Chapter 68

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An: sorry for the random time jump. I'm thinking of writing a few more chapters of this roughly ten maybe less maximum will be twelve unless I really have something else I want to go into, I'm so happy you all love it but, I find it more of a pain to Write now so instead of writing a load of bad I want to finish on a good, I'm also writing another story that isn't published so I'll publish it after I've finished this one.

Six months later
"The wedding." Connie looked, his head jolted "Wedding?" "Well we are engaged Jacob." She laughed, "You still want to do that-" "Yes you idiot." She glared, he laughed. "Have you spoke to Chloe?" "No and I'm not going too... talking to Elle behind. My back what does she expect, I knew something was going on." He sighed, she came and lent into his side "Hey, it's fine." He kissed her head. "So wedding?" She smiled, "Yeah wedding." "Well how about after Noah's birthday in two months?" She nodded with a smile, "I don't want a big wedding Jay... just the people who matter you know?" "Couldn't agree more beautiful." She laughed and kissed him.

Noah came crawling in, Connie smiled and lifted him "Shall mummy and daddy get married?" Noah gurgled making both Connie and Jacob laugh, he now had a good amount teeth. "The girls will arriving in any second." Jacob laughed, "Yeah, how about..." "How about what?" "We order in and watched tv, play games with the girls? We haven't done it in a while." She looked, he nodded "Just don't get down when we all beat you-" "You won't beat me." She protested.

The girls came through, Jacob paid Nadia while the girls say on the sofa. "How was school?" "Good!" Ivie beamed, "I'm glad it's Friday though." Grace smiled, Noah came and pulled himself up on to is feet, which he did quite often now he'd even taken a few steps. Grace picked him up and hugged him while Ivie kissed his cheek. "Well me and dad have had and idea." "What?" Grace smiled, "We order in some food and play board games and watch TV?" "Yeah!" Both girls smiled. "That's that settled." Jacob laughed.


"Ivie-J you little cheat." Connie laughed as she tickled her, making her giggle loudly. Connie stopped, "I didn't cheat." "Ivie you did." Grace looked, "Didn't." She went to sulk when Connie sat her on her knee "You can be on my team now." She whispered, She smiled and helped her mum as they played twenty one.

The doorbell rang "That will be pizza." Jacob smiled getting up to go to the door, "Girls, what would you say if me and daddy got married in a couple of months?" "I'd say finally!" Grace smiled, "Are you mummy?" Ivie looked, "Well will haven't booked anything but, we think we are." "Yes!" Both girls squeeled, "Bridesmaids?" Grace looked, "Of course!" "With Chloe?" Connie's smile dissolved "No, not with Chloe." "Well she'll be there it's okay." "Grace, she won't be there. I know you got on with her but, she hurt dad a lot." Grace nodded the atmosphere they previously had ruined.

"Here we go." Jacob smiled unaware, they all said thank you and ate quietly, "Con?" He whispered, "I just said about Chloe and yeah..." She whispered back. He sighed, and kissed her temple. "What game next?" Jacob smiled trying to Lighten up the mood, "twenty one again." Grace smiled, everyone nodded and began to play.

"Aw is Connie upset she lost?" Jacob teased, "I let you win." She protested, he laughed and picked her up "What are you doing?!" She squeeled, "You know I love you right?" "Course I do." "Good, I'm sorry in advance." He smiled sheepishly, Connie frowned and realised where they were heading "Jacob put me down!" The girls followed laughing, "Jacob don't, this isn't funny! I'll fall out with you!" She glared "No you won't." He laughed and kissed her, before dropping her into the pool. "Jacob! It's so cold!" Both girls stood laughing, "Jacob, come here." She smiled, "Why?" "I Need help getting out." She smiled, Jacob cautiously lent forward and stuck out his hand, Connie grabbed it and pulled him in.

"Oh sweetcheeks, bad move." He laughed, "Well you did it first." Connie giggled, "Mum!" Connie turned around, "Me and Ivie are tired so we are going to bed." Connie nodded "You sure?" "Ivie already left." She laughed, "Night love you both." "Love you too." They both smiled. Jacob pulled her closer, "I thought it was a 'bad move'." She laughed, "Hmmm... it was, you'll have to make it up to me Sweetcheeks." He smirked, "What if I don't?" She smirked "But you will." He smiled kissing her, "Now, it's really cold here and I think, we'd be warmer in the shower." He smirked, "Well then lead the way." She giggled.

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