24 | It Was NOT A Dream

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FOR THE NEXT FEW weeks that followed, Anna James was forced to start hour-long therapy sessions with Dr. Archie Hopper. Everyone in Storybrooke had begun wondering what was wrong with Anna and if she was going crazy. Anytime someone saw her, people would begin to act strangely nice to her, even if Anna had no clue who they were. The people of Storybrooke had also begun to create strange theories about her. Though Anna didn't know what they were, she knew one thing and that was that people were talking about her. Anna didn't like it at all. You might as well plaster her face on a poster all over the town.

The nonexistent boy that was called Frankie hadn't been seen ever since Mary Margaret and Emma Swan told her that he wasn't real. When Anna asked about him, people would say that they didn't know who he was, which only added onto the fact that he didn't exist. Dr. Hopper's theory was that Anna had made Frankie up to cope with the stress that came from being a child-genius. Whatever it was, it only made Anna lose more and more sleep just thinking about it.

Anna was unable to decide whether or not she was benefitting from losing sleep and risking her health or sleeping and getting strange dreams. The dreams had begun when Emma had come to town, but they didn't get too bad until Anna met Frankie.

The only person who wasn't treating Anna much differently was Henry Mills, who was still going on about his fairytale theory even after all the weeks that had passed. He kept trying to convince Anna that her dreams weren't dreams, but memories. He kept trying to get her to understand that she was put under a temporary curse that messed with her memories. That curse interfered with the Evil Queen's, which was why Anna was beginning to receive flashes of what Henry claimed was her memory.

Whatever it was, all Anna knew was that she felt like she was going crazy.

That night when she fell asleep, Anna was greeted by a strange dream where she was looking in on it from third perspective.

A young boy with dark brown hair that could've been mistaken for black stared down at a baby in his arms. He stood  alone on the inside what looked like was the Captain's Quarters of a large ship. All he did was stare at the child in his arms happily and contently. Everything seemed right in the 11-year-old's world.

Suddenly, the door that would lead one in or out of the Captain's Quarters swung open, causing the boy to jump and drop the baby on the wooden floor. A boy with light brown hair and matching ocean-like eyes stared at the boy in shock.

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