thirty-five ☼

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"So, why are you kids in my school?" The principal asked, MONSTA X and Kwaemi who were in his office. They all glared at him, and he jumped in surprise. "Did you do your reflection?"

"Yes, here." Kwaemi threw the papers at him. The principal jumped from shock.

"Yoo Kwaemi!" Kihyun shouted.

"Girls..." Jooheon sighed. Kwaemi turned to him with a deep glare.

"You boys?" The principal asked slowly. Shownu, Kihyun, and Changkyun handed the principal their reflections.

"You other four?"

"Um, my dog ate it." Hoseok said, and Kihyun gave him a stank face.

"Bitch, you don't have a dog." Hyungwon rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to pretend I never heard that." The principal massaged his temples. "You have until next week to give me your reflections."

"Okay, okay." They all walked out, taking different directions expect for Kwaemi and Changkyun.

School dragged on slowly without everyone. Kwaemi was bored in class, expect for Changkyun and her passing each other notes and getting punished.

After school, Kwaemi walked home by herself, Kihyun saying he had something to do and snatched Changkyun away.

"I'm so bored..." Kwaemi sighed, passing by a bakery. Her eyes brightened when she saw the fresh batch of cupcakes get put into display. "I think I have some money..."

She dug into her backpack and pulled out a twenty dollar bill with a happy dance. She went inside the bakery with a smile on her face.

"Ah... It smells so good!"

"Did you see something you like?" A kind, older lady asked who was working.

"Oh! I just passed by and saw the cupcakes..." Kwaemi said with a light blush. The lady chuckled at her.

"Is that so? We made a little too much so would you mind taking some?" She asked, and Kwaemi's jaw dropped.

"You're joking."

"I'm not!" The lady smiled, she took out a small box that had four chocolate cupcakes with oink frosting on it. "Here."

Kwaemi took the cupcakes with wide eyes, "I'll feel bad so... Can I get a strawberry milkshake?"

The lady laughed with a nod, "Sure. It'll be three dollars."

Kwaemi paid for the drink and sat down, opening the box and sighing in content. The cupcakes were perfectly frosted and they looked beautiful.

After a few minutes, she grabbed her drink and gave her thanks for the lady and walked out from the bakery.

"I'll share with Kihyun oppa and Changkyun too!" Kwaemi smiled with a nod, taking a sip of her milkshake. "It really is boring walking home without oppa..."

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