Chapter 32

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"Daddy!" Grace squeeled as she ran out of her school doors and into Jacob arms. "Woah Firecracker, someone's excited." He chuckled and he held her, "Yeah! Where's mummy?" "Resting before she has work tomorrow." He smiled, Grace nodded "I love you Daddy." Grace smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you too Firecracker." He smiled as he placed her in the car. They retreated home in their usual manner, which was singing while Jacob drove.


"Connie." Jacob whispered as he gently caressed her cheek, she groaned and rubbed her eyes with a frown. "Now I get why people ask me what I see in you." He chuckled, "Jacob... you are too happy for the morning." She sighed, opening her eyes slightly. He smiled and kissed her "We have work so hop it." He smiled, she pulled the quilt over her head sinking lower into the bed. "Connie..." He called, "Jacob I'm tired and I really can't be arsed." She sighed, his head jolted as she swore, "What save lives?" She threw the quilt off, sitting up "No! Elle and Hanssen." She stormed off to the bathroom, he sighed hearing her lock the door and begin to cry. He knocked on "Connie... Sweetcheeks please let me in." She opened it and looked at him, "Sorry." She looked as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

They eventually arrived at work, getting a few hellos from the staff as they strolled in. "Jesus Ms.Beauchamp, you sure grew in a week." Jack smiled, Connie sighed and walked off to the Staff room, "Great one mate." Jacob shook his head and followed her. "I'm fine!" She yelled as she heard his footsteps, Robyn was over on the sofa watching among with Lofty and Max, neither had noticed. "Sweetcheeks you aren't like it or not." She turned to face him "No your right I'm not but I have to keep going as always! Just drop it Jacob-" "No. Talk to me." "Maybe I just don't want to Jacob!" She slammed her locker shut and walked out.

They both worked through their shift, Connie trying best to avoid him realising she was out of line. Elle on the other hand was all over Jacob after hearing about their argument. "What?" Jacob looked at her blankly "Dinner?" Elle smiled "After work obviously." He glared at her "Wow! We had an argument I'm not about to leave her nor am I ever going to jump into bed with you!" He sighed leaving her. Elle strolled in the staff room seeing Connie, "Are you okay?" She smiled, Connie looked at her "Okay?! No im not! I don't appreciate you all over Jacob nor do I appreciate you and Hanssen making things hard just so you can have him!" She spat "If you want him have him! I don't want to lose him but, I don't have the energy to fight." She sighed as tears formed in her eyes. She walked out, Charlie over heard "Connie where are you going?" He looked "The on call room anyone asks you have no clue... not even Jacob." She sighed as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Jacob a word." Charlie smiled, Jacob frowned but followed him. "Connie. She's up in the on call room after an argument with Elle." He looked, "What do expect me to do Charlie? She won't talk to me about anything." He looked, "She's scared." He raised an eyebrow "To tell me?" "No course not. But this is Connie, what is the first thing she does when she is scared or hurt? Cut everyone off she so used to it I don't think she realises it. Now she needs you up there because she just told Elle that she can have you... she's fragile Jacob you and I both know that but, no one here does. Don't lose her over a petty argument." He smiled, Jacob took in every word "You Charlie Fairhead are a genius." He smiled before racing up to the on call room.

He swung the door open, reveling her lay facing the wall "Can't you see it's occupied." She sniffled as her and raised to her cheeks, "Yeah I can." "Well then leave." She sighed. "Nope." He shut the door and lay next to her, she turned to face him "Jacob what?" "Lose the attitude with me." He chuckled, "I've not got one." She snapped "You have." He smiled as he began to tickle her, "Jacob... stop!" She laughed "Are you going to lose the attitude?" "Fine... yes.." She laughed. He stopped and pulled her into his side, "So what's wrong?" "Nothing." She looked "Well, why tell Elle that she can 'have me'" "I just don't want to fight Jacob not with you or anyone... Especially not you, I don't want you to hate me." Her eyes filled. "I won't I never could Sweetcheeks. Now you are the only woman I want, not Elle not anyone just you." He smiled, she nodded "Sorry." She mumbled, he watched "Sometimes, I just can't open up to anyone. I'm used to keeping it all inside, I'm not used to having someone to talk to... I don't want that to ruin us because I'm trying so hard." She sobbed, he kissed the top of her head "I know sweetcheeks, it know." She smiled slightly before straddling his waist. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, "How's Ivie-J today?" He smiled, she smiled at the use of the name. "Good... although I think that she would love fish and chips for tea." "Would She now?" He smirked, "Yeah. She would." She laughed. "Can we not argue like that again, I hate it." She sighed, "I hate it too... especially not working with you." He smiled. She lent down and kissed him. He lifted his hands and ran his hands gently through her hair.

Elle opened the door, "Will you two actually do some work." She sighed looking at them, "Maybe." He glared but, soon retreated to looking at Connie. She smirked at him as he sat up, he smiled as he gently hit her with a pillow. She glared "Game on Muscles." She laughed, not noticing a few other members of staff now watching. She hit him with a pillow "Bad move Sweetcheeks." He smirked as he flipped them so she was lay on the bed, he tickled her causing her to giggle. "Jay... I'm sorry." She laughed as he continued. "Stop... I'll wee." She laughed, he frowned "Nice." She laughed which slowed as he stopped. Her hands cupped his cheeks as they kissed gently, yet so full of passion and love, it was as if no one was in the door way watching. She smiled at him as a stray finger gently rubbed his cheek with the other arm lay rested on his back, he smiled "I love you Sweetcheeks... even your attitude." He laughed "I love you too Muscles... Even if you're annoying also I don't have an attitude." She glared "Yeah yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night." He laughed before kissing her gently, she smiled before moving her hand to her stomach where she had just received a typical boot, "Well someone's awake." She smiled "Is she ever asleep." He laughed before sitting back. She sat up, still neither remembering where they were and people watching, "We have work Sweetcheeks." She nodded with a sigh, "Yeah you do now out!" Elle glared, "Maybe we could stay here for another five minutes." He laughed as he kissed her, "No, we have lives to save remember." She laughed hitting him gently in the chest. He chuckled and stood up "Come one let's get this over with, then you have have your stupid fish and chips." He laughed, "Not stupid Muscles... Shall we say tasty." She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her while they walked out purposely annoying Elle.

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