"Of course I'm right," Martin smirked slightly, a teasing light in his eyes. "Aren't I always?" Okay, so it was the other way round. Hamish was almost always right, not Martin. "Things will get better, Mish. They did for me." He suddenly gave his twin a large hug. "I'd better be off. Don't run off alone!" He grinned at his twin and hopped up, slipping out the door. He quickly said goodbye to Molly and Sherlock, who were both concentrating in silence. Martin didn't bother with a jacket, it was summer after all, merely slipping out the door and running down the steps. He made sure he had his mobile in the pocket of his jeans as he walked along the streets towards the café where they were meeting.

Karina was already there, waiting outside. Upon seeing him her grey-blue eyes lit up and she ran up to pull him into a quick hug.

"I missed you, Marti."

"I missed you too, Kari," Martin blushed slightly. Karina grabbed his hand and pulled him into the café. It was rather small and open, but nice nonetheless. Karina found an empty two person table and forced Martin to sit down.

"You're going to eat something, aren't you." She peered over her menu at him after a few moments of silence.

"If you want me to."

"I do. You don't eat enough."

"It runs in the family."

"Only from your dad," Karina commented drily. "You're papa eats more than enough, as does your younger sister. And your uncle Mycroft."

Martin smirked slightly, a light laugh emerging from his lips. "That much is true. I just don't like food much. But I'll eat."

He frowned down at his menu. A few minutes later Karina ordered a burger and Martin ordered a tuna panini. An easy conversation soon began between them.

"I like your friend."

"Hmm?" Martin mumbled out through a bite of his panini. It was surprisingly nice, for food.

"Your friend, Max. I approve of him as your friend."

Martin arched an eyebrow. "Good to know. As do my family."

"I think it's good that you have more friends now."

"Yeah. It is. Max is my best friend, though. Apart from you, of course. You were my first friend."

"Yes I was. If you don't include Hamish."

"He doesn't count. He's my brother," Martin chuckled. The conversation continued in very much the same way, until Karina got a text from her mum saying that she had to go home.

"I'm surprised my dad hasn't swooped in to check if I'm ok, actually," Martin commented as he headed out of the cafe. They had been in there for quite a few hours, getting a cake and then drinks so they could stay. At the end Karina had insisted on paying. Martin hadn't known why but decided not to argue.

Karina smiled at him. "Thank you for the lovely date." She move forward to kiss him on the cheek before hurrying away. Leaving Martin standing with his mouth hanging slightly open.

What? A date. He had though that it had just been a friendly lunch. Not that he didn't like Karina... Actually, he'd had a crush on her for quite a while. What she had said had just been a bit of a shock. He pondered over it as he wandered home, slipping up the stairs and into the living room. Papa seemed to have returned home from his shopping, or whatever he had been doing, and was typing on his computer. Sherlock was standing behind him, watching the screen. Both of his dads' gazes snapped to Martin as he entered.

"How was it?" John smiled.

"Eh... fine."

John arched an eyebrow and indicated for Martin to sit down. The fourteen year old sat beside his papa, biting his lip. "Anything happen?"

"Well... Karina said it was a date then kissed me on the cheek afterwards." He didn't see why there would be any reason not to tell his dads.

"Really?" John tilted his head.

Martin nodded. "Does it mean... That I'm going out with Karina?"

"It seems it does."

"She obviously wants some form of relationship with you," Sherlock pointed out, causing John to roll his eyes. "Do you want a relationship with her?"

Martin paused, turning bright red. "Yes."

Sherlock let out a small huff, whereas John just shot him an 'I told you so' look.

"If you ever want any advice when it comes to relationships like that I'm always available to help," John smiled.

"Though I wouldn't go to him considering how well he did with girls," Sherlock added in snidely.

"Well I have actually gone out with girls," John retorted with a glare while Martin watched his dads with slightly wide eyes. "Better to learn from my mistakes than take advice based on experiments and science."

"I will have you know that I have never been in a relationship that ended."

"That's because you have only ever been in one with me."

"Exactly. And look where we are." Sherlock smirked. John sighed.

"Thanks... I'll talk to you if I have to." Martin hopped up, scurrying into his room.

"Told you so," John taunted as soon as Martin was out of earshot.

"I thought Molly would be the first one to go out with someone," Sherlock huffed. "Hamish is too like me, Martin is too shy... Whereas Molly is exactly like you."

"What, stunningly good looking?"

"That," Sherlock laughed, "and a romantic."

"I'm so much more than that," John smirked, moving in to kiss Sherlock on the lips.

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