Penthouse Vibin'

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"My boobs hurt so bad" North says with a groan before plopping down onto a white leather couch in our mom's walk in closet.

"North West If you're pregnant I swear to god I will-" North holds up a hand to silence Kim.

"Chill out mother. That's the last thing this could be." Kim narrows her eyes before going back into her closet and pulling out more clothes. She was purging all out dated clothing articles.

"Can I keep this one mom?" I ask tentatively my heart soaring at the sight of the Balmain dress I'd seen her wear in my timeline just before her wedding to Kanye.

She overlooks it and gives a pout

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She overlooks it and gives a pout.

"I promised that one to your Aunt Kylie" my spirits drop a bit and she seems to notice because In a few moments the dress is pushed into my arms.

" she's just my sister. You on the other hand came out of my vagina"

"talk about pussy power" North quips before receiving a ponytail yank from Kim. North rubs her head with a scowl and narrowed eyes.

" when are you and daddy leaving for Trinidad?" North asks, flinging a pair of lacy panties right at my face. I catch them and toss them back before Kim walks between the two of us to snatch up the garment.

"Be careful with these! Your father had them made for me especially for our two year" North makes a face of utter disgust and I follow suit.

"Don't make that face South. I'm pretty sure these are what got you made" she teases and I groan before gathering my brand new to me old to Kim dress to my chest.

"Tomorrow morning. Early. Daddy wanted to bring all of you, but I shot that down like a fighter pilot." I shrug. It was fine. I didn't have any desire to be away from Justin.

"So house party or..." Kim puts a hand on one of her large hips.

"You know the rules Nori"

"But ma!"

"No butts North West. If you want to have a house party you have to make sure your aunties are there to chaperone" North groans.

"Mother I am 19!"

"Okay Ms. 19 why don't you move out" North mutters something under her breath. Brooklyn obviously still hadn't asked her to move in with him yet.

"That's what I thought. Your sister bought her own apartment. You can do the same. My mouth drops slightly. I had a fucking apartment?

"But she never stays there" North argues and I wonder why I'm being thrown under the metaphorical bus.

"Because she misses her parents, and we don't mind at all" at this statement Kim grasps my cheeks between her stiletto nailed fingers and shakes my head a bit before kissing me on the nose.

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