The Selection (Harry Styles AU)

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This book is based and inspired from Kiera Cass' The Selection book. I did NOT copy the story, like I said, it's inspired from it. The beginning may seem similar but it will soon blossom into it's own story. Thank you xx.

So... let me explain what is happening.

Three hundred years ago, all the governments crashed down after World War Four. Power, money, corruption took over control and every strong and honest pillars, that were making sure the world was kept in peace, had been destroyed. Leaving everything into complete anarchy.

Death, starvation, diseases and pain was all the human race had known for a century until one man decided to change everything. He stood up and spoke for  the millions of suffering people caught in this horrendous situation. Wars, alliances, betrayals have been obstacles in his path, but he succeeded to go through all of them and won with glory.

This man, Gregory Limia, became in charge of both North and South America, now called the Limia Kingdom. For over fifty years, he ruled his side of the Earth with a strong grip, not letting anything ruin his hard work. He divided the population in five castes, each one having its own singularity, and became a hero for all of Limia's citizens.

Caste One; called the Gold Caste. The rich, the nobles, the members of the Parliament. All of them were part of this upper class, inaccessible unless you were born a Golden or you became a Golden by marrying one. The second option was rare, meaning only a small portion of the population could become one.

Caste Two; the soldiers and their family. When a boy from a lower caste became a soldier, his family followed right after and was given the opportunity to climb higher in the Caste System. Second richest and privileged part of the population. Easier to access, but the son has to pass an excessively difficult and painful initiations bootcamp to become a soldier.

Caste Three; the merchants. The inventors, the entrepreneurs. Some of them became richer than other Twos, but they can't change caste since their money comes from their business. Not much to say about them, when you go in the world of the Threes, it's basically just math, business, economy, math and oh, did I already say math?

Caste Four; the artists. That's me! The artists are well seen in the community. If you're really good, at painting for example, you can earn a lot of money from selling your art. Quite a lot of people rebelled over the years, saying that selling their work was like starting their own business, but the Limia government said that since we do our own work, and do not pay others to make a constant reproduction of it in a factory, it's not an enterprise. We're not the richest, but my family still manages to eat everyday and we have a roof over our heads. What do I do? I play piano and, from the many great comments I've had, I guess.. I'm quite good.

Finally, caste Five; the workers and lower class. Not much to say about them except that they work longer during the day than anyone in any other caste and are less fortunate. The possibility for them to be part of a higher caste is basically nonexistent...

Unless, and that's exactly the reason why I'm talking about all of this, one of them gets picked to be part of The Selection.

What is the Selection, you're asking yourself? It's a stupid and frankly, misogynistic, competition where twenty-five girls, coming from all the different castes or other countries, are picked amongst millions to get the chance to be the next Queen of Limia.

The future Queen is personally chosen by the Prince on his twenty-fifth birthday, and every two weeks a girl gets eliminated. Throughout the journey, the girls get filmed and the show is viewed by every citizens of Limia. Obviously, everyone wants to know who will win and rule the kingdom next to the Prince. Others are also just entertained by the drama.

Now the problem is, all girls from age nineteen to twenty-five must send a form with a picture of themselves and then, the royalty chooses 25 of them, depending on their talents, abilities, qualities and flaws, but mostly because of their looks.

And that's where I appear in all of this bullshit. Because I, Madison Pearl, was chosen to attend The not so appealing Selection and compete with a bunch of superficial and overly dramatic women to, probably, become the next Queen of Limia and the wife of Prince Harry Styles.


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