Can't You Feel the Poison Rising?

Start from the beginning

Gwyn showed up at the hospital, putting on a great show. My fear was that she was there to finish what she started.

Only three visitors were allowed in the room at a time. I was in the waiting room while Penny's daughter and sister were in with her. Gwyn rushed up to me.

"Oh my God! I just heard, is Penny okay?"

I ushered her to an empty side of the room away from Penny's other relatives and friends.

"Go away Gwyn." I said.

"But I want to be here for my special friend." She smirked.

"Stay away from her. This is your fault and you promised no more."

"You think I would give her more?"

"I absolutely do. But I also think you are here to weasel your way into Brian's good graces."

"You are right on the second part, but wrong on the first. I'm not ready for the comfort the grieving husband thing, yet."

"You should have thought of that before you did this. He might end up being a grieving husband now, if you don't tell me what it was so I can help her."

"I'm not telling you, then you could tell them what to look for."

I gritted my teeth and said quietly. "If you hurt her again, you will pay for it. Hopefully she makes it okay this time, if she doesn't..."

"Can I go see him now?" She asked.

"Don't you mean her?"

"Yea, whatever." She said.

"I will be with you and watching you every second."

"Aww, don't you trust me?" She flashed an evil grin. "Let's go."

Penny's family came out and Gwyn and I went back to her room. Gwyn hugged Brian and was SO concerned about Penny. I didn't take my eyes off of her for a second. Of course, Gwyn was more interested in talking to Brian than Penny.

"It's hard to believe that less than five hours ago she was eating dinner with us. I hope this doesn't mean a setback for her recovery." Gwyn poked. "She looks so sick and frail right now."

"We aren't worried about that right now, we just want her to get through this."

You could tell Brian just wanted to get rid of her, I think we both were thinking the same thing. We didn't know if Penny could hear her, but we knew it would just upset her if she did.

"This is not related to her illness; we have run tests to make sure." I said, not able to say the real reason I knew. Of course, Gwyn knew.

"You know Gwyn; I need to take a walk do you want me to walk out with you?" Brian asked, I'm sure he was hoping to ditch her once she walked out of the room.

"That would be great, I'm sure you need a break." She said.

Brian ushered her out. I am sure Gwyn was happy. I was now alone with Penny.

I went over to the bed and picked up where Brian had left off, wiping the sweat from her face with a cool damp cloth. At first I didn't say a word, just watching as her head moved about uncomfortably. I felt the need to talk to her, but not knowing if she could hear me or not I had to be careful. But I needed to get things off my chest.

"Penny, you need to push to get through this. I am so sorry. I should have known; I should have seen what...was wrong." It was hard not to say too much. "I promise you, I will do everything I can to make sure you are never sick like this again." Then I couldn't hold back my feelings. "You are very special to me and I will do whatever I have to do..." I wanted to say protect her, but that could be saying too much. As I struggled to finish the sentence, Brian walked back in.

"Did she wake up?" He said.

"No. But she is starting to get some color back and sweating less."

"I thought I heard you talking."

"I was just keeping her company while you were gone"

"Thanks." He said, in an almost angry voice.

Brian's POV

I had enough of Gwyn, I didn't want to take the chance of Penny hearing her. I walked with her out to the waiting room.

"We need to talk." I said.

"Talk?" She said batting her eyelashes.

"You need to be more careful about what you say to and in front of Penny."

"She can't hear me."

"We don't know that and I'm not just talking about right now." I was trying to be as nice as I could. "Twice, you have upset her with something I'm sure you meant innocently."

"The car accident thing and the sex thing?" She said.

"We don't have to discuss the details. I am just asking you to be more sensitive in what you say from now on."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset her and I will make sure I think it through from now on."

"Thank you and thanks for coming to see Penny. I have to get back to her."

Gwyn looked displeased, but then smiled. "Of course, I'll check in on Penny tomorrow." She left and I headed back to Penny.

As I stood outside the door of Penny's room, I overheard Adam telling Penny that she was special to him and that he would do whatever he had to do. He didn't finish the sentence, but I'm sure it was to make her his. I needed his help right then, but after Penny got through this I was going to make sure I kept her away from him as much as possible.

Adam stayed there for hours, we barely spoke to each other. Penny's fever finally broke and she seemed to finally be resting comfortably. Then at 2:00 AM she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hey Penz, it's good to see those blue eyes." I said. She just looked at me, then finally spoke.

"Where am I?" She whispered.

"You're in the ICU, Sweetie."

"ICU?" She asked.

"Yes, but you're going to be okay." I said. "Right, Dr. Gabriel?"

"Adam is here?"

Adam walked up to the bed.

"You're going to be okay. Don't worry" He smiled, trying to reassure her. "I'm going to go talk to the Doctor here." As soon as he left, Penny asked.

"What's wrong with me? I need to know." I could tell it was hurting her to talk.

"Why don't I see if I can get you some water?"

"Brian!" She forced out louder. "Tell me!"

"We don't know Penz. They ran all kinds of tests; they couldn't find the cause." She was getting very upset. "Everything is going to be okay." I kissed her gently. "Please just try to stay calm. I love you, I'm so glad you are awake."

"Is this going to keep me from..." She was about to cry.

"Adam doesn't think so, but he doesn't know for sure at this point."

"I want to go home, right now." She demanded.

"Penz, you need to stay here until the Doctors say you're okay to go home."

"We are missing precious time together."

"Maybe I shouldn't go." I said.

"You know you have to and I don't want you to let everyone down again because of me." She said.

"If this happens again, I'm not going and if I'm gone I'm coming back." I could tell she didn't like me saying that. "Hopefully you'll be home soon and I am going to stay right here until you are." I kissed her. "No more arguing, rest your throat."

Adam's POV

As I left the room I could hear Brian telling her that he loved her. I felt a stabbing pain in my head. I was sick over what I would have to do and I would be helping Gwyn do. I knew that Gwyn giving her more than ever was no accident, it was a warning.


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