As much as Adam wanted all his time while Cole was home to just be about Cole, Lucas was still being a pain. He skipped class more often than he actually showed up and even with Cole home he had no problem getting drunk or high. Adam couldn't figure out where he was getting the pot either.

"I swear, I've kept everything locked up," Adam insisted when they were talking about it two days later. "I don't even leave my pot in the house anymore."

"He's in high school, not kindergarten," Cole raised his eyebrows. "Where do you leave it? Your boyfriend's house?"

"Actually, yes."

"You're leaving your stuff at his place already?"

"I'm trying to keep your brother out of trouble!"

"Oh don't you dare tell me you're just doing it for my sake," Cole grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Please, I've seen the pictures of you two together. You're definitely not thinking about me when-"

"Are you serious right now?" Adam was ready to scream. "Of course I-"

"Look at that, he's calling right now," Cole pointed to Adam's phone.

"I'll call him back."

"No, please."

"Ugh, Cole," Adam went to hit ignore but then he saw Eli's name on his phone, not Evan's. "Just give me one second."

"Take all the time you need," Cole put on the fakest smile Adam had ever seen.


"Hey!" Eli sounded so happy. "How are you?"

"Fine, how are you?" Adam's first instinct was to ask if everything was okay but Eli sounded too happy for anything to be wrong.

"I'm good. I miss you," Eli laughed. "I guess I got used to seeing you every other day."

"I know, I miss you too," Adam agreed. He saw Cole roll his eyes and leave the room. "How's the tour going?"

"Good. I'm exhausted, but things are going well. I saw that Cole was home."

"Yeah, he's home for a few days before he goes off to South America. He's gotta see his doctor and check up on his brother and all."

"I'm pretty sure he's just there to see you," Eli laughed. "I mean, why is he back at the doctor's though? I feel like you say that every time he's in town."

"Um, yeah, they keep a close watch on him," Adam would have explained the whole thing to Eli if he knew for sure Cole wasn't going to come back in while he was talking.

"Does he have like, diabetes or something?"

"Or something."

"Oh, I had no idea. Why doesn't he have a doctor on staff then?"

"He does," Adam sighed. "They just like him to go to their office whenever he can."

"Has he begged you for a threesome with Evan yet?"

"No, and I honestly don't think he will."

"Oh, right."

"No, really," Adam glanced at the door. Cole hadn't come back. "How are things with Hunter?"

"Actually, they're weirdly really good," Eli sounded amazed. "He had to take a few out of town cases but he's been to see me a bunch of times and it just feels good again, like nothing ever happened."

"That's good," Adam pushed back the little pulse of jealousy he felt over hearing that. For one day he wanted everything with Cole to be so good he didn't get jealous of anyone else. Even if it was the only day.

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