Welcome to the Family

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Penny's POV
Brian stayed at the hospital that night and I was released in the morning. Brian had a hotel suite for us and we went there to get ready to go to Moms. I really couldn't wash my hair with the stitches covered my a giant bandage on the back of my head. I was now really nervous about Brian meeting my family.
"Penny, it's going to be okay. It might take some time for your family to accept me, but I will not give up." He smiled and I was actually able to relax.
We both got ready pretty quick. Brian had a black long sleeve shirt on with a black crew neck t-shirt underneath. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. He was very handsome as always, but I knew why he had it on.
"You look very handsome Mr. Haner, but you don't have to cover yourself up."
"I know Penz, but I figure that they are going to be hit with 2 biggies today and I can't hide my hands, it's probably best that they don't get the rest all at once."
"Okay, as long as you understand that I am not asking you to do that. Are you ready?"
"Not sure if I am ready, but I am willing. Let's go."

Brian's POV
We pulled into Penny's Mom's driveway and suddenly I was very nervous. Penny squeezed my hand and said, "It's going to be okay Bri." It had been a long time since I met a girl's family.
We walked into the house and Penny's sister came to greet us. She looked like a slightly older version of Penny.
"Brian this is Tess, my sister, Tess this is Brian, my um boyfriend?"
"You don't sound too sure about that. Hi Brian, it's nice to meet you." Tess added I could tell she was looking me up and down. I pretty much kept my hands in my pockets or behind my back.
"It's nice to meet you too."
"Where's Mom?" Penny asked.
"She's in the kitchen, of course," Tess answered.
"Want to come with me, Brian?"
"Um, sure" I answered like a 14-year-old going on his first date.
I followed Penny to the kitchen, Penny's Mom was busy at the stove.
"Hi Mom"
"Hi, stir the gravy." I just stood there as Penny dutifully responded to her Mother's command.
"Hey Mom, I have someone I want you to meet."
"Oh yes, the new boyfriend." Her Mom turned around and looked at me with a questioning stare.
"Mom, this is Brian. Brian this is my Mom."
Penny's Mom just looked at me. So I said, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jenkins."
"Nice to meet you." She said flatly.
Soon Chloe and Max arrived. It was good to have someone I knew there.
"Where's Allen?" Penny asked.
"Late as usual." Tess shook her head.
As if on queue, Penny's brother and his wife walked in. "Who's Mustang is that?" Whoa, this guy did not beat around the bush.
"Hello to you too, brother" Penny started to say it was hers but switched to me at the last second. "It's mi...Brian's"
"Your Brian's?"
"Yes, this is Brian. Brian I would like you to meet my brother, Allen."
Allen stretched his hand out, that was it. I had to shake his hand. "Good to meet you, Allen." I shook his hand as fast as I could, of course eating would be impossible without showing my hands anyway, so might as well get it over with now.
"There's something on your hand, man," He asked. "What is that, tattoos?"
Penny intervened "And Brian this is Kimberly, Allen's wife. I think it's time to eat." Chloe smiled at me and Max patted me on the shoulder as we went to the dining room.
The meal was very quiet. I decided to break the ice and get this party started. "The food is delicious Mrs. Jenkins." She just nodded her head. I remembered what Penny told me: "When my Mom is really mad she won't talk." Great!
Allen spoke up finally "So Brian, is it? What's your last name?" Quiz time.
"It's Haner"
"I don't know any Haner's"
"I'm not from here, I'm from Southern California."
"Wow, how did you meet Penny?"
I looked at Penny and said, "I guess it was just a stroke of luck." She bit her lip to keep from laughing.
"Okay wise guy, how old are you?"
Allen's wife said softly "Be nice, Allen."
"Something is very strange here and I want to know what it is."
Penny answered her brother's last question. "He's 34"
"Penny, didn't Jay teach you anything? Now you're going for a guy even younger?" I didn't like how he spoke to her.
Tess tried to defer the subject. "So Brian, what do you do for a living?"
"I play lead guitar in a rock band" Strike Two!
"Must be a pretty successful band to afford a car like that." Allen was skeptical.
I decided to cut to the chase, "Yes, we have been pretty successful. Three Gold Albums, Multiple World Tours and various awards."
Penny jumped in, "Plus a signature guitar and amplifier line. He's considered one of the best guitarists in the world." I wasn't sure Penny should have said all that. Blatantly bragging probably wasn't the way to go.
Tess and Kimberly looked stunned.
"No way, do you think I'm really going to believe that?" Allen was pissed. "Penny, what's with this crazy bullshit?" Now I was getting really pissed, but I kept it in for Penny's sake.
"They're telling the truth," Chloe said
Max got out his phone and showed him a video of me playing in front of an audience of more than 50,000 people. Of course in the picture, I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Strike Three!
Allen still wasn't convinced. "What did the lead singer call you? Synyster Gates! What the hell is that?"
"It's my stage name."
"So you are in a major super successful band and your dating my sister, who is 10 years older than you?"
"Thanks, Allen!" Penny said
If we're laying it all on the table might as well take it all the way. "I'm not dating your sister, I'm in love with her. Our age has nothing to do with it."
"Are you two getting married?" Tess asked.
Penny jumped in "No, we are keeping our relationship out of the public eye."
I added, "For now."
Of course, they jumped to the same conclusion that most people do.

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