44 | The Pancake-Flipping Prince

Start from the beginning

"Well, it didn't," Snow solemnly stated. She walked over to the table, spotting a neatly wrapped object sitting on the table. "What's this?"

"Birthday present," Indiana simply explained.

"No, I told you two—"

"It's not from us," Indiana interrupted.

"No one else knows," Snow argued as Indiana and David walked around the counter.

"Well, clearly someone else does, and they also think you should celebrate," Indiana fired back, folding her arms over her chest. "I found it outside the door this morning before I came in."

With a quiet sigh, Snow White reluctantly began to unwrap the box. The mother had hated celebrating her birthday ever since her mother was murdered that same day dozens of years ago. Indiana knew it was a soft topic for Snow, so she tried to not bring it up often. However, she still believed birthdays were special events and that they were made to be celebrated.

Snow White tensed upon spotting the object in the box. Slowly, she pulled it up with tears building in her eyes, revealing a small tiara. David's breath hitched. He slowly walked forward. "I thought that was lost when the curse hit," David admitted, putting an arm around Snow.

"So did I," Snow sadly replied. Indiana furrowed her eyebrows, slightly confused. Part of her wanted to believe it was Snow's crown as a child and that it was destined to be passed down to Emma. Part of her also wanted to believe that it was a cruel prank. Nonetheless, her first assumption was correct. Snow pulled out a small card, reading it quickly while sniffling. "Johanna."

"I didn't know she was in Storybrooke," David admitted. "After the curse, you guys were gone for a while. You know, we're all still finding each other. It hasn't been easy."

Johanna was one of the servants that worked at Snow's castle. She played a big role in Snow's childhood, so hearing about her made Snow antsy. Indiana didn't know that though. Indiana arched an eyebrow. "Who's Johanna?" she asked curiously.

"She—She was a servant at my castle," Snow stuttered. "I have to go!" She started to walk to the door, but David caught her.

"Whoa, wait," he called. He held her tightly. "Happy birthday."

Snow kissed him quickly. "Thank you for understanding," she told him, beginning to grab her coat and scarf. "You should go. It's getting late. You have to go to work."

David helped Snow put on her coat. "I know. I just... I just wish this day made you happier," David admitted.

"I know, but we both know it can't," Snow told him, turning to face him. Then, Snow walked out the door. Indiana let out a sigh.

"Happy birthday," Indiana weakly called out as the door was slammed in their faces.



The sound of weapons clanging against one another echoed throughout the island as the Lost Boys went through another vigorous morning of training. It was early in the morning and Indiana Jones was excited. She was thrilled, and filled with glee. No—she was ecstatic. Words couldn't begin to describe how enthusiastic she felt that morning.

She was so excited that she had even woken up extra early. Maybe that was why Peter Pan was so worried to find that she wasn't laying in bed beside him. Peter felt around the side of the bed before his eyes flew open, realizing that it was empty. He frantically sat up and looked around before spotting Indiana Jones sitting on the ground.

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