Chapter 33

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They walked into the ED hand in hand as usual, Jack had learnt to keep his mouth shut this morning with made Connie smile. The pair went and worked together which they both haddn't in a few days. "Alright can you clean the wound and glue it." Connie looked at Jacob "No problem sweetcheeks." He smiled, the patient and man with her smiled, "Staff Nurse Masters a little more professionalism." She smiled. "Sorry boss." He smirked, she narrowed her eyes "Jacob just clean the wound." "Alright Alright." He laughed. The woman scoffed "Wow. She's rude, how can you work with her." "Well she's not just my boss, so I guess I get it tougher." He smiled while cleaning, "They treat us like animals how can you love someone like that." "Could you please not talk about her like that." He glared, "Well tell me where the lie is." She looked, "Stop it!" He yelled, Connie came over "Jay? What's wrong?" "Nothing... get Lofty or someone to do this." He sighed removing his gloves, "Jacob... fine, Muscles tell me." She looked, "break?" He smiled, "Um yeah sure." She smiled as he practically dragged her away.

They sat outside a while longer than intended, they were about to walk back in when they heard gun shots. Everyone in the hospital began to evacuate. Connie and Jacob looked around checking if all staff were out, "Con, where's Charlie?!" She shook her head as she went pale. "He'll be okay... come on." He took her hand guiding her to a back entrance, "Jacob this is not a good idea." She looked "Yeah well we need to find him." He sighed.

They roamed the corridors, "Missing your heels yet sweetcheeks?" He smirked, "You know I am now Shhh..." She whispered as she heard sound, they peered through the board room door, The man noticed "You inside now!" They stepped inside throwing their hands up, "Charlie-" "Shut up woman!" Connie jumped. As the woman held the gun at her, the other man answered his phone. "Who is it?" "Stop." He looked a the other woman "No! I am a solider!" She yelled. Connie's phone rang, the woman turned round noticing her touch it. It all happened in slow motion to Connie, she heard the bullet shoot at her but, she felt no pain as the police entered she looked down forgetting what was going on around her. "JACOB!" She screamed

They rushed him down to resus, "Babe I'm fine." "No, you aren't. But you will be." She smiled, "Jay keep your eyes open for me." She smiled, he nodded "Good news is the bullet went streight through." "She shot me?" Connie nodded holding the tears back, "Yeah but, look who's got you, you will be just fine." She smiled before looking at all the blood on her hands as they walked into resus. "Five of morphine please!" "They baby." He mumbled "Just fine." She smiled as she grabbed his hand letting the other do the rest, "Our baby girl." He smiled "Yeah, our baby girl." She smiled as she watched and listen to the others. "I love you so much Beauchamp." He slurred "I love you too now shut up and let them do their job." "Alright boss." He managed to for a small smirk.


Connie strolled up to where Jacob now was, her eyes glanced to the board room. She paused and wrapped her arms around her bump protectively, she continued to walk. She looked through the window seeing him wide awake she stormed in, "What the hell were you doing out there?!" She looked at him, he noticed her eyes red as her cheeks still stained, "Well that's the best thank you ever. Saving you and our baby-" "Why do you always have to save me..." "You want me to stop?" "No. I want you to stop putting your life a risk." She sighed, he reached his hand out which she gratefully took, he smiled "I'm sorry." "No, I was just so scared I'd lost you." She blinked the tears away, "Well I'd rather you lose me then I lose you two." He smiled before patting a free bit of the bed, "That's not happening-" "Shut up." He smirked, she rolled her eyes and lay next to him. She looked up, "You are going to be okay right?" "Course I am, when will you learn I'm always okay. Now can you get a doctor so I can leave." He smiled "No. You are staying right here muscles, like it or not." "But-" "But nothing you just got shot." She glared, "Fine but only for tonight." She nodded.

Connie pulled out her phone and messaged Nadia asking if she could watch Grace over night. There was soon a reply, "Well looks like I best get comfy." She smiled, he burrowed his brows "Connie, Grace?" "Nadia." She smiled moving her head to his chest. He smiled, "Today made me realise something." She spoke softly, he hummed, she tilted her head to look at him "How much I love you and how I really don't want to be with out you." He sighed "I'm sorry for scaring you." She shook her head "More like saved me and no need to be sorry." She smiled as she kissed him. Connie soon fell asleep, he made sure he kept his unharmed arm around her.

Louise, Alicia, Robyn, Max, Iain and Jez came in making quite a noise. "Well look who it is? The bloody hero." Jez laughed, "Guys, keep it down." Jacob looked at them, who looked and noticed Connie asleep. "Sorry mate." "What even happened?" Alicia inquired "Honestly, I couldn't tell you, all I know is the woman went to shoot Connie and I somehow got infront." He sighed looking down at her. "Do you want us to leave?" Iain looked "No, it's fine. You might need chairs though." He smiled. They all grabbed a chair and sat down, he watched them not having a clue what to say. Connie moved slightly, "Jay." She mumbled, he looked down, "Con." She rubbed her eyes and moved again, "I love... you." She mumbled still asleep, he smiled and kissed her forehead "I love you too." Everyone watched them and smiled. "One think I will say Jacob, you really did change her." Robyn smiled, "No, I really didn't. She was always like this, she just needed someone to talk too and trust." He smiled, the room fell silent for a while.

A while later, they were all chatting and laughing as Connie began to wake. Her eyes fluttered as she looked up at Jacob, he smiled "You alright?" She nodded, still in the post sleep haze. Her hand naturally fell to her stomach as she rubbed it gently. "Sleep okay?" "Yeah, just trying to wake up." She yawned and stretched, her top lifted slightly reveling a burn scar, Robyn gasped. Jacob glared at her, Connie frowned, "Sorry, I just stubbed my toe." She lied, Connie nodded and Sat up slightly. They all spoke a while longer before everyone left leaving the pair to talk and sleep.

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