Tell Me a Lie in a Beautiful Way

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Gwyn's POV
I knew Adam would be calling soon. It was so much fun messing with him and it took away from the boredom of being on tour. I can't believe Penny is upset that she can't be here. My phone rang.
"Hi Adam! I didn't expect to hear from you today!"
"You fucking evil bitch! How could you do that? What if Penny hadn't called me?"
"Wow, somebody is rambling on. I knew she'd call you, she would never disobey the great Doctor's orders. I also knew she would want to drink it. I could have sent her chocolates; she's allowed to have those."
"Do you think that makes it okay because you knew she would call me and you knew I'd stop her??"
"It wasn't poisoned, idiot. I just wanted to make sure you knew that she will never be out of my reach. I also wanted to see what you would do. So, tell me, what happened?"
"I had to drop the bottle and hold her as she broke down in tears. It was heart wrenching."
"That's good! You were there for her; you are getting closer!"
"Yes we are, but I don't need your tricks to move that along." He said.
"This is great, though. Brian is starting to trust me and we are getting closer. If you break them up, I will be able to help Brian pick up the pieces."
"So you want to flip this? I said I wasn't going to try to break them up. I am supposed to be the one picking up the pieces."
"Yet you keep getting in between them."
"But I'm not purposely trying to cause trouble."
"This needs to happen; I don't care who does it or how."
"It may not happen and you will need to accept that and keep your promise."
"Do you really think that the tour is going to end, they are back together and I'm going to give up?"
"I will turn you in, I won't care if you expose my past. The deal was that I kept her here, I have."
"The deal is that I end up with Brian. If Penny is an obstacle, I will remove her. If you are an obstacle, I will remove you. I have enough to at the very least make you look guilty."
"You aren't going to threaten my life, so I stand by and let you kill Penny. I'm not going to do that."
"Then I suggest you get her into bed or at the very least fall in love with you.
"It's funny that you think that being in love is less than having sex. You are a heartless bitch. I will do what I can, if I do then what happens?"
"Then none of this will be an issue. You would be with Penny and I will be there for Brian and he will realize I am the one for him. If it doesn't happen, I would hate to have to hurt innocent people, especially a child."
"Look, he has nothing to do with this. Don't touch the boy. I will break them up, but then that's it. You promise you will leave Penny alone, even if Brian doesn't go to you?"
"Yes, I promise. It's not going to be an issue; he will be mine. Once she is out of his life, I don't care what she does or what you do with her."

Just then there was a knock on my door, it was Brian.
"Adam, I have to go." I hung up.

Brian's POV
As I walked to Gwyn's suite I was getting more and more pissed. I decided that it was her fault that this happened. I went storming in once she opened the door.
"Gwyn, Why the hell did you send Penny a bottle of wine? Were you trying to upset her?"
"Of course not, I thought it would cheer her up, I've been so worried about her since you told me about her depression."
I told her what happened after she received the wine.
"I didn't realize it would bring her and Adam together." She seemed genuinely sorry.
"Well it did, my wife is having having fucking "slumber parties" with a man." I was still mad.
"I'm sorry for what happened Brian, but I don't think I'm who you are really mad at."
"I guess,not, I'm sorry. I just can't believe it; it makes me furious! I can't believe on top of everything, she refuses to cool things off with this guy."
"I am 100% positive it was innocent. She will calm down and realize she needs to respect your feelings. You need to remember that she is coming from a very emotional and lonely place right now."
"That is true. I hope she does realize that I'm right, before it tears us apart."

Gwyn's POV
I had never seen Brian so angry. At first he directed it toward me and I convinced him he was mad at Penny (beautifully and rightfully so). I played the wonderful understanding friend, calming him down. We were having a great talk and then out of the blue he had a crazy horrible idea.
"We have 3 days off after tomorrow, I am going to fly home and see her."
"Brian! You can't do that!" I knew I needed to turn this around without showing that I didn't want him to go.
I regrouped. "Think about it, by the time you got there you would barely have 24 hours before you had to fly back."
"I will do anything for even 24 hours with Penny. I'm pretty sure she feels the same."
"I'm sure you both do and for you it would be a great thing. I am not so sure that it is best for her right now."
"Why would it not be?"
"The pain, the hurt of saying goodbye again after such a short visit. She would feel abandoned a second time. She's upset with you right now, but she's in a better state than she was several weeks ago."
"Yes, thanks to Dr. G."
"I understand why that bothers you, but he is all she has right now. Why don't you suggest some boundaries? Perhaps instead of him coming to the house all the time, they talk on the phone, go out to lunch."
"She's not interested in any of that."
"Maybe you should change your approach, sounds like you were a little possessive."
"I guess I was. What do I do? I hung up on her, I know she's mad as hell."
"Send her some roses, purple of course. Put a note with them, something that conjures a memory of being together. Apologize for being possessive and let her know that you trust her." I said. "Then after she's calmed down, explain how you feel and calmly come up with some boundaries that you are both okay with."
"I don't know, wouldn't it be better if we were together and talked? One day is better than just sending roses."
"I'll tell you what, why don't we go grab a bite to eat and brainstorm on the best way to do this. Give Penny some time to cool off."
"That sounds like a good idea. Let's go." He smiled and we decided on where to go eat. It was a great time, laughing and joking. Brian and I were getting close. The more Penny screwed up, the more he turned to me.
I was relieved that I could talk him out of going home. I lied when I said I thought it would be worse for Penny if he came home. I think it would heal some of the rift I've worked so hard to create. I can't let him go home. I would have had to do whatever was necessary to stop him.

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