Of Love And Hate, You Were My Greatest Mistake ~25~

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sorry for the wait and sorry its kinda short! i was gonna make it longer but i wanna go to sleep lol

Laila tightly grasped her dad’s arm in her own as they walked down the aisle. 

“Daddy, I’m nervous.” She whispered. She was trying hard to ignore everyone’s admiring gazes, but it was nearly impossible when every single eye in the room was on her. Normally she would love the attention, but this time was entirely different.

“Don’t worry, Laily. You’ll be fine. You love him, don’t you?” He whispered back, smiling reassuringly at his daughter. She nodded. “Go.” He came to a stop and nudged her to continue forward.

Her feet carried her on, and her eyes landed on Amanda, Katie, Ramani, Leslie, and Eliza on one side while Wes and Jacob stood on the other. And finally her eyes landed on their destination; the husband to be. She came to a stop opposite him and stared into his green eyes, which were dancing with amusement.

“Nervous?” He spoke so softly she could barely hear, and the apparently priest couldn’t hear at all.

“We are gathered here today,” The middle aged man began, reading out of the small bible in his hands, “To join James and Laila in holy matrimony.”

Her stomach gave a flip as the words passed over her. So many words, and yet her brain could only process those first few. Rings were exchanged, more words were spoken and she felt like she was watching it all from so far away. She stared at the priest, at his eyes, his hair, his weird white robe, the bible in his hands. And then she looked to Jace, who had been watching her intently. His lips pulled up in a small smirk just as the priest closed the book.

“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”

The room burst into applause, and before she knew it she had been swept into Jace’s arms. Her white dress seemed to melt away, the veil over her perfectly combed hair disappeared and even the floor beneath her feet was lost in the moment. His lips were perfect on hers, and their bodies fit so well together..

She cried out as she suddenly hit the floor. She opened her eyes and blinked at her bedroom ceiling, then squinted at the sunlight streaming through her window. She sat up in confusion to see her legs tangled in a mess of sheets and her pillow atop her stomach. She grunted to herself and slowly worked her way from the sheets, then slowly recounted every detail of the dream as she fixed her bed for the day. Everything had seemed so real. She could almost feel Jace on her, just like the day before when they had actually kissed.

“Ew, no.” She shuddered at the very thought. Or more so the way her body reacted to the thought. “I need to go jogging.” She decided. It was nearly eight in the morning and running was the perfect way to get rid of any unwanted thoughts of Jace.

She took a quick shower and skipped makeup for the day, instead throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail and dressing in a short pair of running shorts, a bra, and a sports bra. After a bit of contemplation she decided to put a shirt over the bra to keep her mom from complaining, though it barely made any difference with how short it was. She slipped her feet into running shoes and bounded downstairs. She didn’t bother waking her mom, Saturday runs were practically a morning ritual.

Luckily there was no sign of Jace as she headed down the walkway and across the street. She had been jogging for about thirty minutes when she happened to pass Caleb’s house. After a moment of contemplation she decided to ring the doorbell. The door swung open and she was greeted by Caleb’s second to youngest brother.

“Morning Laila!” He said happily.

“Hi Chris.” She smiled back and placed her hands on her hips as she tried to calm her breathing. “I know Caleb’s asleep but can you wake him up and tell him to come over? I left my phone at home.”

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