Chapter 8

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A few days had passed, things had been somewhat perfect. Connie was sat with Grace on the sofa, Jacob was on his way home from work. Her phone began to ring, she looked at the name and sighed "Gracie daddy's calling." She forced a smile, Connie passed her the phone as she answered quickly leaving them to talk.

"Hi daddy."
"Hey, where are you?"
"Jacob's." Grace smiled
"Who's Jacob?" He frowned
"Mummy's friend, we live here now because Cal was nasty... that's why mummy said anyway. So we live here I have my own room with all my things and Jacob is funny. He gives the best bedtime stories and he plays with me AND he cooks better than mummy." Grace beamed
"Oh. That's nice, how are you?"
"I'm good,  Jacob and I are going to the cinema later while mummy goes somewhere. I don't know where though and then on Saturday we are all going to the beach, Grandad might come but, we don't know if he's working." Grace smiled excitedly not realising she was upsetting Sam.
"How long have you lived with Jacob?"
"Nearly a week, I was worried why mummy ran away from Cal but, Jacob said its okay and then he read me a book and I fell asleep."
"I miss you."
"I miss you too, when you get back maybe you could come to the beach with us."
"Can i show you my room?"
Grace picked the phone up and ran to her room, "This is my bed and all my books are up there." She pointed to the shelf "then some toys and my doll house is here... Jacob says I can paint it whatever colour I like and mummy can't say no because he said."
"It's lovely."
Grace completely ignore "He does it all the time, Mummy says something and he does the opposite or he changes her rules, Mummy said I can't have chocolate before bed but, Jacob did it anyway. But mummy wasn't even mad" She gasped
He just listened
"Jacob's so funny he makes mummy so happy, although I can't tell anyone at the hospital because mummy wants to keep it a secret so no one knows we live here apart from Grandad, uncle Elliott and someone called Max and Lofty."
"Oh right."
"I think mummy loves Jacob, I love him I don't want him to leave. We all played tea party the other day and he made me laugh, he also chased mummy with a glass of water because we poured some on him, it was funny." She giggled as she rembered
Grace heard the front door and Jacob
"He's back! I'll be back in a minute daddy." She smiled as she put the phone on her bed and ran out to find him

"Jacob!" She squeeled as he picked her up "Hey Firecracker had a good day?" She nodded "I missed you so much." She smiled as she hugged him "I missed you too." She smiled "Gracie I thought you was talking to daddy?" Connie looked "I am but I just had to see Jacob. He's waiting." She smiled "Go and speak to you dad, I'll be here when you finish." Grace nodded as Jacob placed her down, she ran back to the phone

Sam had heard it all
"I'm back daddy." Grace spoke sweetly
"When do you start school?"
"A few weeks, Mummy and Jacob are going to take me and pick me up."
"Daddy you don't seem happy." She frowned
"I am I just don't want to hear about mummy and this Jacob guy."
Grace contined to frown "Why? I like him and I want to take about him."
"But Grace I dont want to hear about him."
Grace picked the phone up and walked to her mum. "You can talk to him now, I don't want to anymore he's not being nice about you or Jacob."
"Grace that's not true."
"Yes it is. You don't want to hear about them when I want to talk about them." She sighed handing the phone to her mum.

"Jacob... can we go now?" He didn't know how to respond he didn't want to make Sam feel pushed out, "Soon Firecracker." "Okay..." She sighed "How about we go and read a book?" She nodded before running to her room followed by Jacob.

"Connie it wasn't like that, she just kept going on."
"What happened with Cal? Suddenly you just jump in to bed with this Jacob guy, it's not right for her to get attached to people and then just leave them."
"Sam it's not like that, I ran away from Cal okay? I think this is better than me being beat and... raped." She whispered "Jacob took us in okay!"
He was taken back "You let out child around that?!"
"No! It happened in the past few months he never laid a hand on her."
"Well she likes this Jacob guy."
"He's a good man Sam."
"Why does he even call her Firecracker her names Grace."
"Grow up Sam. Your her dad she's not going to stop loving you."
"I never said that, I just think he should call her by her name."
"Sam you left. No one made you, Grace is okay with it she is happy Sam."
"Whatever connie."
"Don't whatever me because, you know I'm right. Grace is happy why can't you be okay with that? Jacob isn't replacing you."
"Whatever... I have to go." He ended the call

Connie went to find them, he heard them talking. "Your daddy didn't mean it." "But I was just telling him... he could be nice." "He just misses you and wanted to talk about you not me or mummy." "But I did Jacob." She sighed, "How about we go watch that film?" Grace smiled and nodded "Come on let's get ready."

"Promise me you will be okay." He smiled, "I'll be fine." She smiled back, she kissed him before she got out for her first counseling session, he was surprised she suggested it but, he was glad he didn't want her to lock it all away and then it mess her up in the future.

"What film Firecracker?" "Pets!" She smiled, The secret life of Pets was not his personal choice but, it kept Grace happy. They went to watch the film, he found himself laughing at parts, he looked down at Grace who was smiling and giggling, It made him smile.

The film finished, "Jacob can you carry me, I'm tired." He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder which made her laugh. They walked out to the car and he helped her in.


Jacob lifted Grace out the car trying not to wake her, making sure he grabbed her bunny. He walked into the flat, "Was it good Gra-" "Shhh..." Jacob whispered, Connie looked and noticed she was sleeping, she smiled as she watched him place her in bed. "Thank you Jacob... I love you." Grace spoke not opening her eyes, she held her bunny close as she rolled over her side, "Love you too Firecracker." He spoke softly before placing a kiss on her head. Grace smiled while she fell asleep, Jacob walked out not noticing Connie had been watching.

She snaked her arms around his neck while his arms fell to her hips, "Was it good?" She smirked "If I'm honest it wasn't too bad." He smiled, she laughed at him. "How did it go?" "Good I suppose... well not good as in good but you get what I mean." He nodded "Yeah..." He stared at her, taking in every feature he smiled, "What?"She frowned "I love you." She blushed "I love you too." She smiled  before kissing him.

She wrapped her legs round his waist, he held her. A moan escaped her lips, as he kissed her bare collar bone. He placed her down on the bed, she began to remove his shirt. Her hands ran down his toned abs, he smiled before pulling her back into a kiss. She removed her top. He unclasped her bra as he made gentle kisses down her front, she let out several moans. The memories began to flash back, "Stop." She whispered, he didnt hear. "Please." She begged, Jacob looked up seeing her eyes filled, he quickly moved away. She watched him.

"Sorry." She sighed, he looked "Hey hey hey, don't be sorry." He smiled "No im being a tease. I'm so stupid." She looked away, he sat next to her "Connie... I don't care. And you aren't stupid, You aren't ready and I'm okay with that." He smiled, "But it's crule Jacob. For me to lead you on like that. How are you okay with it?!" "Connie it's not, I'm not going to argue over it. It's okay and why wouldn't I be okay with it?" He replied calmly. She hugged him "I do love you it's just-" "Hard for you, I know sweetcheeks." He wrapped his arms round her and kissed her head.

"Oh and I love you too." He added, which made her smile.

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