Happy Holidays!

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Penny's POVI didn't realize what airports were like at Christmas! It was very stressful for someone on only their 5th flight. But I was determined to get to Brian and even if I had to ride in the cargo area, I was going. I insisted on buying my own ticket, I was regretting not letting Brian get me first class.
Finally in California, the driver was there waiting with the Penelope sign. Which was weird since I told Brian I was going to rent a car. He just doesn't stop. I walked up to the driver, he had a mustache and really dark glasses. "You're not the usual driver." He just shook his head no. I followed him to the car and he opened the door for me. He still didn't speak. He started driving and soon I realized that nothing looked familiar from my last two trips to Brian's house.
"We are going to Mr. Haner's house, right?
He nodded yes.
"Is this a different way?"
He nodded again.
"Are you able to talk?"
"He shook his head."
Suddenly I remembered Brian telling me that he would always use the same driver because he trusted him to keep things private.
"Where are we going? Who are you? Pull the car over, I want to get out!" At this point we were in the middle of nowhere. But I didn't care. "My boyfriend will kill you if you hurt me! Who are you? Fucking speak to me!"
Then he finally spoke. "Jeez Penelope, you'll get in a car with anyone."
"Brian! OMG you scared the shit out of me! I'm going to kill you!"
"I thought your boyfriend was going to kill me." He turned and shot me that adorable smile.
"You fucking smart ass! Get back here so I can give you what you deserve!"
He was in the back in a second, "Punish me baby" with the devil in his eyes. I ripped the fake mustache off his face, "OWW!"
"Serves you right, Haner. Now for the rest of your punishment."
One hour and all windows fogged up later, we were back on the road. But this time I sat in the front seat.
"I did this today to make a point. If something like that happens, call me. Make sure."
"Yes Sir!"
"I'm serious Penny." His voice and expression on his face, reinforced that statement.
"I promise I will be more careful."We finally made it to the house. It was beautiful there at Christmas, granted it seemed a little different than Ohio. Brian even had all purple Christmas decorations. Of course "Our Gazebo" was decked out in purple lights and decorations. I felt like a kid again, amazed by it all. There were at least a two dozen gifts under the tree for me. Which was great, but how can I compete with that?
"You know that you are the hardest person in the world to buy gifts for." I said.
"The only gift I need is you."
"Why is it supposed to be okay when you say that, but when I do..."
"Because I love buying you gifts and you are easy to buy gifts for, my dear."
"You're getting a little sappy Haner!"
"What can I say Ms. Jenkins, you bring out the sap in me. Pun intended"
"You are rotten, but you're my rotten!" I jumped on top of him on the couch he was sitting in, pressed my lips to his, then kissed down his neck while un-doing his jeans. I ran my hands down his chest and dropped to my knees in front of him. Would you like an early present? "Oh hell yes" he answered.

Brian's POV
It was finally Christmas morning and I hadn't been this excited about it since I was a kid. I think we both ran downstairs to the tree.
"Are you ready?" I asked Penny.
"Yes, but you have to open one of yours first."
For my first present I chose a small square box, that seemed heavy for it's size. "How about this one?"
"It's your pick, open it."
It was a bottle of Crystal Head Aurora Vodka, it's very cool because the bottle is a skull.
"It's actually filtered through diamonds." She was so happy.
"I love it" and I kissed her.
"Okay, your turn, but you have to open 2 at a time."
She picked two boxes and opened them. They both were clothes.
"Brian, these are beautiful, thank you! I don't think I've ever had clothes like this. Now it's your turn again."
Next I picked one that looked like it was something framed. I opened it and knew it was going to be my favorite present. It was a painting of me on stage, there was one fan in front of the stage with her hands in the air reaching up. She had a tank top on low enough in the back to reveal a purple paisley tattoo.
She was so excited "Do you see it?"
"I see you, This is most amazing gift ever, it's actually a picture of both of us that I don't have to worry about people seeing" I loved the present, but it kind of made me sad that we couldn't hang up a real picture of us together.
We kissed and forgot about the rest of the presents, we made love right there in front of the Christmas tree. Then we went upstairs for a shower and some more celebrating.
"Wait! We didn't open all our presents!" Penny exclaimed.
"The rest from me are clothes for you, I got you a whole wardrobe. That way you don't have to worry about packing when you come here."
"Aww that is so sweet. Do you want to know what your other presents are?" She asked.
"Who cares, I like unwrapping you more!"

Penny's POV
The plan was that he would come to Ohio and Celebrate New Year's with my family. Once again, Ohio was hit by a near blizzard. But this time I was in California and couldn't go home, which was much better than the last time.
"So what do you usually do on New Year's Eve?" I asked Brian.
"I usually go to a big party"
"But this year I have something more intimate planned." He grinned
"Oh really?"
"Just wait Penelope. We are going to start the New Year right."
"What should I wear for this intimate evening?"
"You will find your clothing for this evening, hanging in your closet. Please go get dressed, I expect you dressed and downstairs by 8:30 PM." He commanded
"Whoa, somebody just got seriously bossy! What if I come downstairs and I'm not dressed?" I tried to break his façade.
"Then your punishment for disobedience will befit your crime." He winked at me. SUCCESS!
I was obedient and went straight to the closet. Hanging there was a beautiful purple gown, it looked like it was straight from a glamorous movie in the 1950's. None of my 3 previous wedding dresses could compare with it. Along with the gown, was gloves, shoes, jewelry and even hair accessories. I dressed carefully, making sure that I did not damage the dress. My makeup and hair was a challenge, I wanted to look perfect!
As I headed downstairs, I could hear the piano playing, it was very smooth jazz. I walked into the room and the lights were dimmed low and there was Brian at the piano. He was in a tuxedo.
I walked into the room and he said "Hello Beautiful. I have a cocktail waiting for you." On a tray on top of the grand piano was a Cosmopolitan. I walked over, stood next to the piano and picked up the drink.
"Thank you, Sir. You play piano exceptionally well."
"Well my darling, with you as my inspiration I am sure I could do just about anything exceptionally well." He smiled and raised his eyebrows. Then he snapped back into character. "You look particularly lovely this evening, my dear. I dare say you are the most beautiful woman in the room."
I sarcastically looked around the room and then went on. "Thank you, you are too kind. I must say that the moment I walked I realized that you are the most handsome dashing man I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon." Hey, I was getting good at this!
"I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of dining with me this evening?" He asked. It amazed me how he could carry on this whole conversation and still sit there playing the piano.
"I would love to, but where will we dine?"
"I was thinking dinner and dancing, perhaps we could dance the night away until the New Year is upon us. I know of the perfect place."
"That sounds lovely."
"Then it is set, perhaps you would like to sit next to me, while I play and finish your cocktail." He smiled.
I sat next to him and put my head lightly on his shoulder. We didn't speak, just sat there together and enjoyed Brian's playing. He finished a song and then slipped out the the side of the bench and held out his hand to me. "I believe our table is ready." I smiled as he helped me up and put his elbow out for me. We walked to an adjacent room. I was spellbound as we walked in, it looked like a miniature ballroom, It looked so glamorous. There was a small dance floor and a table for two next to it. "I got you under my skin" was playing. He led me to the table where an elegant meal with champagne was waiting. I asked "How do you do all of this?"
"Elves" he whispered in my ear.
After we were both seated. I looked at him and said "This is amazing, you are amazing."
"Well, I can't take you out for New Year's Eve, so I brought New Year's Eve to you."
"This is like a movie, It's more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you Brian."
"You don't have to thank me, I do all this for you, for us."
"I like that, US"
"Well get used to it, because there's a lot more from where that came from."

Brian's POV
The night so far was just as I had planned, I could tell that she loved it. I hate not being able to take her places and do real things. She looks so beautiful and I love having her all to myself, but I wish others could see how beautiful she looked. Then she flipped things on me, she must've read my mind.
"I love being here, just you and me. I love looking my best for you and I don't care if anyone else sees me or not, just that I am beautiful in your eyes."
"How did you do that?"
She smiled "Like you said Junior, we're connected."
"I do love you, My Dear" I said snapping back into character.
"Darling, you are my greatest love."
Once we finished our meal. I asked her to dance.
I had the music set to start playing "Till There Was You" from the Music Man at 5 Minutes until Midnight.
I held her close "I never would have dreamed 6 month's ago, that I would be sharing New Years Eve with someone I truly cared about, who cared about me. I want this to be the first of many New Years that we share together."
She looked up at me. "Last year I spent this night alone, I had accepted that there wasn't really love out there for me. Thank you for making me believe, for making me alive again."
Once the song ended the countdown began, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1... We kissed as balloons, streamers and confetti that I had hanging above us fell. After our kiss, Penny said "Thank you for a perfect evening."
Penny's POV
"It's not over yet. Would you like to join me in garden for more champagne?" Brian said.
"That sounds perfect." He offered me his arm and we strolled out to the Gazebo. There was chilled champagne waiting at the table. He pulled out my chair and as I sitting down, I saw the envelope with a rose in front of me. "What's this?"
"That, my dear is a late Christmas present."
"I think you have given me enough Christmas presents."
"Well this one is for both of us. Come on, Open it." He seemed excited.
"Okay, here goes." I opened it and it was a picture of a beautful small island. "That's Pretty." I wasn't really sure what to say.
"Do you know exactly what that is a picture of?" I shook my head.
"It's the private island we are going to spend two weeks at in February." He was grinning ear to ear.
I hated to bring him down "But Brian, I don't have a passport."
"Aw shit! I guess it's a good thing that it's in the Florida Keys." He was very pleased with himself!
"No long plane flight, no passport!" I was excited now.
"Two weeks, just the two of us, on one island."
"Sounds perfect!" I jumped up ran over to his seat and wrapped my arms around his neck. "When in February?"
"That's the best part! We arrive on the 1st and depart on the 15th. We'll be there for your birthday and Valentine's Day!"
"Our first Valentines Day! But aren't we jumping ahead a little?" Time for me to tease him.
"What do you mean jumping ahead?" He seemed worried.
I moved behind him while he was still seated, I put my hands on his shoulders. "Well, we're two hours into the New Year" I started sliding my hands down his chest "and I haven't even gotten you naked yet." As I rubbed the bulge in his pants I said as seductively as I could "Maybe I'm losing my touch" then I nibbled on his earlobe. "What do you think?"
"No, I am sure you haven't" I could tell he was very turned on.
With that I stood up and walked away. "Cool, goodnight."
"Oh no you don't!" He jumped up and grabbed me around the waist I was laughing so hard I could barely talk.
"Brian! My Dress!"
"Fuck the dress! It's time for the naked New Year!!" He carried me up to the bedroom. Best start to a New Year ever!

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