful, can you imagine living in a house like that!" I exclaimed.
"Nope." It almost sounded like she was trying not to laugh.
She parked the car in the circle driveway in front of house. "Wanna come in with me?" She asked
"I probably shouldn't, they'll probably think I am just trying to be nosy." I really wanted to see the inside, though.
"These guys aren't like that, I am sure they won't mind."
"Okay, why not."

We walked up to the front door and it was already open slightly. Chloe opened up the door and we walked in, the house was gorgeous but it was empty. No furniture.
"Did they just buy this house?" I asked.
Then I heard my favorite voice "Yes Penelope, it's just waiting for the lady of the house to decorate it." Brian said as he walked up. Bianca and a gentleman came in behind him.
"Brian?" I said "I don't understand."
"Happy Birthday!" They all yelled.
"You bought me a house?"
"No, I bought US a house." Brian put his arm around my shoulders and started walking. "Look Penny, I know what you are going to say, you have a house...blah blah blah. But this is going to truly be our house, we can decorate it together, I can have a little music studio and you can have a little art studio. Even though we stay out of the public eye, we really live together as much as we can. This is just one of our houses."
"But what about your name on the deed? Couldn't that raise questions?" The man next to Bianca walked up and handed paperwork to me.
"Hello Ms. Jenkins, My name is Wane Montgomery. I'm your realtor, I just need a few signatures to place your name on the deed to your house."
"But I already have a house."

Brian's POV
I could tell Penny was overwhelmed with all of this, I needed to talk to her alone.
"Would you excuse us," I said to the others "Penny and I are going to take little walk."
I put my hand in the small of her back and guided her to the very back corner of the house. "Penny, I want to show you something and I want to explain something to you." I guided her out the door to a special part of the surprise.
"Brian! It looks just like your house!" In front of her was a flower garden, filled with purple flowers (actually not real ones just yet) and a Gazebo.
"No Penny, it looks like our house in California." I took her over to the gazebo and we sat down. "I know this seems a little crazy, but us having this house means a lot to me. If somehow things don't work out between us, it's yours and we can figure out together what you want to do with your other house. Please say, you'll live here in our house, in our home."
She looked at me with tears welling up in her eyes, she didn't speak for what seemed liked an eternity. "I really can't say no to that, can I?" The happy tears started flowing and we started kissing, we must have lost track because we heard Bianca's voice
"Is this any way to treat your first house guests?"
Penny and I laughed and we all went into the kitchen, where Champagne was chilled and ready.

Bianca's POV
This was a special day, not because I was part of someone giving my dear friend a house, but because I saw how much Brian loves Penny. It was in his eyes and in his voice. I don't know if Penny really understands how lucky she is. I found myself very jealous of my friend. I was also a little sad, because throughout the last two months, I have been working with Wane to help Brian find the house and buy it. We had spent a lot of time together and I liked him, but he had always been nothing but professional.

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