Venom growled at Draven as he grabbed Lizzy.


He growled as Draven went to kick him but climbed up his leg and went to cut him with his claws but Draven threw Lizzy in front of him making him cut her. She yelped in pain and held the back of her shoulder. Kraven laughed as they walked to the door.

Kraven: Nevermind now. She's dead now. Haha.

Lizzy looked at Venom then them scared.

Lizzy: Venom.. What do they mean????

Venom looked down and shook his head.

Venom: Well... My claws are.. Well... They have venom covering them.... And will... Sigh.. Kill anything I cut...

Lizzy gasped as tears fell. Venom kept looking down as Kraven and Draven laughed and walked out.

Venom: Lizzy.. I didn't mean too.. It was Draven.. He pushed you in front of him like a big pussy. I'm sorry... Can I see it though??

Lizzy looked at him then sighed and took her shirt off for him to look at the wound. It was still bleeding but in the blood there was a faint shape of the scar. It was shaped as torn dragon wings. Venom looked at it confused then walked around and looked at Lizzy.

Venom: Lizzy... The.. cut.. scar.. Whatever the hell it is.. Is... Weird... It's in a very weird shaped..... It's shaped as torn dragon wings... That's not... Normal..

Lizzy looked at him confused then tried to see the cut but couldn't.

Lizzy: What does it mean?? How do I know if I'm dying?!

Venom looked at Lizzy then her scar.

Venom: Do you feel sick, light-headed??

Lizzy shook her head as she put her shirt back on.

Venom: I doubt.. You will... Die... The scar means something I just can't think of it.. But I feel.. Linked to you for some reason..

Lizzy looks at him confused.

Lizzy: Linked... What the f....

Her ears twitched as she heard Draven and Kraven yell in pain.

Lizzy: What the hell??

She looked around then growled and stood up.

Lizzy: Venom.. Help me bust down the door??

Venom smiled and stood by her.


They both smiled and started running into the door. After a few times it finally fell down. Lizzy ran out and looked around.

Venom: Where did the screams come from??

Lizzy: I don't know.. But it's ninja time! Let's go find out!

They both ran around looking for where the screams had come from, and keeping an eye out for Mephiles and the other wolves. Venom looked around then sniffed the air and smiled.

Venom: This way! Come on!

Lizzy: Venom wait!!

She chased after him as he ran into another room then stopped. Draven and Kraven were layed out in the floor with glass all over them and knocked out. Standing above them, a blue hedgehog with green eyes had a small bag in his hand and panting. Venom growled and stood infront of Lizzy protectively.

Lizzy: Who are you???

?:Nevermind that! I've come to help you outta here!

Then one of the walls collapsed and Shadow walked in growling.


Shadow blushed and laughed then growled when he saw the blue hedgehog.

Shadow: What the hell are you doing here?

?: Here to save the girl! what do you think?

Lizzy: Wait do you two know each other?

Shadow: I hate to say it but yes. And I wish i didn't.


Shadow: I could have helped myself you blueberry fag!

Lizzy: Sounds  like ya'll got personal issues...

Shadow: Extreme personal issues.

Lizzy: Just get me the fuck out of here!

Shadow: Okay  then. Come on.

He went to go pick Lizzy up but the hedgehog stepped between them and growled.



Shadow growled at the hedgehog and showed his teeth.

Shadow: If you don't get the fuck out of my way, I'll make you twice as ugly as you already are!

Venom: Lizzy. Here I can fly you out if you want??

Lizzy: No... THIS FUNNY!:D

The blue hedgehog growled and attacked Shadow.

Lizzy: Okay.. Just got less funny! Guys stop fighting!!

Shadow growled and threw the hedgehog into the wall.

Shadow: Lizzy let's go now.. We don't want that dumbass to get us caught..

?: I'm not a dumbass!! I was here first so I got dibs!

Shadow growled then sighed and smiled.

Shadow: Okay Sonic.. Take her..

Lizzy: Wait... WHAT?!

Sonic smiled and picked Lizzy up.

Sonic: About time you realized who the real hero was!

Venom looked at Shadow then jumped on Lizzy's shoulder. Sonic walked out of the building smiling. Shadow laughed then followed him.

Shadow: Hey Sonic! I forgot to tell you something!

Sonic stopped and turned around.

 Shadow: What do you get when you take a man's bitch??

Sonic: I don't know what??

Shadow laughed and punched him into a tree making him let Lizzy go. He caught her and laughed.

Shadow: One pissed off man. Haha.

Sonic growled as Shadow took off with Lizzy and Venom.

Venom: I knew you had to be up to something. I could feel it...

Lizzy: Thank you Shadow. But I have a few bones to pick with you.

Shadow: What's that??

Lizzy slapped him two times and smiled.

Lizzy: One thing I'm not your botty call and second thing I'm not a bitch!

Shadow: Well if you want to get technical...

He laughed and stopped talking as he continued running. Sonic growled and stood up. Sonic followed Shadow and Lizzy but stayed far enough away where they couldn't see, smell, or hear him.

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