58 | Darling Liar

Start from the beginning

"Bullshit," Indiana snapped.

"Because that sounds just like you," Regina sarcastically agreed. She glared at him.

"Without me, you will fail," Rumplestiltskin continued, pretending as if the woman hadn't butted in. "I'm the most powerful amongst us. If I could give you my dagger, I would. But I can't."

"But you can give me Pandora's Box," Baelfire mentioned. "I don't have to trust you if I could stop you." Rumplestiltskin fell silent before ultimately giving up the box. "Look at me... you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box."

With that, the group left. Before Indiana could push past Rumplestiltskin, the elder stopped her. "Look, you may think you know who you're up against and who you're in love with, but you don't," Rumplestiltskin said.

Indiana stared at him emotionlessly. "Then tell me. You two supposedly have some history together. What really happened between you two?"

"Peter Pan destroyed my brother."


From the perimeter of the Lost Boys camp, Tinker Bell stood alongside Indiana. They stared into the camp through the leaves, listening as they spoke indistinctly. Neal was on Pan patrol, meaning that since he had Pandora's Box, he would be the one to trap him in the object if necessary.

"Can I at least use magic on these boys?" Rumplestiltskin wondered as they stared at them.

"No," Neal and Indiana immediately answered.

"You remember the spell?" Rumplestiltskin wondered, looking at Regina.

Regina rolled her eyes before waving her hand. The Lost Boys fell unconscious. The only reason Indiana allowed them to use magic on them was to make them fall unconscious, but that was it.

They walked into the camp from different sides of the camp, eventually meeting in the center. The only thing was: Peter was nowhere to be seen. They looked around in search of Henry, calling his name. They had absolutely no clue where he was. He was nowhere to be seen. A small voice calling for help made Baelfire turn and walk toward the voice, for he had recognized it. It belonged to a girl.

He ran toward it. "Wendy?" Neal called out.

"Do I know you?" the girl asked, staring at him in confusion. Neal reminded her that he was Baelfire. She gasped. Emma asked if they knew each other. Neal ran forward. Neal grabbed a nearby rock and began to beat the cage until it came open. Wendy jumped out and hugged Neal. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Neal let her go, staring at her in confusion. "What are you—What are you doing here?" Neal demanded softly. Wendy told him that she came back to save him. "You did that for me?"

"Well, I couldn't bare for you to be without a family, not after you told us that your mother and father were both dead," Wendy sadly explained.

"You told her I was dead?" Rumplestiltskin queried. They moved their heads to see the man.

"It was easier than telling the truth—my own father abandoned me," Neal stated.

After getting Wendy situated in the camp, Snow offered her a blanket. The girl thanked her, wrapping it around her body. "Hey, Wendy, since you've been here, have you seen my son? His name's Henry," Neal wondered. Wendy, surprised, asked if he had a son. "Yeah. Pan needs his heart."

"Has he said anything about the Heart of the Truest Believer?" Snow White asked.

Wendy shook her head. "No. I'm sorry," she apologized. "He never mentioned anything about a heart."

Indiana Jones ↠ Peter Pan [OUAT] ✓Where stories live. Discover now