New Beginnings

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Penny's POV
I was released from the hospital two days later, partly because I insisted on it. I was still a little weak, but I was able to walk and off the IV fluids. I didn't want to be recognized and rumors starting that Brian had hurt me or the whole story of what happened coming out. The longer I was there the greater the chances would be. I was able to slip out of the hospital without being recognized, I made Brian leave earlier. If someone recognized him, it would draw attention to me. Of course I still looked absolutely horrible, the swelling had gone down some but my rib still hurt like hell. Tess picked me up from the hospital and took me home.
I had not seen anyone since I was rescued. I didn't want any visitors at the hospital, I just needed Brian right then. Tess and I had a nice drive from Columbus, she told me all that happened and if she ever had any doubt about Brian's love for me, she didn't now.
"Has anyone told Chloe?" I was hoping someone did before she saw me.
"Yes, Max and I told her this morning. She was pretty shaken and mad we hadn't told her. She eventually calmed down. She wanted to be there when you got home, I hope that's ok."
"Of course, I just hate for her to see me looking like this."
"Penny, none of us are worried about how you look. We are all just glad you are okay."
When we got home, Tess pulled into the driveway at the front of the house. Brian came running out and helped me out of the car.
Chloe was waiting at the front door and hugged me, it hurt but I didn't care. They stayed for about a half an hour and then Brian announced that I needed to get some rest. Tess, Chloe and Max left and Brian held me as I took a nap.
The next week was pretty rough, but nothing compared to what I had been through. Brian had arranged for a Therapist to come to the house as I started to work through everything that had happened. We also had a small service for my Layla, I never did before. The very small urn with her ashes was now displayed in the house. Brian was with me every minute, I couldn't have done it without him.
Chloe's Doctor put her on full bed rest at the end of May. Brian and I suggested they stay with us, that way we could help Chloe and I didn't have to go out in public. It was good for everyone.
Two months later, I looked much better. What was left, was easy to cover up with make up. We stayed in Ohio for Brian's birthday since Chloe was due in just over a week. We had all our close family and friends from both states over for a barbecue. About two in the afternoon, Chloe's water broke and the party moved to the hospital. My two adorable granddaughters were born at 6:22 PM. Layla and Lola were perfect healthy babies and Chloe made it through beautifully.
Brian was thrilled that they were born on his Birthday. "See? I have a connection to them like I do to their Nana!"

Brian's POV
The first months after Penny's ordeal with Merlin were very rough for her. The physical injuries healed quickly but the emotional scars took time and a lot of work to fade. I was beside her the whole time just as I had promised, there was so much abuse that she never told anyone about. A quick death was too good for that son of a bitch and 40 years in prison did not even touch what he deserved. Penny was finally able to let all of it out and the therapist helped me give her the best support to get her through it.
We had not made love since before Penny was kidnapped. I didn't want to push her and I guess I treated her like she was fragile. About a week after the twins were born Penny and I had just gone to bed, she had her head on my shoulder and we were holding each other as always.
"Brian, are you not physically attracted to me anymore?" She sounded like she was about to cry.
"Of course I am still attracted to you. I've just been waiting until you were ready, it hasn't been easy." I never even thought about her taking it the wrong way.
"I'm ready. Can we go to Michigan? We hit four years next Tuesday."
"That is a great idea. I have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks, but I didn't want to push you."
"I'll call tomorrow about reservations, hopefully we can still get our room."
"You won't be able to reserve our room, I think someone already has it reserved for the whole week." I told her, trying not to smile.
"Would that someone be you?" She looked at me with the happiest smile I had seen in months.
"You know me too well, my dear." I kissed her. "I love you Penelope."
"I love you, Junior." I knew then that my Penny was on her way back, stronger and better than ever.  

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