The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Berlin's Ending)

Start from the beginning

Laura nodded and smiled, going off to get the person order. Once she was gond, the person let out a soft sigh, as if ordering was the hardest thing in the world... You understood that feeling.

The atmosphere was quiet until Laura came back with the cake, setting it front of the person. They gave a quiet thank you before they began to eat. You still hasn't moved, eyes glued on them.

"You're _____, right?" They asked quietly, setting the fork down. You jumped a little, your gave gaining it reflexive red. You looked down and fiddled with your fingers, giving a small nod.

"Yes..." You answered softly, biting your bottom lip. You heard the person move, timidly looking up. They had taken off their hood, finally revealing their face. That's when you noticed that it was the brunette from the large group that had came in nearly a week ago.

They looked away, hiding part of their face behind a jacket sleeve. Their greyish blue eyes, glancing around nervously, some dark brown hair falling in their face. A pink blush etched across their face.

"Um... M-my name is Summer." They said quietly, looking at you.

You gently nibbled on your bottom lip, not knowing what to say

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You gently nibbled on your bottom lip, not knowing what to say. You timidly rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet. Summer looked down at the cake, before back up at you. She slowly pushed it towards you.

"Do you want this?" She asked, pulling on the collar of her jacket. You where about to shake your head when your belly growled, daring you to reject it.

"Uh, I guess..." You said, raking the plate. I mean, no one was really their to judge you. And she did offer it to you... It was also your favorite cake flavor too.

You slowly took the plate and began to eat, the cafe growing quiet again. The only time that it was broke was when a heavy metal ring tone went off, scaring both you and Summer.

"I'm sorry!" She said, fishing out her phone and rejecting the call. She sighed and shook her head, running a hand through her hair.

"I never answer the phone... I hate talking over it..." She said, tracing her temple with her index finger. She looked at you.

"That's why I didn't pick up when you called..." She said, her blush growing darker. You are the cake slower, connecting with her eyes. It only lasted a few moments though. The girl coughed in her hand.

"I forgot what (f/Hetalian)'s number was, so I just put down mine. But I haven't seen them any this week to give them your number..." She said, almost rambling now. You had stopped eating and looked at her, completely and utterly lost.

She looked up, stopping mid word and looking down. She clasped her hands together, swiveling a bit in her chair.

"Sorry for rambling like that..." She said, clearly embarrassed. She had tensed up a bit, it didn't even look like she was breathing. But a sigh soon left her, along with a shiver.

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