"mhmm, yeah three weeks ago, um, if some of you have not read the papers and such I was held hostage along with Justin's two younger siblings." The audience is silent and respectful and Ellen leans forward, her elbow resting on her knee and her hand supporting her chin.

"And, according to those reports they just came in through the front door?" I nod and Justin hugs me tighter pecking my bare shoulder.

"Essentially, yeah they did"

"In that moment that you realized you were in danger what was running through your mind?" I take a deep breath and look upwards whilst fanning my face. The tears were starting to come. Justin kisses my shoulder again before placing his lips at my ear.

"It's ok, it's okay I've got you" the audience is dead silent and his words are echoed in a muffled voice over the speaker systems. I nod and grip his hand for support.

"I was thinking about my family, that includes Justin and his siblings... Just the thought of never getting to say goodbye, or to tell them how much I love them... That was the hardest thought I think"

"And, unfortunately a leaked source claims that a police report that cited sexual assault was filed can you confirm or deny this?" A few tears fall down my face and Ellen reaches to a table next to her to hand me a box of Kleenex.

"Nonconsensual sexual acts were performed, but intercourse never occurred. That's all I would like to say on the topic though." Ellen nods in total and complete understanding and her brilliant sea blue eyes comfort me almost as much as Justin's supportive arms.

"Justin how has this tragic ordeal affected you? You explained a bit earlier before South was here, by would you mind going into more detail?"  Justin clears his throat .

"My heart stopped when I realized what was going on in my home, our home." He brings my ringed finger to his lips and kisses it.

"I couldn't think straight I must've been going about 180 on the freeway trying to get to the three of them I was crying, I was angry, I was hurt because she was hurt... I couldn't handle it Ellen I was going insane."

"And there's actual footage of your car running red lights, zooming past a bunch of people" Justin rubs his face.

"I put a lot of people at risk and for that I'm sorry my mind was gone" Ellen nods and we all look to see fan recorded footage of his infamous green Lamborghini speeding down a familiar looking LA street.

"Impressive. You know if this whole rap career doesn't work out you've got a future as a NASCAR driver" that gets a laugh from the both of us, clearing the tension on stage.

"Yeah look how he handled those curves" I input and Justin laughs.

"I've had practice handling these curves right here," the crowd lets out a low ' oooh' as Justin runs his hands up and down over the length of my body.

"Ah, young love. Disgusting!" Ellen exclaims with a wide smile. I blush and lean into Justin.

"Enough of the heavy though Ellen, did my team tell you what was going down backstage?" I shift in his lap, curious as well.

"Uh, yes, apparently Bizzle is now not only a rapper, but also a singer with an album coming out?" She seems unsure.

"A mixtape actually. Just testing out some new sound. South has only heard one of the songs, so I think now is as good a time as any to let her hear a new one. Mind if I hijack the stage?" Ellen gestures to a stage where a microphone stands.

"Let me up babe?" He asks, patting my thighs I stand up and steady myself with his shoulders and he leans in for a kiss before jogging over to the mic. I take his seat and wear a smile that matches Ellen's.

"So many of you know that my mother passed when I was young. Younger. Thirteen." The crowd dulls their applause. My eyes widen at the info. I had known his mother was dead, but not that he'd been so young. Just a boy.

"She was my life. She wasn't a grade A mom or anything, but um I still would've loved for her to meet that gorgeous women over there, just to clarify I'm talking about Ellen" the crowd laughs and Justin chuckles.

"Nah, in all honesty I would've loved for South to meet her so this song is called ' Home to Mama'" a set helper brings him an acoustic guitar and a stool. He sits down and begins to sing.

"I don't work hard when it's easy I put in work when it's hard and Girl I've never believed in love until I had yours" the crowd starts to sway and clap to the steady ballad and I can feel my eyes start to burn with tears once more.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that you're the one..." he points to me and I blush, and look at my heels.

"Im the one you wake up thinking bout the one I can run to when I'm feeling down life is all good when you're around, babe nobody from the past is beating you right now...." I start to clap as well my smile is actually painful.

"I'll take you home to mama let you meet my friends I don't feel like I deserve it but you're my kind of perfect..." Justin does a few impressive octaves and guitar riffs before ending the song.

"I love you" he mouths and I mouth it back, the audience standing and clapping their glee. In that moment of overwhelming support I realized that I would be fine. I'm safe. I have a man who loves and protects me with all he's got and a family that would do anything for me.

"What do you think South?" Ellen prompts and I turn to her with a laugh before hopping out of my seat and barreling towards Justin for the most dramatic, romantic kiss of my life.

"I guess she liked it!" Ellen exclaims whilst our lips are smashed together. I smile against Justin's lips and he smiles too, though neither of us break the kiss.

You're my kind of perfect...

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