Chapter Thirty-Two

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The next day when Grace got to school she walked with Veneer to her locker and to get her notes got her exams. Jerome came up behind her and shoo'd Veneer away.

"Grace I gotta talk to you." Jerome said seriously. Grace took the tone serious and she swallowed hard.

"What's up baby?" Grace asked.

"You not really cheating on me are you?" He asked. Grace heard hurt in his voice and it made her feel guilty.

"No." She said softly.

Jerome banged his fist against the lockers scaring Grace. "Don't fucking lie to me!"

People were stopping and Jerome gave them an evil look that made them keep walking. Grace never looked away from Jerome as she grew fearful of him. Jerome looked back at her with anger still fueling his drive.

"I'm not lying." Grace pleaded.

"This is you." Jerome said taking a picture that Frank showed him and showing it to Grace. Grace gasped because she had never seen such a graphic pic before. "Two fucking days ago."

"That's not me." She lied. "It actually was her smiling right at Kelly, riding his dick."

"Not you?" He asked, then yelled. "I'm fucking looking at it! I know my fucking girlfriends body and this is it!"

"Jerome I-" he cut her off.

"Don't say shit else to me." He said ripping the picture up and throwing it away.

Grace went to her exam and tried to think who gave Jerome that picture. She couldn't even focus throughout her entire exam. All she wanted to do make it up to him.

"What did Jerome say to you?" Veneer asked when they finished. They still had some time after the rest so they were just talking.

"He got a picture of me and Kelly together and now he thinks I'm cheating. But I wanna know who have him this picture." Grace said. "That's my man, and I can't let him go back to these no good girls."

Veneer sighed. "Grace what the hell. Drop this side already."

"No, did I tell you he told me he loves me and meant it?" Grace said. "He said it sincerely. And we're not having sex."

"I don't trust this dude man." Veneer said. "Your getting really serious with this dude. What would Grayson think?"

"I'm just waiting until I'm grown them he'll have no say." Grace said. "He'll have to calm down."

"I can't stop you." The bell rang and they got up. "Let's go to the cafeteria. Everyone's gonna be there."

"I'm not so sure I wanna do that." Grace said.

"Come on. I wanna go to the vending machine. The lines are gonna get long." Veneer said pulling Grace along.

Ok, let's go." Grace said walking behind Veneer. There was already a bunch of people there, but the vending machine lines weren't too bad. They got in line and started waiting.

"Man, I really didn't want to do this." Frank said into the mic hopping on stage. "But I guess I got too. Where's Jerome?"

"Everyone looked around and Grace got nerous as hell. She thought he was gonna expose her as a cheater and show her nudes and those pictures.

Jerome walking up the stairs and pushed Frank. "The fuck are you doing man? Drawing all this damn attention to me."

"Well I owe you something." Frank said.

"Oh yeah." Jerome said with his hand out.

"See my bro Jerome here got the cuddi, so it's only right that I give him his money." Frank said giving Jerome 100 dollars.

"Oh yeah, because I did fuck." Jerome said smiling evilly at Grace. She stood there with a heart broken expression on her face. She felt stupid, betrayed, and played.

She walked over to the stage and stared right at Jerome. "YOU ARE SO GONNA REGRET THIS! I SWEAR TO GOD!" She yelled. "Come on Veneer I'm ready to go. I'm done with this fake shit."

Jerome laughed watching her walk out as they hopped off the stage. People started talking about it and the boys walked over to their clique who were shaking their hard.

"You shouldn't have done that." Gerald said.

"Man I'm not scared of her she can't do shit to me. That was a weak ass threat." Jerome said. Gerald whispered something into Dred's ear and Dred's eyes got wide.

"You fucked up bro." He said. "But we'll be back." Gerald and Dred ran off and Jerome just shrugged.

"They just some pussies." Jerome said. "Let me go take this stupid test. I'll catch you afterwards.

Grace couldn't stop crying in the car. She was mad at Jerome and herself. "How could I be so stupid? How could be to this to someone he claims to have loved?"

"Grace I'm so sorry. I knew this was a bad idea. I should've just called Grayson.

Grace got an idea. "No do that. Call my brother and tell him to come to my house." Grace said. "I want my brother to beat his ass."

"Grace." She took his phone and unlocked it going to Grayson's number. She put the phone to her ear and waited.

"Wass good Vienna?" Grace sniffled into the phone. "Nigga you crying? Don't call me with no sensitive shit. I don't care about ya breaku-"

"Grayson it's me." Grace said.

"Are you crying?" He asked angrily. "Why the fuck are you crying?"

"Can you come home and I'll explain it to you? I need you."

"I'm on my way right now." Grayson said.

"Thank you." She said sniffling.

"I'm about to beat some ass." He said hanging up. When they got there Grayson was already there. Grace got out and ran up to him hugging him hard and crying.

"Who got you crying?" He asked angrily.

"Ok, please don't get to mad at me, but I've been dating, and-"

"Who the fuck you dating?"

"I'll get to that." Grace said between sobs. "So not only did he embarrass me, but he also bullied me my entire sophmore year."

"How did he embarrass you?" Grayson asked calmly.

"Well, he made a bet with his friend with he could have sex with me and today he got on stage with his friend and they embarrassed. me infront of the whole school." Grace explained.

"And he bullied you?" Grayson asked shaking. His anger was just building up and he was trying to stay cool infront of Grace. "What's his name?"

"Jerome Houston."

"Jerome Houston!" Grayson yelled with his eyes getting wide. "And Frank stupid ass?"

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