Chapter 26

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Connie found herself looking around again, watching all the soon to be mothers. This time she wasn't bothered about how they looked or their age or of they worked, she watched to see how bonded they seemed with their other children or how they held there stomach in a somewhat protective hold. She looked down, her bump seemed a lot smaller than the others, she also seemed to be different about it. "Connie they're calling." Jacob looked at her, removing her from her trance. She jolted up forcing a smile. They both walked into the room, where she was scanned, "Want to find out the sex?" The midwife smiled, both Connie and Jacob nodded. "Well it seems to me that you are having a girl." She smiled, Connie smiled up at Jacob. "Oh, God I'm welling up." He chuckled, she squeezed his hand, "I'm going to be a dad." He smiled, "A perfect one at that." She smiled.

They walked out the hospital as they had the morning off they had decided to grab some lunch before they went in, "Con, you aren't yourself what's wrong?" He looked at her sympathetically, she shook her head, "I don't want to talk about it." She sighed, "Talk to me please sweetcheeks, I can't make it better otherwise." She hugged him, "Am I a good mum Jacob?" "Yes!" He added without a hesitation, "Why aren't I like the other mothers?" She sighed, "What are you talking about?" "They all seem so connected with their children and bumps where Me and Grace yeah we are but, I don't know Jacob. My bump is small and I just don't seem to treat it the way the others do." "It will come in time." He smiled, "I love our baby with all my heart it's just I don't seem to show it like I should." She looked at him, he pulled a face "Well that's not true. I heard you the other morning talking to her." He smiled, "You just don't like to show it off in public, you have to make out like you have no feelings." He added, "You mean it? That I'm not different?" He nodded "Everyone does things differently but, you love her and that's all that matters." He smiled, she nodded and kissed him. They grabbed some lunch before retuning to the ED.

They had gathered everyone up in the staff room apart from Elle. "What's this about?" Robyn smiled, Jacob stood behind Connie, "Well as some have you may noticed, Max. I have been getting slightly larger and moody... That's because, me and Jacob are expecting... a girl if you all must know." She smiled, Jacob wrapped his arms around her as everyone congratulated them. "Wait so that's why you won't take the job back?" Zoe questioned, "Partly." She smiled. "Do we get to be like it's Aunts and uncles? Please!" Robyn practically begged, "I suppose." Jacob smiled.

They were all joking and smiling unaware Elle heard. "Back to work the lot of you!" She yelled everyone quickly scattered "Not you two." She looked at the pair. They sighed, "A baby?" She glared, "Well it's not going to be a fucking tree is it?" Connie snapped, "funny, why Jacob?" She questioned "What?" She looked at her "Out of everyone Jacob... look at him, compared to what you could have-" Connie was enraged "Compared to what I could have?! What you mean someone who's rich, no because they wouldn't have the heart he has, they wouldn't be as caring as him. Jacob is one of a kind, I don't care where he comes from, I came from Peckham doesn't change anything. I love him end of we are having a kid sorry if that messes with you stupid plans." Jacob smirked as he heard her speak about him, Elle rolled her eyes "Can't wait till you wake up Jacob honestly." "Elle do me a favour and shut up." He glared as she stormed out.

She turned to look at him "Sorry I just lost it." "Don't be." He smiled as he kissed her passionately, she smiled at looked at him. "Now Muscles, someone mentioned a holiday and If I'm correct Grace's school holidays are coming up." She smirked, "That so?" He raised an eyebrow playfully, making her laugh. She smiled as she moved her hands on her bump, "Definatly yours." She glared "How so?" He laughed, "She enjoys finding new ways to annoy me." He laughed and placed his hands on her bump, smiling as he felt her kick. The intimate moment was soon interrupted by Robyn and Alica walking in, "Can we feel?!" Robyn squeeled. Connie rolled her eyes "Fine." She smiled slightly. Both Robyn and Alica felt the baby kick, they smiled. Connie shuffled back "That's enough of that." She glared, they both jumped up, making both Jacob and Connie laugh. They frowned "I was joking although don't just come and touch it, please ask." Connie pleaded. They nodded and left the pair.

"Not even born yet and she's the talk of the hospital." He laughed, as they strolled to a patient who instantly noticed the looks they shared. "Aren't you lucky?" The woman laughed to Jacob making Connie blush "You could sat that." He smirked as connie jabbed him in the side with her elbow. The woman laughed watching the pair as they treated her. "Jacob! That's not right." Connie sighed, "What are you talking about?" He looked at her, "You check it first." "Sorry it's not your way Beauchamp." He shook his head laughing along with the woman, "It's not that, your way is just atrocious." Elle walked in the cubical "Could you two please have your domestics at home and not infront of patients, if it continues you won't be able to work with each other." "They aren't seven." The woman laughed. Connie and Jacob glanced at eachother trying not to laugh.


"Did you have a good day?" Jacob smiled at Grace as the three walked back to the car "No." "Why what's happened?" Connie looked at her, "I fell over and now my leg really hurts!" She sighed. "Well me and Jacob have some news that might cheer you up." Connie smiled as she helped her in the car. "What?" She smiled, "How about we go on holiday?" Jacob smiled, Grace nodded eagerly "Yeah!" She squeeled, "McDonald's for tea?" He smiled, Connie glared at him. Grace nodded with a big smile. Connie got into the passengers side, "What if I told you, that you are going to have a little sister?" Connie smiled, "Really?" Grace gasped, "Yeah." Jacob smiled, "How long till she gets here?!" "Soon." Connie smiled, "But she needs to come now!" Grace sighed, "Not long I promise." Jacob smiled. Grace nodded, she looked out the window as they drove, "Mummy?" "Yes darling." "You will still love me load though? I don't mind you sharing your love but, you will still love me." "Course I will baby, I'll always love you." She smiled back at Grace. "Will you love me the same Jacob? Now you will be my sisters daddy, you might not love me because you are not my daddy and I don't want you not to love me." "Firecracker, I'll love you forever and ever and ever, no matter what." He smiled as he moved his free hand and rubbed her leg, unaware how much she had hurt them both, not in a bad way but, it a way of 'melting their hearts'. "Well then, can you tell her to hurry up! I get bored on my own." She sighed, Jacob and Connie both laughed.

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