Of Love And Hate, You Were My Greatest Mistake ~2~

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“James, come back in here!” Rose shouted, keeping her eyes on Laila. “Make friends,” She hissed, and Laila nodded. Jace trudged into the room and sunk into a chair across from the couch, a Pepsi in his hands. “So you’re gonna be going to the same school as Laila,” Rose glanced at Laila helpfully.

“Yeah,” Laila smiled. “It’s a really fun school. You’ll like it,” She took in the face he was making at her. “Well... maybe. You might like it...” She trailed off. “So, you’re British?”

“Yeah.” He took a long sip of Pepsi, staring at her over the rim. She fidgeted uncomfortably. 

“That’s...” She looked at Rose, silently begging for help. He was killing her. Rose offered her nothing so she tried again. “I like your tattoo,” She actually did. She didn’t know what it meant, but she liked it. He kept drinking Pepsi until the entire bottle was drained. Then he stood up and looked at Rose.

“I’ll be next door.” He let himself out.

“Wow,” Laila murmured.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what they were thinking, dumping him on me like this,” Rose ran a hand through her dark hair. “I mean I love the boy but I have no clue how to take care of a teenager! Especially not THAT one, oh my god what am I gonna do,” She looked to Laila’s mom for support, who was grinning.

“I like him.” She stated. Laila stared at her incredulously. “He seems... like a challenge. But a fun one.” Alyson smiled. “You’ll do fine, Rosie. We’ll help you, won’t we, Laily?” She only called Laila ‘Laily’ when she wanted something. Laila bit her lip and looked at both of their pleading faces.

“Yeah. I guess. I mean, I could try to show him around school or something, if he let’s me.” She offered, even though she seriously doubted it would actually happen. Rose smiled.

“Thanks, Laila. I’m gonna go see what he’s doing now. Last night he tried to bring a snake in my house. Can you believe it? A god damn snake,” She stood up. “I told him to throw the thing out, pet or not. There will be no damn snakes in my house.” She was at the door now. “I’ll see you guys later, thanks again Laila!” And then she was gone. Laila sighed and looked at her mom.

“You like him.” She smiled. Laila scoffed.

“What the heck, mom! I just met him two seconds ago, and he wouldn’t even talk to me.” “Maybe you’re right,” Alyson got up, looking thoughtful. “I’m gonna go over Rose’s and make sure she doesn’t need anything or maybe see if she wants to see a movie.”

“Rose just left,” Laila pointed out, but her mom was already halfway out the door. 

“See you later, Laila! If you make dinner text me, I might want something.” She shut the door behind her. Laila really felt like the mom in their relationship sometimes. She got up and went back upstairs to her room, pulling out her laptop. She popped in a movie from her collection of musicals and watched it for about half an hour before her phone rang. She picked it up and pressed talk.


“Lala! What are you doing? What’s up? Do you have any plans today?” Laila’s best friend’s hyperactive voice greeted her. She smiled.

“I’m not doing anything today, just watching a movie. Come over?” She pressed stop on the movie and shut her laptop, placing it on the desk beside her bed.

“I’m already outside!” The doorbell rang and Laila pressed end on her phone, hopping up from her bed and bounding downstairs. She pulled the door open and Amanda pushed past her, thrusting her jacket in Laila’s arms.

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