Come Back to Me

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Chloe's POV
After Brian called and told me what happened, I rushed over to Mom's. I walked in the door from the garage and Mom is just sitting there on the floor. Her lip was bleeding, her cheek was turning black and blue and she was just sitting there up against the wall staring ahead.
I knelt down next to her "Hey Mom, are you okay?"
She spoke almost without emotion. "Of course I'm not okay."
"Mom, I think you are in shock or something. Did you hit your head when you fell?"
"I didn't fall , Brian punched me." Again very flat, with no emotion. "I swore that I would never let a man do that to me again."
"He didn't mean to hit you Mom, he was trying to punch Jay"
"Did he tell you what else happened?"
"Yes, Mom he told me. We should get some ice on your face."
"It's ok, I don't feel anything."
"Momma, you are starting to scare me. Why don't I help you go lay down in your bed and I'll get you an ice pack."
Suddenly her lack of emotion flipped to rage. "I don't want to get in that damn bed, I don't ever want to be in that fucking bed again! That bed is full of his lies!"
"Okay, I get that you are mad at Brian right now. How about one of the guest rooms?"
"I'll lay on the couch"
"The couch is good" I finally got her to the couch in the family room and some ice on her cheek.
I called Max and told him I didn't want to leave her alone. He told me to stay with Mom all day and night if had to. Max said he was going to call Brian and see if he wanted to stay at our house.

I got a text from Brian "Is she okay?"
"Not really. I'll call you when I can." I answered.

Brian's POV
In one night, my world came crashing down. I took Penny's ring out of my pocket, I couldn't help crying.
Max called and invited me to stay over at their house tonight. I told him, that would probably be good since I wasn't welcome in my own home and I didn't feel like going to a hotel.

I called Matt on my way to Max and Chloe's house.
"I really fucked up, I've lost her forever." I told him what happened with Jay and hitting Penny. "She will never forgive me."
"It was an accident, she will realize that."
"But she thinks I was going to sleep with that girl."
"Don't worry about that girl, we have taken care of her. We have the taped confession that she lied. When we contacted the station she was interning at, I talked to the reporter that she was with. She said that the girl was with her the entire time and that she never even spoke to you. She said that she would be willing to talk to anyone necessary to help clear this up. They are very concerned about pissing us off, they apologized profusely. By the way, the girl is not an intern there anymore."
"Thanks Matt, but I don't know if any of that can even help now. I don't know if she'll ever listen to me again."
My phone beeped, "Hey Matt, Chloe's on the other line. I'll talk to you later."
"Chloe? Is she okay?"
"Brian, I have never seen her like this. I'm used to Mom crying, I'm not used to Mom shutting down. The only time she really showed emotion was when I tried to get her to lay down in your bedroom."
"What did she say about our bedroom?"
"Brian, you know she's just not thinking straight right now, I'm sure she will"
"Chloe, what did she say?"
"She said she never wanted to be in that bed again, something about it being filled with your lies."
"I've lost her Chloe, I've lost her forever."
"Brian, just try to get some sleep. There's no way you slept any last night."
"I appreciate you guys letting me stay, especially after what has happened." I said.
"Brian, you are family as far as we're concerned and considering You and Mom gave us the house..."
"Your house is going to be full of memories of when Penny and I first got together. Maybe right now it's the only way to be close to her. I want to remember how good we are together and all the things we have been through. I hope she will remember."
"Give her some time, Brian."

Jay's POV
It was all like a bad dream, one that you just wanted to wake up from and couldn't. It had to be a dream, I mean I follow my ex-wife because I see her driving like a crazy person. She practically lives in a mansion, I've never seen and she's upset about the man she's with. Then the lead guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold walks in and tells me to get out of his house and away from his girlfriend. The worst part of the dream was when Penny was hit. Really terrible part is that it wasn't a dream and I couldn't stop going over it in my head. I called Bianca, I knew she might know the story and check on Penny too.

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