Chapter 62

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"Should you be working?" The patient looked, "Probably not but, I don't like to follow the rules." Connie smiled, "Sweetcheeks." Jacob whispered "Yes Staff Nurse Masters?" She looked, "I need you to come with me." "I'm busy." "Nope with me." He protested, Connie sighed as lily came to take over. "Jacob where are we going?" She sighed, "You really can be dumb Sweetcheeks." "Oh I love you too." She laughed "Good." He added as he pulled her into the on call room. She frowned "We aren't going to have sex here and our baby is here." She looked, "Shut up." He laughed before removing Noah from the wrap and placing him in to moses basket he had brought

"Jacob what are you doing?" She sighed, "Well you never stop Con, like ever and I know Noah is being a bit of a pain so we meaning you are going to rest." He smiled pulling her onto the bed. She smiled and kissed him, "You know this is why I love you Muscles." "I know it is." He chuckled. After lying there for around half an hour, Connie had manged to does off. She haddn't had much sleep since Noah had been up most nights, he heard Noah wriggling about so he gently left the bed and Grabbed Noah before going back down to the ED.

"Isn't the little man getting big now." Alicia cooed, "See this age they bore me, like I love him but I love it when they move and that you know." Max looked, "He does move." Jacob laughed "Yeah well I mean like crawl and make noise." "Oh he makes a lot of noise." Jacob laughed. "He is stunning though." Alicia chirped in. Jacob smiled down at his son, "Well im going to my office." He added before walking back.

He sang the odd nursery rhyme to his son while he worked, still holding him in one arm. "You need to start sleeping Mr." He cooed, Noah made a noise back before trying to suck on Jacob's arm, "Are you a hungry boy?" He laughed before walking to the Staff room making him a bottle. Hanssen walked in, "Staff Nurse Masters, when was this allowed?" He spun round "Well Connie is asleep she normally has him, I'm sorry." He smiled, "I meant the medicine cabinet keys being left on the side." "Oh, I didn't have them last I'm in my office." "I don't approve of Mrs.Masters working however, she hasn't caused any issues yet. Health and safety won't like it so I have no clue about this okay?" "Okay." Jacob stood confused had Hanssen just been nice to Connie and himself.

A couple of hours went by and there were still no sound coming from the on call room, Jacob took Noah and Himself to go and check on her. He carefully placed Noah down in the moses basket and lay down before waking her. He stared at her for a while taking in every last detail, which he did most the time anyway. "Sweetcheeks." Jacob whispered, she stretched and turned over. He moved closer and whispered again this time grazing his teeth on her ear lobe. "Hmmm..." "wake up." He laughed, she rubbed her eyes and turned to look at him. He couldn't help but, chuckle, "Why are you laughing at me?" She croaked, "I just love sleepy Connie... also you mascara is down  you face." She sighed and moved her head on his chest. "How long was I asleep for?" "Couple of hours." He smiled, she nodded  "I forgot how tiring this is." "Make that we." He laughed. They could hear the small wriggles from Noah's moses basket, "I wouldn't change it though." She added "Maybe just a little more sleep." He smiled, she laughed.

The pair eventually left the ED, the arrived back to an empty house which was soon filled with noise as Sid began to bark. Connie placed Noah in his bouncer while Jacob let Sid out in the garden, he smiled as he came and slumped next to her. Connie's phone made a noise, she grabbed it and sighed. "What is it?" He looked "I forgot, the health visitor is coming tomorrow." "Want me to be here?" "No it's fine... I don't need someone telling me how to look after my child then telling me what he should be doing. It's ridiculous." Jacob smiled, "I know Sweetcheeks." He kissed her temple, "Sorry." "It's okay Sweetcheeks, you're tired and stressed... even if you don't like to admit it." She looked up, "I'm okay... just a little tired." "Rest." He looked at her, "Fine." She kissed him gently before going up to bed.

A few hours past, she pulled her dressing gown over her frame before retreating downstairs. She smiled looking at the scene before her, Noah's play mat was out he lay looking up at his sisters as they played with him. She then heard the music coming from the kitchen, soon hit with the smell of Jacob's cooking.

She came in and sat on the counter, he looked over and smiled. "Hey you." He smirked stepping between her legs, "Good evening." She smiled as he legs clasped around his waist, he kissed her passionately. "What are you cooking?" "Just spaghetti bolgnise." He smiled, "Well it smells good." "How are you feeling?" "Better, although all I've done is sleep most of today-" "You were up most of last night." He smiled, "Dad! I think Noah's pooed." Grace called, "I'll go." Connie smiled pressing her lips to his once more.

Connie sat with the three of them while Jacob cooked, the three girls sat talking aimlessly about eachother's days. Connie smiled down as Ivie lay across her, "Mummy?" "Ivie." "I love you lots, and daddy and Grace and Noah." "I love you all too." Connie smiled "Same here." Grace smiled, she enveloped the girls into a hug kissing their heads both girls gigged as dinner was served.

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