
"What? What happened?" Adam knelt down where he could see Cole's face.

"I don't know, I feel like I'm going to pass out," Cole bent over so his head was between his knees. "Not today. Of all days, please."

"We could reschedule," Adam's heart pounded as he stood up to get Cole some water.

The day had finally come. Cole was going to check off the last thing on his official bucket list. Of course he'd added a few dozen little things since he'd hit full blown Ashby-Rhodes status but Adam didn't think they counted. Especially since one of them was to watch Adam and Eli have sex.

"No way. This will pass. It has to."

Adam hoped so. He hated the idea that anything could keep Cole from finishing his list but he really hated to see Cole look sick. It was happening more often - strange muscle twitches, numbness and times when he was too tired to get out of bed. He hadn't had any more issues with his blood sugar but the doctor said that was just a matter of time.

He took Cole a water bottle and watched him until he sat up, his face bright red from being upside down. Cole sat for a few more minutes.

"Do you want a snack?" Adam offered, thinking food might help.

"Yeah, is there any trail mix left?" Cole looked around. "Wait, no. I need to get ready. I'm not going to eat right now."

"Ugh, don't be stupid about this," Adam groaned.

"Don't you be stupid about this. I know you want to keep Eli happy but please don't make me do this alone. Please?" Cole ignored Adam's face and went into the bathroom.

"I promised him I wouldn't be with anyone but you."

"You promised me first."

"No, not really," Adam crossed his arms. "We promised each other monogamy and your wish list didn't say anything about me. Just that you want to fuck him."

"I hate that you're right about that," Cole huffed. "What if I ask Eli?"

"Don't you dare."

"Too late."

"Cole!" Adam gasped and peered into the bathroom just enough to see if Cole was telling the truth. Sure enough, he had his phone in his hand. "What the fuck?"

"I didn't know it was so serious," Cole's eyes widened.

"Yeah, it is," Adam spun around and ran, hoping he could get to Eli before he saw Cole's text.

Eli didn't answer the door when Adam knocked so he knocked again, praying Clay was in the bathroom or throwing a tantrum or something, anything that would keep Eli from his phone. But when Eli opened the door, Adam knew right away that he'd seen the text.

"I swear, Eli, that was all him," Adam promised. "I'll stay right here, with you even. I'm not doing it, I don't even want to-"

"But you should," Eli sighed. "It's for Cole. And it's the last time you'll get to do anything like this so just get it out while you can."

"No, that's not-"

"Look, I have plans with Dax and I have to make sure Clay gets to bed," Eli interrupted. "I know you want to prove a point but don't. Just let Cole have this one."

"I don't know if I can," Adam didn't have a good feeling about it, no matter what Eli said. He didn't think Eli would try to trick him or anything, but deep down the whole thing felt wrong.

"I'm sure you can. It's a warm hole," Eli rolled his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," Adam was surprised when Eli gave him a quick kiss but he kissed back and moved out of the way so Eli could close the door.

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