To Love Honor and Do it Anyway

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  Penny's POV
Thanksgiving dinner was at our house. Chloe and Max shared the news that she was having twins. It was great news, but it made me worry about Chloe's pregnancy even more.
We celebrated Christmas and the New Year in California. Our first Christmas as husband and wife. It was filled with family time and "Just Us" time.

On our first Wedding Anniversary, we were in Ohio. Brian and I went and got matching tattoos. They were a purple outline the shape of Bryan's guitars with B&P inside. Under the initials was our wedding date, 2-4-18. It was hard to believe a year had passed.
On our way home, Chloe called, she said she had news about the twins we needed to know. She asked we would meet her at our house. Once we were home we were greeted with a Surprise Party. Even Matt, Zack, Johnny and Brooks were there with their families.
At the party, Bianca and Wane had an announcement.
Bianca spoke first. "Three years ago, this man (she gestured to Brian) asked me to help him with a surprise for his girlfriend. He wanted me to find a realtor and help him find a house for Penny. At that time their relationship was still hush hush, so not any realtor would do. I asked around and was referred to Wane. He and I spent a lot of time together trying to make sure Brian found the perfect house. During that time we got to know each other, then after the house was done we started dating, fell in love and started living together."
Wane cut in, "Long story short. Thanks to these two people right here (he gestured to Brian and me), I met the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."
Then in unison they said "We're engaged!"
It was an even better party after that, so much to celebrate. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements and Babies.
My life had never been so happy, I should have known that soon the bottom would drop out.

Brian's POV
I had some meetings and appearances in March and had to travel. Penny stayed in Ohio. She had some portraits she was working on and she was setting up a nursery at our house for the babies.
Our life together had found a perfect balance. Penny was happy with painting, it made her feel good to be earning money again and we both liked the flexibility. We had close friends in both states. Penny had grown accustomed to a public lifestyle. The two of us were closer than ever and when we did have to be apart, we trusted each other and still missed each other.
Life was good, nothing could bring us down, or so I thought.

Penny's POV
At the end of March, we found out the twins were girls. One day, I was at Chloe's house having lunch.
"Mom, I know we aren't supposed to talk about it but had you picked a name for my little sister before you lost her?"
"Sweetie, never think you can't talk about her. It's just the rest of it that I don't want to talk about. The answer is yes, I had picked a name for a girl long beforehand. Her name was Layla."
"Would you be upset if I named one of the twins Layla?" She asked.
I thought for a moment. "I like that idea. I would not be upset. Have you thought about the other name?"
"We were thinking Lola after Max's Grandmother. What do you think?"
"Layla and Lola, I like that."
The thought of my little Layla, brought back memories too painful to express. But there was something about one of her nieces having her name seemed to ease that pain just a bit. But the thought of how Layla's life was stolen from her, brought back emotions that I had to keep buried. I must have shown that on my face.
"Mom, are you okay? Are you sure you are alright with this?" Chloe asked.
"I am more than okay with it, I am all for it."
After Chloe left, I tried to call Brian but he didn't answer. I went to my studio and decided to work. But I just ended up sketching. Brian wasn't coming back until the next day, so I was home alone, I took my sketchbook and went into the family room. I eventually fell asleep.

Brian's POV
I was able to wrap things up a day early so I decided to fly back and surprise Penny. When I got home, she was asleep on the couch with a sketchbook sitting on her chest. I decided to just pick her up and carry her to bed. I couldn't help but see the sketch she was working on. It was 2 little girls walking hand in hand and above was a baby angel watching over them. This drawing was much more peaceful and happy than the other book I saw. I assumed the girls were Chloe's twins and the baby was the child she lost.
I put the sketchbook on the table and carried Penny to bed. She looked so beautiful, I couldn't help but kiss her. She woke up as my lips touched hers. She looked at me with groggy eyes that soon went wide open, "Brian! You're home!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I am so glad you're home! I have news!" I couldn't even get a word in. "Chloe asked if they could name one of the twins Layla!"
"What did you say?" I asked.
"I said yes, do you think I shouldn't have?" She looked worried.
"I think as long as you are okay with it, it will be a good thing. I saw the drawing you were working on when you fell asleep." She first looked upset with me, then her expression changed. "Are you mad at me for looking at it, Penz?"
She thought for a moment, "No, I am not mad at you. Do you think it's bad that I drew it?"
I could tell by the look on her face that she was concerned. "No, I think it's beautiful and think it is good for you." I thought about the other sketchbook, this sketch was certainly a much better sign. Hopefully a sign that she would finally open up to me about what happened. The dark sketchbook was evidence that she was holding in a lot of pain.

Soon it was time to gear up and practice together before playing a few concert festivals in May. I was in California and Penny was in Ohio helping Chloe and Max get the nursery ready. I flew back a couple of days before Rock on the Range in Columbus, Ohio.
It had been 5 years since we headlined at Rock on The Range in Columbus and this was the first time since Penny and I had been together. Even though we were only an hour away from home, we were spending the weekend in Columbus with everyone. Penny had a great time Friday Night meeting and watching all the bands, it was her first time there. Bianca, Wane, Jay and Stephanie met us on Saturday. Chloe wasn't up to it at 7 months pregnant with twins and Max stayed home with her.

Penny was determined to be out in the audience, she wanted our friends to have the "real" A7X experience. I tried to get her to have security with her.
"That would just draw attention to us and ruin it." She said. "Look, I'll wear my hair in a ponytail with a hat, some glasses and even a shirt over my tank top so my tattoos don't show."
"What about your hair?" I said "Even in a ponytail the color is still pretty distinctive."
"Not as it gets darker outside, it just looks like brown and everyone has crazy color hair these days. Jay and Wane will be there too" she argued. "Come on Bri, I promise I'll stay with the others. Wane is a big guy and Jay will not let anything happen to me." She kissed me and started kissing her way to my ears. "It will be okay, Haner." She whispered in my ear. "I could be the bad girl that you have sex with after the show."
"That does sound good, but Penny I just don't think we should take that chance. If something happened..." She put her index finger over my mouth to stop me from talking.
"Can't we just think about it for a little bit? I'll consider your side and you consider mine" with that she started to unbutton my jeans then she unzipped them. She kissed her way down my chest as far as my V-Neck t-shirt would allow. She lifted my shirt and continued he descent down my abs, while pulling my pants and boxers down, releasing my fully erect member. She kissed the tip and circled her tongue around it. She was on her knees now looking up at my face. "Think about it" she then began to take me into her mouth. She had never taken the full length before, but she did now. "Penny, this is not going to wwoorrrkk. Babe, you gotta ssttopp." She didn't stop, she increased her efforts. "Oh God Penny." I ran my fingers through her hair and I couldn't help myself, I was at the brink. "Holt Shit! This isn't fair." She tilted her head back and looked at me robbing me of the pleasure she had just imparted upon me. "Well if it's not fair, I guess I'll stop."
I begged her, "Please don't stop, you can't stop now." She circled her tongue around the tip again. "So can I go into the audience with everyone?" I really didn't even hear what she said. "Yes! Please baby!" She swallowed my length and I held onto her hair as she brought me to full release. "Penz, I'm going to cum!" She didn't stop until I had exhausted every drop within me.
"You said Yes!" She said
"You tricked me. It's difficult to think about anything else when you are doing that. I am not okay with it, the answer is still no."
"You know what, I'm an adult and I can do what I want. If I want to go into the audience, I'm going in the fucking audience. You may be 'Synyster Gates' but I am not some love struck young girl who does your bidding!" She was pissed, but now so was I.
"No, I am not Synyster Gates and you are not some love struck young girl. You are Penny Haner, my wife! If wanting to fucking protect you is wrong, then I am guilty. You want to make your own choice, fine! But, you are not going to give me head and expect me to give you my blessing. I don't fucking believe you Penny." I had to walk away, before I said something I would really regret.
"Fuck You Haner!" She yelled at me. I flipped her off as I walked away.
I knew there was no way to stop her, I would just have to take my own precautions to make sure she is safe and hope she doesn't find out.

Penny's POV
I can't believe he thinks he can just boss me around or that I need his permission. I am so mad and I refuse to be treated like a child. I showered and got ready quickly. I met up with the others and didn't tell them what was going on. I knew with all the people there, once I was in the crowd the "protection" he was sure to send to follow me would be hard pressed to find me.

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