Of Love And Hate, You Were My Greatest Mistake ~47~

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hi guys! as always, thank you SO so much for the patience, and i'm sorry this took me almost a year to get out. it's a pretty short chapter and definitely a filler, but i figured it's better than nothing while i work on the next meaningful part (: please like and comment! <3


Laila groaned for the umpteenth time and leaned her head against the window. She and Caleb had just dropped Amanda off at church, and now they were headed for Laila's house.

"Stop worrying so much," Caleb glanced at his best friend, who had been moping the entire morning.

"I can't help it. I'm supposed to have a boyfriend. Miya and some guys from the team saw me leave the room with Jace right behind me. And then there's Jace! I'm so confused about him. I don't know if this means he likes me, or maybe he's just trying to mess with my head still. He never directly told me how he feels and I don't even know if I like him! This is a disaster. What if there are rumors and the entire thing gets around school-"

"First off, it won't. You can trust Miya. We talked about this, remember?"

"Yeah. But the guys on the team? I don't even really know them."

"True," Caleb reluctantly agreed. Caleb, Laila, and Amanda had discussed everything the previous night, plus that entire morning getting dressed and the car ride to Amanda's church. "Yeah, it might get around. But we'll clean it up! And you'll figure everything out with Jace eventually. Don't stress. Go sing and be happy."

Laila kind of smiled and sat up. "Okay. You're right," She picked up her bag as they came to a stop outside her house. "Thank you. And thanks for listening to me go on and on about this all night and all morning."

"That's what best friends are for!" He smiled cheerfully as she got out and shut the car door. "I love you!"

"Love you, too," She waved as he drove off. It was time to unpack her bag and then go for her usual jog; it was still early morning and she needed to clear her head.

Only a few minutes passed before she emerged from her house in dance shorts, a small top, and good running shoes. She set off at a steady pace along the normal route, which usually took a good half hour to complete. All thoughts of Jace were pushed aside, replaced by mental encouragement to reach all Broadway goals. Running would help her get there. Building stamina helped her to sing and dance at the same time for her future role in Rent as Mimi. A stronger body meant better control in ballet, which she would need to play the lead in Swan Lake and Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. Fanny Brice in Funny Girl was a belting role, and working out always helped her voice stay as powerful as she would need for that. Sandy in Grease would require a strong range, and getting her blood flowing made it easier to transition from her chest voice to head and everything in between.

Ballerinas in Swan Lake have to be flexible as hell, she trotted to a stop outside of her house and started stretching on the lawn. Not that she wasn't already flexible enough, but over extension was a must for any professional ballerina. And she planned to play every single one of her dream roles at some point throughout her career.

"That's weird," She murmured, her eyes scanning Rose's house. There was a large van outside and the front door was open, like someone was moving out or in. She shrugged it off and kept stretching, this time in a middle split. She leaned forward to place her chest on the ground. The grass was always so relaxing after a long jog. She eventually got up instead and lifted a leg, pulling it beside her head while leaning sideways to stretch further. Over extension was the goal. That was always the goal, mixed with the immense strength and balance it took to hold this pose with no hands. She slowly let go and stretched her hands above her head, using the grace of a highly trained ballerina.

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