Dear God

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Bianca POV
The night out with girls was a blast. It sure the heck beat anything in Ohio! I got back to Brian's around 3:00 AM, I went quietly around the house to see if they were up. I went out the doors to the flower garden and it was lit with beautiful lights and there was still music playing and dishes on the table when they left it was clearly in a hurry. Suddenly, I realized why Brian didn't want me to mention this place!
I was pretty sure I wasn't going to see those two anytime soon. I picked up the dishes, turned off the lights and music and headed up to my room to get some sleep.
The next day we just relaxed at the beach. It was great to actually get to know Brian. We had a great day doing nothing.

Penny's POV
I woke up around noon on Labor Day, I looked at the incredible man asleep next to me and remembered that this time tomorrow Bianca and I would be boarding a plane back to Ohio. Soon it would be time for the dreaded question of every time together.
He woke up and smiled at me with sleepy chocolate eyes. "Hi babe, what are you thinking about?"
I really wasn't ready to ask yet, for fear of the answer. "Nothing."
"We will be together again soon." He said
"You did it again!" And I bopped him with a pillow, soon we ended up in a full-fledged pillow fight.

Brian's POV
I knew Penny was going to ask about when we would be able to get together again. I didn't know how to tell her that it could be a month or more. We were working in the studio and getting ready to announce Brooks as our new drummer. I was putting off telling her as long as I could so that I didn't ruin the rest of our time together. To be honest, I didn't want to think about it either.

Bianca's POV
Labor Day was crazy, there was a barbecue at Zack's. They are all the craziest bunch! I think at some point everyone was thrown in the pool. We all got seriously plastered.
Brian walks up and puts his arm around me and says "Bianca, I have some questions for you." We were both fairly drunk.
"Sure thing, Mr. Chicken Legs."
"Do you think Penelope really loves me?"
"What the hell are you talking about? Why would you even have to ask that?" Even drunk that was a crazy question.
"Because she doesn't want to be public with me. Most women would kill for that chance."
"Brian, Chicken Legs is not most women and definitely not like most of the "girls" you're talking about. She's been hurt by every man she has trusted, aside from family. One thing that you probably haven't realized is that every time she has been hurt, she blames it on herself. With Chloe's Dad, it's because she got pregnant and they were too young to get married. With her second husband, it was because she couldn't get him to stop drinking. With Jay, it's because she's older and not attractive enough. With every one of them, it was how she somehow hurt them. She thinks to keep you guys a secret is protecting you, from your fans, the press and ultimately not being the one to keep you from meeting someone else. Someone younger that can make you happier. At least that's how she looks at it." He looked at me like I had just spoken another language.
"I still don't understand."
"Understand this, she loves you. I have never seen her this happy and I was there when she and Jay got together. Unless you are unhappy with the secrecy, I would just give her time."
"Okay Bianca, let's go get a beer!"

Brian's POV
I woke up Tuesday morning feeling a little rough from the Labor Day festivities. But even worse than any hangover was what was ahead of me.
I still needed to tell Penny about being apart for a month. We haven't been apart for more than 2 and a half weeks since we've started seeing each other. I decided to tell her once she woke up, I didn't want to wait until right before she left.
She was sleeping so peacefully, I knew she had drunk a lot yesterday too, so I didn't want to wake her up. I could really get used to waking up every morning next to her.
She woke up, opening her eyes slowly.
"Hi there, Blue Eyes."
She said sleepily, "Hi there, Haner."
"Hey Honey, I have to talk to you about something."
"About when we are going to see each other again?" She said. I looked at her in disbelief. "We're connected, remember? It goes both ways."
"Damn, I love you!" I exclaimed.
"I love you too, stop trying to change the subject"
"You know how much I want to spend time with you if I had it my way we would be together all the time."
"Get to the point, Junior." She already looked upset.
"It will probably be Mid-October before I will have more than one day free to be able to make it to Ohio." I saw the sadness in her eyes and I could tell she was holding back tears.
"Well, we know that there will be times like this." She said
"Are you okay, Babe?"
"Of course, I am fine." Then she rolled on top of me, kissing me wildly and pressing herself up against me. "I guess we'd better make the most of this morning!"

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