Of Love And Hate, You Were My Greatest Mistake ~42~

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“Is everyone ready?”

“Minus my dying legs,” Ashley groaned. “Fuck you, Laila. I hate you.”

“Katie’s the one who asked, not me!” Laila protested, though she couldn’t help but laugh. She dove out the way as Victoria playfully shoved a pom pom toward her face.

“But you’re the one who made the fucking dance.” Ashley pointed out. “Oh, that reminds me! I forgot to tell you something. It’s kinda important.”

“What is it?” Laila asked curiously.

“Fuck you. I hate you so much.”

“Stop being so mean!” She pushed the petite blonde, who laughed and stumbled away. “It’ll be fun. The guys are gonna love it.”

“Especially Jace,” Miya wiggled her eyebrows at Laila, causing every one of their friends to start laughing. Of course, Caleb’s laugh was the loudest and most joyous of all. He was enjoying this entire situation way too much. Almost as much as Jace. But of course Caleb’s enjoyment was for a completely different reason.

AKA, thinking he’s Cupid, Laila rolled her eyes at Caleb’s naivety. Jace could never like her, and she couldn’t fathom why anyone might think otherwise.

“I hate you all,” She finally declared, just a bit too late. She strode ahead of the other girls, heading for the side room of the gymnasium. The squad had just finished running through their many cheers one last time, followed by her flying stunts with Caleb. Once those were finished the seniors had run their special dance complete, with full music and the DJ. Plus their non-human props. The live ones would come later.

“I still can’t believe none of you told us about that dance,” The same girl from that morning grumbled. She glared at Laila, who easily pretended not to notice.

“Calm down, it was a secret from everyone. And you’re only a junior. Make your own next year or something.” Katie said, waving the angry girl off. She seemed to be the only one who’d caught the dirty look, and Laila shot her a thankful smile.

“Be happy you’re not in it! I swear to god Laila’s trying to kill us with that fucking choreography.” Shantelle reached up to adjust her ponytail, glaring as Laila grinned and shook happily shook her pom poms. “Stop laughing at us! You’re causing us pain, this isn’t funny.”

“I think it’s pretty hilarious,” She danced away just in time to miss a harmless kick. “C’mon, guys! Stop being so boring. No pain, no gain, right?”

Her statement was met with various mutters and grumblings throughout her group of tired friends. She kept smiling nonetheless. Once again; the routine had worked perfectly for her own entertainment.

“Hey Laila, want a present?”

“Sure..?” She half asked, doing a ballet pirouette to land in Ashley’s direction. Knowing the latter, it would be something harmlessly rude and incredibly sarcastic.

“Happy game day! Here’s a big fat load of,” Ashley reached down her cheer top and pulled out her middle finger, then looked at it in mock surprise. “Huh. How’d that get in there? Anyways, I think it’s for you.” She held it out, laughing as Laila promptly shoved her away. Again.

“You’re always so mean to me,” Laila half complained. It was all in good fun, and it was never really annoying. They play fought all the time. Especially since Ashley had a habit of making fun of her never ending peppiness, along with her Broadway obsession and ‘unhealthy love’ of all things vegan. She was definitely one of the more chipper girls on the team, which Ashley would never be. 

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