twenty-seven ☼

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"Kwaemi?" Changkyun asked, sitting down in the same bench. Kwaemi was facing away from him, crying.

Changkyun scooted closer to her, and she tried to scoot farther away, but if she did, she would fall off the bench.

"Aish, come here." Changkyun said, and Kwaemi scooted closer to him. She looked at him, and he laughed at her red nose and swollen eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't care if oppa hurts me, but I don't want him to be in trouble." Kwaemi said, and Changkyun nodded, taking her arm, and placing a bandaid on her bruise.

Kwaemi looked at him, and he smiled. Kwaemi laughed, and gave him her other arm, and he stuck another bandaid to the bruise.

"Hold out your hand, and close your eyes." Changkyun told her, and Kwaemi did as what he said, but tried to look. "Ey, no peeping. Close them tight."

Kwaemi nodded, squeezing her eyes shut. Changkyun laughed at her, and dug in his pocket. He placed it on her hands, and Kwaemi opened her eyes.

She saw two pieces of Hershey Kisses candies on her hand. She looked at Changkyun, and gave him a soft smile.

"Thanks Changkyun..."

"No problem. Now, mind explaining what happened?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"A few girls came up to me, asking why I was so close to Kihyun oppa and Hoseok." She started, "They began to push me, and Hoseok was watching the whole thing. Kihyun oppa was with him, and yelled at Hoseok, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about... Then Kihyun oppa was yelling at the girls, calling them bitches, then Hoseok came over and asked if I was okay."

Changkyun nodded, listening to each and every word carefully.

"Kihyun oppa was yelling at Hoseok, and they got into an argument. I tried to tell them to stop, but they wouldn't listen to me, then Hoseok mentioned me, and Kihyun oppa got pissed, and punched Hoseok... After that, the two began to fight each other, and I tried to pull away Kihyun oppa but he shoved me away."

Kwaemi began to cry again, and Changkyun patted her tears away with a packet of tissues that was in his pocket.

"Kihyun oppa pushed Hoseok, and I tried to yell for him to stop, but he wouldn't, so I stepped in front of Hoseok, trying to block Kihyun oppa with my arms." Kwaemi pointed to her bruised arms. "Kihyun oppa tried to stop, but he couldn't, and ended up hitting my arms. It hurt, but I felt even more hurt because I tried to tell them to stop and they wouldn't."

Changkyun hugged Kwaemi, and she hugged back.

"Then a teacher saw us, and told us to go to the office. Then that happened."

"I see, why are you crying? I know Kihyun and Hoseok hurt you because they ignored you, but you shouldn't cry over that! You're a strong girl!" He pulled back from the hug, and patted her back.

"But stuff like this never happened between Kihyun oppa and I. I'm just so overwhelmed with everything happening. The school is suspending all of us! I don't know why you and the others are getting suspended!"

Changkyun gave her a comforting smile, "I say we go back and find out then. I want to know too."

Kwaemi nodded, and the two stood up, walking to the office. After the short trip, they knocked on the principal's office, and Hyungwon opened the door.

"Me?! He saw her getting bullied and just watched! You were there when I told him to protect Kwaemi! I trusted him!" Kihyun yelled, and kicked the chair he was sitting on.

"Calm down." Minhyuk told Kihyun, and the principal only watched from his seat.

"I wanted to help her! I just couldn't move!" Hoseok sighed, pulling his hair.

Jooheon laughed at the sorry-ass excuse, and rolled his eyes. "Because of you, Kwaemi got hurt! We're also getting suspended! Because of that stupid fanclub of yours, saying that we helped Kihyun fight you?"

"I told the principal that you guys wouldn't do something like that! He told me that rules were rules!" Hoseok yelled back, and Kwaemi's eyes widened at all the yelling.

"Silence! You eight are getting suspended for a week! I will call your parents to notify them." The principal yelled, and everyone's eyes widened.

"You're so heartless principal! Weren't you a teenager once in your life!" Minhyuk yelled, desperate.

"Okay, we'll apologize to each other and solve it on our own!" Shownu tried to stop the suspension, but the principal shook his head.

"You eight argued in my office, caused a ruckus, disturbed other students for more than two hours! I have no other choice than to suspended you eight!"

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