Chapter 50

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"Jacob calm down or I'll change my mind." Connie sighed, "But just think of how cute it will." "Me and you have very different ideas of cute." She laughed before turning down a street, "The girls will love it sweetcheeks." "So you keep telling me." She smiled, Jacob laughed as they pulled up. She smiled and got out, Jacob came over "Look, I know this is a big commitment for you but, me and the girls are and will be greatful... I'm sure I can make it up to you." He smiled gently tapping her bottem. Her cheeks flushed a light crimson colour making him laugh. "Staff Nurse Masters, save the talk for the bedroom." "Most certainly Mrs.Masters." He smiled, she laughed before knocking on the house door.

A woman answered with a smile, "Are you here to collect a puppy?" "Yeah, I'm Grace's mum." Connie smiled, "Oh, I'm Emily's step-sister. Mum mentioned you actually, I'll go and get him." The woman smiled. Connie nodded and watched her walk away. They stood for a few moments before the woman brought a small, brown and white shit tuz out. Jacob smiled as took him as Connie paid. They said there goodbyes and walked back to the car.

"Con, just look at him." Jacob looked, "You are actually more excited about a dog then when Ivie was born." She laughed, "Well he won't end up talking back." He laughed, Connie smiled and looked down at the dog. She sighed "It's slightly cute." "Just admit it, it's adorable." He smiled, "Fine okay it's 'adorable.'" He laughed as he gently stroked it, Connie looked at him again, "Sid." She smiled, he frowned "What?" "Sid. His name." He looked down "Sure." He smiled.

They drove back to the house, having previously bought the things nesssary. As they entered Jacob placed him on the bed they had bought, before pulling Connie into him. She smiled "What are you after?" "Can I not hug you know?" He smirked, "Maybe not." She laughed, he smiled and kissed her. Connie pulled away slightly and grabbed his hand, pushing it against the just visible bump. Both smiled as he felt a kick, "I still love that." He looked, Connie looked back, "I really don't believe we are doing this again." "Well you best had sweetcheeks." She chuckled and kissed him again, before sighing, "What is it?" "I just want something to eat." She smiled before traipsing across to the kitchen leaving Jacob to play with the dog.


Jacob quickly walked to the kitchen, sid following. He shut the door hearing Connie talking to Nadia. The girls frowned looking around the room seeing all the dog toys, "Mum?" "Yeah." Connie smiled as she walked back to the living room, "What's all this?" Grace looked slightly perplexed, "Well, I thought you wanted a dog. We can go and collect it tomorrow after school." Ivie jumped up and down, where Grace hugged her mum "Thank you!" Connie kissed her head before Ivie bounded into them, making all three laugh. "Go to the kitchen there is another surprise." Connie smiled. Both girls frowned, before walking over to the kitchen.

They both squeeled as Sid ran over, Jacob smiled as the girls cuddled and stroked him. "What's his name?" Grace looked as she rubbed his belly, "Sid." Jacob smiled, "Nice name mum." Grace laughed, "Can we walk him?" Ivie smiled, "No not yet in a few weeks." Connie smiled, Ivie nodded and sighed before walking over to her mum.

Connie picked her up and placed her on the breakfast table, Ivie smiled and kissed her mums head. Connie smiled, "What's wrong?" "I don't feel well and I told miss cunningam but, she said see how you go and it's not any better... she didn't believe me when I said I was sick but I was mummy I promise." Connie sighed before smiling, "You know what makes me feel better?" Ivie shook her head, "A hug from daddy." Ivie smiled as Jacob hugged her, "Mummy, Can we watch a film in your bed?" "Yeah, Grace are you coming?" "No, I'm playing with sid." She smiled, Connie smiled and nodded before following Ivie upstairs.

Connie began to feel kicking again, she took Ivie's hand making her frown until she felt it a smile fell upon her face, "Thats cool." She laughed, Connie smiled and hugged her daughter before she fell asleep. Connie looked at the time and quietly left her to sleep.

"Dad's cooking chicken... Where's Ivie?" Grace smiled, "Asleep. She's not to Well." Connie smiled, Grace nodded "She was in a mood at break because one of the dinner ladies yelled at her." "Why and how do you know? You are on different yards." "I help out with Mrs Taylor with all the kids that have fell over so she came and sat in but, she was all moody. Charlotte said she heard her being sick though." Connie nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"Smells good Muscles." Connie smiled, Jacob smiled "How is she?" "Asleep." Connie smiled taking a seat, "So it might be a rain check on tonight's plans." She smirked with a slight sigh of sadness, "Plenty of others." He smirked and kissed her head, "She really isn't well, she never sleeps through the day." Jacob nodded, "It's probably just a bug." Connie nodded "Thats fine but, how long till we all come down with it." She sighed, "Children who'd have them?" She laughed as did he "Us." He smiled kissing her. After eating Connie went back up to check on her.

"Ivie..." Connie whispered but, she wasn't there. Connie frowned before seeing the on suite light on, she opened it seeing Ivie crying. Connie sighed seeing sick in the toilet, Connie came and picked her up. "I don't like it mummy." She sobbed, "I know darling, I know." Connie soothed gently kissing her head before lying her down on the bed, "You stay here while I get daddy to get you some medicine." Connie smiled, Ivie nodded rubbing her eyes. Connie went to the top of the stairs, "Jacob!" "Sweetcheeks?" "Can you get some medicine for Ivie please." "Yeah! Two seconds." Connie came back with some pyjamas for her.

Jacob came up, Ivie too the medicine. Connie followed Jacob out the room, "You alright?" He looked, "Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed, he hugged her "I know you don't like seeing them ill." "I don't think I'll be in work tomorrow." He nodded, "I'll be up as soon as Grace goes to bed okay." She nodded and kissed him.

Ivie soon fell asleep, Jacob came up after Grace had been in to say goodnight. He smiled as he watched Connie gently run her hands through their daughters hair. He came and lay behind her moving one arm around her waist, she looked back and smiled, he smiled back. "I'm not on shift till ten so I'll take Firecracker in and I'll call in sick for you." He smiled, "Thank you." She smiled, he kissed her shoulder and ran his thumb back and forth over the Base of her bump, "Don't set this one off... I don't know how much sleep I'll have tonight." She joked, he laughed. "Night sweetcheeks." "Night Muscles."

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