14 | The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Start from the beginning

"Um... I don't know. A while," Mary Margaret answered as she swallowed another bite of her sandwich.

"Do you remember when we met?" Graham wondered, looking between Anna and the teacher. Mary Margaret inhaled deeply as she thought about it. Anna pressed her lips together and furrowed her eyebrows. "Me neither. I can't remember when I met either of you or when I met anyone. Isn't that odd?"

"I don't know. I mean I suppose," Mary Margaret agreed.

Anna nodded. "But... But, you know, that's just... life," the girl stammered. "Things just get a little, er, hazy."

"Anna, Mary Margaret, have I ever hurt you?" Graham wondered, somewhat disregarding what the woman said in response.

Anna raised her eyebrows as she shook her head. Mary Margaret responded with, "Oh, Graham, no. Of course not. What is going on?"

"Do you believe in other lives?" the man wondered. Mary Margaret asked if he meant heaven. "I mean, like past lives." Anna's eyes widened, thinking about the weird visions she'd been getting.

Mary Margaret chuckled lightly. "You've been talking to Henry," she stated. Graham put on a confused expression. "Well, he has this book of stories. He's been going on about how he thinks we're all characters from them—from another land, and we've forgotten who we really are."

Graham looked away, interested in hearing this. Anna noticed his facial expression. "Which, of course, makes no sense, Graham," Anna told him.

He looked back at her. "Oh, yeah, no. Of course," he responded.

Mary Margaret reached forward, feeling his forehead. "Graham, you are burning up. Go home and get some rest," she told him.

He nodded and thanked them before leaving. "Something about that guy is so weird. I can never put my finger on it," Anna admitted. She and Mary Margaret shrugged before continuing their meal.



Indiana muttered profanities to herself as she attempted to wiggle her wrists out of the ropes that were tied around them. Over her face was a bag, so she could see nothing but darkness.

'Stupid, stupid girl,' Indiana thought furiously.

Not too long ago, Indiana was kidnapped. She was pissed about it, too. The one time Indiana got to sleep in just happened to be the same day Snow White nearly got killed by someone sent by the Evil Queen. Luckily, Indiana stepped in just in time. On the other hand, Indiana Jones had been taken instead.

The bag was pulled off of Indiana's head. The girl squinted, looking around as her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the darkly decorated room. She looked straight ahead to find the Evil Queen staring at her with a smirk.

Indiana stared at her with a dull look in her eye, which was common for the once joyful and outgoing girl. Things changed her. It wasn't very surprising to see that Indiana had lost the sparkle in her eye after everything she'd been through.

"Indiana Jones," the Evil Queen greeted with a fake sweet tone. "How wonderful to see you."

"Regina Mills," Indiana mocked with a slight smirk. "You're starting to look a lot like your mother."

"You will not speak to me with that tone of voice, brat," Regina hissed. "And you will most certainly not speak to me about my mother. That's not why the Huntsman brought you here."

Regina made a motioning gesture with her hand. Out walked the man from the bar just a few nights ago. Indiana clenched her jaw. "You're kidding me," Indiana breathed. "I stuck up for you and your dog and this is what I get for it? This is why it's rare to see me help people these days."

The Huntsman remained noiseless. Regina walked forward, studying her. "Indiana Jones: bandit, extraordinaire Adventurer, and more importantly... cold-blooded murderer," Regina listed.

"Why are you listing things we all could read on one of my darling Wanted posters that have been up for a century?" Indiana asked bitterly. Though it sounded like her question was a hyperbole, it was very much literal.

"A lot of people could use you for their own personal gain," Regina said, ignoring her question. "Which makes me wonder..." Without further ado, Regina shoved her hand at Indiana's chest, attempting to rip out her heart. Indiana stayed frozen with the same blank expression on her face. Regina hissed, pulling her hand away when a burst of golden light hit her. "Figures that Peter Pan would put a spell on your heart."

Indiana raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar, yet familiar name. "Who?"

Regina huffed, thinking for a moment while ignoring her question. "I've decided what we'll do with you," Regina declared. "Tomorrow at noon the kingdom will see Indiana Jones's head go flying. Huntsman, take her to the cell."

The Evil Queen let out a dark, sinister laugh as the Huntsman took the girl away. Though her fate seemed to be written, Indiana couldn't help but have a good feeling.

Maybe that was because she was too fond of a thing called belief.



Anna James sipped on a cup of freshly brewed coffee with her legs propped up on the desk in the workspace of Storybrooke's Deputy, Emma Swan. The girl didn't have much to do and since Henry was still at school, Anna decided to drop by and visit Emma Swan.

The brunette was doing some reading for school as she listened to Emma angrily vent about Mayor Regina Mills. Not too long before Anna arrived at the Sherriff's station, Regina had told Emma to "stay away from Graham" and to "keep their relationship strictly professional."

"I mean... she's psychotic! It's so high school what she's doing!" Emma exclaimed. "Who does she think she is telling me that I don't let anyone in... that I have... walls!?"

"That's where I'm gonna have to stop you," the multitasker decided, shutting her book and setting it on her lap. Emma stared at her in confusion. "You so totally have walls."

"What does that even mean?" Emma grumbled.

"It means... you don't like letting people in. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you're even willing to vent to me because your walls are built so high," Anna admitted. "Look, as much as I'd love to listen to you talk about my boss, I think you should talk to your boss. Just try to clear things up with him."

Emma sighed and nodded. "You're lucky I like you enough to listen to you."

Anna arrogantly grinned at the sound of that. Too bad she didn't realize that Emma was only so willing to talk to her because she idolized Indiana Jones.



"Maybe I'm just a dumb bandit, but I'm pretty sure the forest isn't where my cell is," Indiana said to the Huntsman. The man walked around her, pulling out his knife to cut through the ropes around her wrists. Indiana merely twisted her arm slightly, wiggling through the rope with ease.

The Huntsman looked at her in surprise. "You knew how to become free this whole time?" he queried.

Indiana smiled at him as she rubbed her wrists. "Of course I did! What kind of criminal would I be if I didn't?" she retorted cockily. "So you wanna tell me why we're out here?"


The girl wore a puzzled look on her face. "Say what?"

The Huntsman smiled at her. "That's the first time I've seen you show any emotion," he admitted. "Now, run. Unless you want to die tomorrow afternoon." Indiana opened her mouth to question him, but he continued to speak. "This is my thank you to you after that night at the bar. Now leave."

Indiana shrugged.

"Farewell, Huntsman."

Just as he said, Indiana Jones ran.

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