My Fangs are Hard to Hide

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Adam's POV

I didn't answer my cell when Penny called because lying to her was just making me sick. I could tell the whole thing was scaring the crap out of her. I just wanted to tell her she was okay, but I couldn't.

Then I got the phone call that I wished I didn't have to answer.

"Hello Brian."
"Hello. I was hoping you could fill me in on Penny's condition and the treatment you're suggesting. I hope you don't mind me calling." Brian said.
"Of course not, I would expect you to. Penny has had a small setback; we need to get ahead of it." I said. My hands were shaking; I was nervous as hell. Penny trusted me, Brian didn't.
"Is this connected when she was so sick a couple of months ago?"
"That's very likely." It was connected, not in the way he meant.
"Adam I need you to give it to me straight. Is she going to be okay?"
"You know that I can't give you absolutes, but I am confident that she will be. She is an excellent candidate for this medication, she will just need to be monitored closely."
"What are the side effects? Will she be sick right after? Is it safe?"
"The side effects are next to none, she won't be sick and the only needles are for testing."
"You didn't answer my last question. Is it safe?"
"This is the safest course." It was the truth.
"I'm going to come home; she shouldn't have to go through this alone."
"You know that will upset her, she will blame herself." I knew Gwyn would not be happy if he came back and there's no telling what she would do.
"Less than three months ago you told me what a bad husband I was for not being there." He said.
"Well, I was wrong." I really didn't know what to say. "I now understand how important it is to Penny not to get in the way of your music."
"I'm pretty sure that's bullshit. Let's cut to the chase. I am not fond of you and you aren't my biggest fan, but if you can cure Penny that doesn't matter."
"I promise you she is okay." I hoped he wouldn't pick up on my slip up, but he did.
"Don't you mean she is going to be okay?"
"Yes, I mean she is going to be okay." I thought he'd drop it there, but he didn't.
"I thought you couldn't give absolutes?"
"I want her to be okay, just like you do." Trying to avoid the real answer.
"Because she's so special to you?"
"I heard you, I was outside Penny's room when you told her she was special to you." When he said that, I was stunned.
"I-I said she was a special patient."
"No, you said she was very special to YOU. Those were your exact words."
"I didn't mean it that way."
"I mean what I am going to tell you. You are her Doctor, that's it. You will not make advances on her. You will also make sure that when she is well enough, you will release her to travel. You are my only choice right now. I could find another specialist, but that would be even harder on Penny. For some reason, she trusts you."
I had no idea what to say. I had royally screwed up saying she was okay, then he threw me off even more off telling me that he heard what I said to her.
"Brian, you can trust that I will do everything I can to make sure she gets through this, able to travel and live a long happy life." It wasn't totally a lie; I was keeping her safe from Gwyn. I would also try to help her if Gwyn took Brian from her.
"Okay Adam, I am forced to trust you with the life of the person I love most. There's one important thing you need to remember." He said.
"What's that?" I asked, knowing what was coming.
"Don't fucking try to make moves on my wife. You are her Doctor, that's it."
"I promise that I have no intention of anything like that." I said.
"All right, I will be calling you for direct progress updates."
"Of course, anytime."

Fucking great.

Brian's POV
Two days later Penny flew to California instead of flying to be with me. She would be there all alone and I hated it. I knew she did too. I called her before she had to go to the airport.
"Are you all packed?" I asked.
"Yep, there isn't a lot to pack since I'm just going to the house." You could hear the disappointment in her voice.
"It will be okay. At least you'll be at home and not in a hotel by yourself. We will talk and FaceTime every day and Dad and Suzy will be there. You can call them anytime. Val will be home in a few weeks; you know she will be there for you. Is someone driving you to the airport?"
"Yea, Chloe wanted to. She's pretty upset that I have to do this and I think she's worried that I won't get better."
"We are not going to think that, remember the dream? That was Jimmy letting us know that you're going to be ok." I wanted to change the subject. "Do you have a driver set to pick you up when you get there?"
"No, Adam is going to meet at the airport and take me home." She said.
"Really? Wow, that's nice of him." I was trying not to let her hear that I was not fond of it.
"He said that way he can help get me in and out of there quickly, without too much exposure. He's also taken care of having groceries delivered to the house."
"I guess he's really taking care of you. I wonder if he does this for all his patients."
I knew before the last word escaped that my tone was obviously sarcastic.
"Brian, don't start. This is hard enough for me. I think Adam just feels bad about the situation."
"You may be right; I'll try to be glad that someone is there watching out for you."
Penny laughed. "That's a load of fucking shit! But nice try."
It was good to hear her laugh and she was right, it was shit. The asshole knows I'm not going to upset her right now by telling her to stay away from him.

A week later, I celebrated my birthday with everyone, going out to eat and drinking. Before I left, Penny gave me a special "long distance" gift via web chat. It was great, but I would've rather actually held her in my arms.
Gwyn was all over me that night, I think she was actually hoping someone would take a picture. Val was with us and saw what was going on, she ran interference. Trying to distract Gwyn and keep her away from me.

Val's POV
I had always thought there was something about Penny's friend Gwyn that bothered me. I could never really put my finger on it until Brian's birthday. She would not leave him alone and I could tell he was very uncomfortable. When she was practically trying to force her way into his lap, I decided it was time to intervene.

"Hi Gwyn, can I talk to you for a second?"
"What about?" She asked, trying to sound like she wasn't annoyed.
"Oh you know, girl stuff." I whispered in her ear. "Your eyeliner and mascara have smeared." That got her moving.
"I'll be right back, Brian."
I looked at Brian and mouthed "Run!" Then I caught up to Gwyn.
"Thanks for giving me the heads up. I'm so embarrassed." It was then that we were in the ladies' room and she looked in the mirror. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"No, I am totally serious. Keep your paws off Brian."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said.
"Gwyn, everyone here knows what I am talking about. I hope you've just had too much to drink."
"I don't like what you're implying."
"I'm not implying. Back off of Brian. Penny may not be here, but I am and I have no problem taking care of anyone hitting on her husband."
"What are you talking about? Penny is one of my best friends!"
"Really? You have a strange way of being friends." I said stepping towards her. She suddenly changed demeanor.
"You're right, I have had too much to drink and I got carried away."
"I think you did; it would be horrible for Penny to see pictures of you all over her husband. I'm pretty sure she would make sure you weren't with us on this tour anymore." I thought she would get defensive, but she was very agreeable. I could see her thinking it through.
"You're right! What was I doing? Penny would be so hurt and it wouldn't be good for her. Thank you Val."
"No problem." I was pretty sure she wasn't drunk and the thank you wasn't sincere.

We walked back out, Brian was nowhere to be found. I was behind her as she walked up to Matt and asked where he was.
"He went to back to his room to call Penny. He said to tell everyone thanks and goodnight."
"Oh" she said then turned around shooting me an evil look. I just smiled at her.
I had some questions for Brian.

Brian's POV
I owe Val for giving me the chance to get away. The crappy part was not only Penny not being there, I had to leave my own party because of Gwyn. There was a knock on my door. I was afraid it was Gwyn, but then I heard Val.
"It's okay, it's Val. Open up."
"Sorry, I thought you were Gwyn."
"So how long has she been after you like this?" Val asked. "Don't try to tell me she was just drunk tonight and that was the first time."
"She's been hitting on me ever since I still had the cast on."
"What the hell! Why would you let her go on this tour with us?" She squinted her eyes at me. "You haven't?"
"NO!" I practically yelled. "If I said I didn't want her to come, I would have to tell Penny why."
"You should have already told Penny before that."
"No, I don't want to see her hurt like that. All of this has been hard enough on her, I can't tell her that her friend is hitting on me."
"I don't think Gwyn is really her friend." Val said.
"I know that, but I am not laying that on Penny right now."
"I think you are making a big mistake. I know you want to protect Penny, but you are putting your marriage in jeopardy. I saw it tonight, that woman is devious. She could really hurt you both whether you actually give in to her or not."
"I can handle her. I won't let her hurt Penny; she would be devastated if she knew."
"She could end up hurt a lot more if you're not careful, Brian."

After Val left, I thought about what she said. I texted Penny and asked if she was good with a video chat. She said yes, but to give her a couple of minutes and she would call.
When I saw her I immediately knew why, she had tried to cover it up but it was clear she had been crying.
"Penny, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"No you're not, please talk to me."
"I just hate this, we're so far apart and I'm stuck here. I couldn't even be at the twin's birthday party. Even though this new treatment doesn't make me sick like the old one did, I'm just not dealing well with being apart from you and all by myself."
I knew that there was no way I could tell her right then. "It's rough on both of us, but we can make it through. We're connected."
"You're right. Why aren't you at your party?"
"I missed you and at least this way I am spending this night with you."
"I feel bad that you left your own birthday celebration, but you just made me feel so good. Thank you for loving me and knowing how to make me happy."

Penny and I talked for hours, like we were together. Eventually we both fell asleep while still on FaceTime. It was our only way to sleep together, even though we were in different time zones. I had a sinking feeling that Penny wasn't getting much sleep but yet not going anywhere either. I could tell from the video chats that she was just moping around the house in shorts or sweatpants and my t-shirts. That wasn't at all like Penny, I knew she was hurting and there was nothing I could do. There was no way I could tell her about Gwyn. Hopefully Gwyn will get the hint and give up and Penny will never know.

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