Chapter 66

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The pair walked into the ED, Connie now having recovered her tears stained cheeks. "I know it seems bad but, it could be a lot worse." Jacob smiled warmly trying to confort her, "I'm okay, I promise. It's just tough." She let out a quiet sigh, before placing a gentle kiss on her sons head, "He's still perfect." She added, he smiled and moved his arm around her waist "Yeah he is." He added walking into his office.

Connie stood at the nurses station, filling out some notes. Noah asleep in his carrier against her chest, Max and Jez came around the corner "You're such an idiot!" Jez laughed, "No that's definitely you!" Max chuckled, "Oi oi, don't lie Maxine-" "Maxine?" "Guys, quite down you will wake Noah." Louise sighed, "Sorry." Max and Jez smiled, Connie nodded not wanting to approach the matter, the was a crash of something knocking over. "Does this place not know what quiet is?" Louise sighed, "Well, It is an ED. What do you expect?" Connie pointed out harshly, surprising herself and the venom in her voice. "Sorry Mrs.Masters but, I was just worried that Noah will wake up-" "If I was worried about that, I would have pointed that out myself. Maybe you should concentrate on your work Staff Nurse Tyler." She snapped once again. "I am, I just didn't want-" She stopped as connie slammed her pen down "If it bothered him, I wouldn't be here. Quite clearly he is perfectly fine so I'll tell it to you this time, my worries aren't yours my family isn't yours okay!" She stormed off.

Jacob caught the last of the conversation, "Lou, what happened?" Jacob looked before watching Connie through the glass of the windows "If just wanted this place to be quite so it didn't wake Noah, then she snapped at me for worrying." Jacob sighed, "She really didn't mean it-" "She did." "No no, you really don't understand somethings are a little raw right now. We will explain soon." Jacob finished before running after Connie out the ED, "Yeah well I don't appreciate my head being bitten off!" Louise called back.

Connie continued to walk out of the car park, unaware Jacob followed. She eventually stopped at a cafe, she went and order herself a drink before sitting outside with the subtle breeze her hair blew to one side. She sat peacefully throwing the blanket she had brought for Noah over her front covering him. Jacob went to come over but, heard her talking "Mummy can be such an idiot sometimes, auntie Louise probably hates me now." She sighed, "Daddy's going to worry where we are." She chuckled, "I best text him." She added pulling out her phone, it began to ring
He ended it, making her frown "I think daddy's mad at me too." She sighed and kissed her baby's head, moving her arms around him on top of the blanket protectively. She sighed and looked to her left, Jacob came and sat down. She jumped and looked, "Jacob, you scar- how do you know where I was?" She looked, "I may have followed you." He smiled, "Oh and no I'm not mad at you, nor is Louise she just as she put it 'doesn't appreciate her head being bitten off.'" She sighed "I really didn't mean too. She just kept going on about the noises and after this morning it was all got to me." He moved his chair closer "I know but, they don't do we either tell them together or you can apologies and flip out everytime someone mentions his hearing. Because like it or not I know it gets to you, not because he is deaf but, because you blame yourself for it don't you?" "Jacob don't." She sighed looking away, "No I won't, because Connie it's not your fault." He sighed sadly. "Jacob you don't understand, something went wrong in my body for this to happen-" "Something out of your hands." He added matter of factly, she looked "I can't help it okay." She sighed, "Con, it's freezing. Noah may be warm but you aren't, let's go to my office Yeah?" She nodded and stood up.

Louise was stood at reception when they came back, Connie just walked to Jacob's office closely followed by Jacob. "You tell them, I can't deal with all the 'I'm so sorry' As if he is going to die or its something severely wrong. Yes he's Deaf but like you said,  he's perfect." She smiled, Jacob nodded and kissed her head "this really isn't your fault." She nodded "Will you also warm his dinner up?" "Yeah course... Connie I mean it, this isn't your fault." She looked up, "You don't blame me?" He instantly shook his head "No! I promise." She smiled and kissed him.

"Why are we here Jacob?" Robyn looked, "I'm just going to say it, Noah... Noah is profoundly deaf." Jacob sighed, everyone began to talk as Jacob warmed the food. "Jacob I'm so sorry." Jez looked "No, don't do that." Jacob looked, "Don't make out like he's ill he's not ill he just can't hear that's all!" He slammed the microwave shut "Oh Louise, we found out today that's why Connie was mad." He added slightly calmer before leaving the staff room leaving them all to talk.

After feeding Noah the pair sat in Jacob's office, Jacob worked while Connie played with Noah. He couldn't help but smile hearing him giggle and her talk to him. "Is Noah a happy boy?" She cooed as she tickled him, making him giggle. There was a knock on the door, Connie looked over before looking back to Noah who lay kicking his legs before rolling over. Connie laughed as his head wobbled while he pushed his chest up. Jacob went to the door, "Jacob I wanted to say sorry, I didn't know." Louise looked "It's fine." He looked back hearing the pair giggle, he smiled and looked to Louise "I'll let her know but, she is sorry too." Louise nodded and left them, Connie smiled over and Jacob came and sat down. "You alright down there?" Jacob laughed "I am actually." She chuckled before standing up and sitting on his lap "I love you." "I love you too." He smiled "Although I love our babies more." She smirked, "I can live with that." He smiled kissing her.

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