The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Japan's Ending)

Start from the beginning

"I will..." You said before falling asleep.


You whimpered, holding back tears. You looked in the bathroom mirror, whipping whipped cream and strawberry bites off your face and picking crumbs out of your hair. The white of your uniform was stained brown, the scent of coffee reeking off of you.
You jumped when the bathroom door slammed open, Felix hurrying in. You quickly looked down, your tears finally slipping from your eyes. A hand fell on your shoulders, making you tense.

"L-leave me alone..." You whispered harshly, jerking away from the hand. Felix sighed, turning you towards him. He began to help, grabbing paler towels and wetting them. You left our a soft sob, flinching when it touched your cheek.

"Abel, like, threw that girl out. He was so mad I thought he was like going to kill the bitch..." He said with a small smile, throwing the dirty towels away and grabbing a few more. You gave a small nod, not wanting to speak.

Felix soon had you cleaned up, except for your uniform. "I hope you brought some extra clothes for your like date tonight." He said, motioning to the stained fabric. You shook your head, you didn't think about that.

Felix tsked and shook his head. "What time is your date?" He asked, washing his hands. You shrugged and looked at the tiled floor.

"I don't know. We were just supposed to meet at the little bookstore I always go to." You said, shifting on your feet. Felix hummed as he dried his hands on the front of his uniform.

"Sounds a little like boring." He said, looking at you. You shrunk further into yourself, giving a shaky sigh. Of course he would think that. Why of all times does he decided to do this? Before he could say anything else, you turned and quickly left.

The café was quiet, only some random murmurs. Abel must have yelled, making that two days in a row this week. Your shoulders hunched down, knowing it was your fault for the reasons he yelled. Also the reason why the café was losing customers.

You bumped into someone, making you squeak in surprise. You looked up, seeing Abel looking down at you. He didn't say anything which was normal, but for some reason. His eyes were a bit different. You could feel some eyes watching you, making you feel uncomfortable. You felt your shyness bubbling and something starts to break inside you.

You didn't know what happened next. You burst into tears, hugging Abel. He was surprised​ which made him tense, which made you let him go.

"I-I'm sorry Abel but I-I... I quite!" You said running away, quickly leaving the café.


You spent the rest of the day at home crying, curled up in the blankets. You ignored any calls from Abel or Emma, not wanting to talk to anyone. You weren't going back, you made up your mind. You've had enough of the bullying, the screaming, and cursing from the customers. Hopefully you could find a job that didn't involve too much interaction with people.

So it was late evening and you finally decided to emerge from your room. You want to the kitchen and found some (f/comfort food), giving a small smile. You took it to the living and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. You found (f/TV show) and watched an episode or two.

You were about to start another episode when your phone buzzed, you frowned and ignored it. A few minutes passed before it buzzed again. You continued to ignore it.
After the buzzing stopped for a while, you decided to see who was trying to talk to you. You picked up your phone, looking at the notifications.

Kiku ~ Where are? I'm at the bookstore now and I can't find you.

Your eyes widened. "Fudge!" You cursed, shooting up. You hurried upstairs to your room, looking for an outfit. As you changed, you quickly replied to Kiku, telling him you had lost track of time but you were on your way.
You were putting on your coat when your phone buzzed again, you read it.

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