Chapter 42

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"No! No no no no!" Grace screamed as she ran upstairs, Connie and Jacob looked at eachother "She will calm down." He smiled, Connie nodded before a knock came through the door. Connie answered still holding Ivie, "She's upstairs." Connie added bluntly. Sam came through and went up, leaving Connie and Jacob to settle their newborn.

"Gracie... can I come in?" Sam whispered through the tiny gap in the door, she opened in her face read and her cheeks water stained "No! You ruin everything! I hate you!" "Grace." He laughed, she stormed to the corner of her room and grabbed a bag full of things. She handed it to him "Go! I don't want this stuff, just like I don't want you!" She yelled. Jacob came up to grab something for Connie, "Grace, you don't mean this." Sam looked at her "Yes I do!" Jacob looked over at her, Grace ran past Sam streight to Jacob. "Daddy, I want him to leave." She sobbed. He knelt down to her level, she hugged him tight "Look Firecracker, you should at least listen to your dad." "No! He's not my dad and I don't want him to be... I just want him to go. Please." She looked at him, Jacob lifted her up "Please could you leave, maybe we could try again in a few days." Jacob smiled at Sam, "Don't bother! Grace he isn't your dad-" "Yes he is!" She shrieked taking Sam buy surprise, he sighed and left slamming the front door.

Grace went into her room, while Jacob came back down. "You okay?" Connie looked, "Am I ever not?" He smiled "Grace?" "Sad angry but, she'll be fine." Connie nodded throwing her head back against the sofa. He watched her before pulling her close, "It will work out." He whispered in her ear, "I know. I know it's just sometimes it can all get too much." She sighed "I know." He kissed her temple when the heard a splash. "Well I think she got over that quick." He chuckled as did Connie.

A while later a very wet Grace trapped through into the living room. "I'm sorry for shouting." She looked "It's okay baby." Connie smiled, As she helped her dry off slightly. Grace smiled as she peered over the basket, "When will she start to play with me?" Grace looked "In a few months." Connie looked back, "Alright... when are we doing my room?" "Well I'm not too sure, soon." Connie smiled. Grace nodded before going upstairs. "You liar Mrs.Masters you lair." Jacob laughed "Well it will be soon." She smirked "Yeah tomorrow." He laughed.

Next day

They haddn't long dropped Grace off, Connie was taking a quick nap as Ivie had been up most the night. Ivie was asleep in her room, Jacob grabbed the baby monitor from the table and went into Grace's room the stuff had came last night. He began to paint as it would be the easiest thing to do, the last thing he planned was the bed. It was going to be a carriage, so she could feel like a princess.

Connie began to stir around twelve when she could hear the drill, she frowned ever so slightly before getting up. She followed the sound which led her to Grace's room, she gasped as she looked around. Jacob turned around "Is it okay?" He smiled "Yeah! She's going to love it Jacob." She beamed. He smiled as they heard Ivie crying, "I'll go." Connie smiled.

Connie grabbed a bottle before returning up to her own room. She placed the tv on while she fed Ivie, "Ivie-J are you Hungary?" Connie smiled at her while she guzzled her milk. The drill noise filled the room which made Ivie jump and begin to cry. Connie held her over her shoulder gently soothing her whilst winding, "It's okay, just daddy." She repeated until it stopped.

Hours later Grace had been picked up by Connie. "Alright close you eyes." Connie smiled as Jacob picked her up "Why?" "Just do it Firecracker." Jacob laughed Grace sighed and covered them. They all entered her bedroom "Can I open them?" She questioned as they stopped "Yep." Jacob laughed. Her eyes widened as she looked around the room "I love it!" She squeeled as she hugged Jacob tight.

 Her eyes widened as she looked around the room "I love it!" She squeeled as she hugged Jacob tight

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"Good." Connie laughed as she watched her daughter run to her bed, "It's the best thing ever!" She smiled, "I'm glad you like it Firecracker." Jacob smiled. As they watched her.

After and evening of excitement they were all soon in bed sleeping.

Thank you to everyone still reading this. I'm sorry this Chapter wasn't the best I've had a bad day but I still wanted to get at least one Chapter up for you guys.

The chapters ahead are going to be years ahead as I don't really have anymore to write about this moment in their lives. Just wanted to full you all in xx

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