Of Love And Hate, You Were My Greatest Mistake ~17~

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i'm half asleep so hopefully i didn't miss anything while i was proofreading and it still makes sense (:

Laila fixed her hair in a ponytail as she headed out to the field, having just finished changing into her cheer uniform. Lucky for her she hadn’t seen Jace since their encounter beside their lockers. She finished tying her hair up and adjusted her bag on her shoulder, which had been steadily slipping down.

“Laila!” Ramani ran up to her happily, grabbing her arm and tugging her to all the other cheerleaders. “Guess what?” She snatched Laila’s bag from her arm and tossed it on the nearest bleacher.

“Um..” Laila trailed off, having no clue whatsoever of what it could be.

“I found this new band on youtube, and they’re absolutely amazing!” Ramani exclaimed. “You wouldn’t like them cause it’s all like rock and screamo, but they’re called Distression and they’re sooo good.” She gushed.

“Distression?” Laila repeated. She had heard that name before, but she had no idea when or where.

“Yeah. They’re from the UK and they wear masks so no one can see their faces. It’s super creepy but it’s really sexy at the same time.” She stopped talking to stare at a few soccer players as they jogged across the field.

“I swear, you’re the worst lesbian ever.” Laila laughed as Ramani scrunched up her nose.

“Just because I think guys are sexy doesn’t mean I actually like them or wanna date them.” She huffed, though her eyes stayed on the running boys. “Do you think any of the new girls on the team are gay?” She asked hopefully, shifting her eager gaze to a couple of the new girls standing nearby.

“Okay, everyone over here!” Katie called, motioning all the girls to gather around her. Ramani turned and pranced away without another word.

“You also have the worst attention span ever.” Laila murmured, laughing as she followed. Caleb ran up a second later and pulled her into a bear hug from behind as Katie continued to talk.

“Today we’re doing conditioning!” She exclaimed. “Pushups, ab work, stretching, running. All that.” 

There was a collective groan as she announced this. Laila, on the other hand, smiled eagerly. She had gotten her full share of conditioning in PE that morning, but there was always room for more as far as she was concerned. 

“Do we have to?” Ramani complained.

“Stop being so lazy,” Katie shoved her best friend toward the field. “Three laps guys. Don’t fall behind, don’t wear yourself out.” With that started at a well paced jog, and the rest of the girls fell in behind her at the exact moment the soccer players started their own laps. 

“I’m gonna be so sore later. I’m excited.” Laila grinned at Caleb as they ran alongside each other. 

“Why are you excited to be sore?” Caleb gave her a weird look.

“Because it feels good. It means I accomplished something.” She explained.

“Is that a masochist I’m hearing?”

Laila and Caleb both turned to see the soccer team catching up, Wes and Jace in the lead. Wes caught up directly beside Laila and grinned at the confusion on her face.

“What’s that?” She asked. Jace laughed from Wes‘ other side.

“What are you, ten years old? How do you not know what that is?” Jace taunted.

“No, I’m seventeen.” Laila snapped. “And I don’t know what it is.”

“She’s still innocent.” Caleb put in, patting Laila on the head. She swatted his hand away.

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